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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestions for Healing Companions


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I feel the Healing companions need to have at least two things overhauled. The first is their stances, I believe that when your comp is in their healing stance that is ALL they should do and I mean all no attacking what so ever just healing. Most healing comps spend more time attacking then healing. :eek:


The second pertains to their heals in general, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone around with a healing comp and felt like their heals are really sub par compared to a PC healer. They should be at least comparable to a PC healer.

Edited by Anaesha
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I feel the Healing companions need to have at least two things overhauled. The first is their stances, I believe that when your comp is in their healing stance that is ALL they should do and I mean all no attacking what so ever just healing. Most healing comps spend more time attacking then healing. :eek:

You can uncheck their DPS skills.


[The second pertains to their heals in general, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone around with a healing comp and felt like their heals are really sub par compared to a PC healer. They should be at least comparable to a PC healer.

Perception/gearing issue.

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You can uncheck their DPS skills.



Perception/gearing issue.


I've done the turning off their attack skill and it may stop them from using skills but they still use the basic shoot attack so in the end pointless


My current healing comp has full adaptive and the proper level mods in that armor and my healing sorc outclasses her for healing.

Edited by Anaesha
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The only skill you should uncheck is the 7 second stun they use (Carbonite ray for example) because they'll let you die instead of breaking the channel.


Giving them a basic heal instead of a basic attack might be a good fix too. (something along a med shot or diagnostic scan)

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