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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

World Boss Spawn Timers


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I'm pretty sure I'm not the only who has waited for world bosses to spawn,so why not put a timer that tells you the amount of time left before the world boss will spawn?

Leave constructive, well organized suggestions. What do think,should there be timers on the world boss spawns:rak_02:?

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  • 3 months later...
Bumping this up! I was just thinking this myself, we NEED a timer or something so we're not wasting time searching. Either that, or make it so that we can summon all World Bosses, and after you kill them, you get a debuff that won't let you kill them for a certain period of time so people can't farm them. That way, people can kill the World Bosses whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a respawn timer.
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Bumping this up! I was just thinking this myself, we NEED a timer or something so we're not wasting time searching. Either that, or make it so that we can summon all World Bosses, and after you kill them, you get a debuff that won't let you kill them for a certain period of time so people can't farm them. That way, people can kill the World Bosses whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a respawn timer.


I like that!!!

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Bumping this up! I was just thinking this myself, we NEED a timer or something so we're not wasting time searching. Either that, or make it so that we can summon all World Bosses, and after you kill them, you get a debuff that won't let you kill them for a certain period of time so people can't farm them. That way, people can kill the World Bosses whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a respawn timer.

What happens if someone is in "debuff" time but is in a group with someone who is not and who summons the WB? Is the "debuffed" character auto-kicked from the group? Do they stay but are not allowed to win loot rolls? What if a "debuffed" character attacks a summoned WB before the summoner's group does?

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Bumping this up! I was just thinking this myself, we NEED a timer or something so we're not wasting time searching. Either that, or make it so that we can summon all World Bosses, and after you kill them, you get a debuff that won't let you kill them for a certain period of time so people can't farm them. That way, people can kill the World Bosses whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a respawn timer.


That's probably a more workable suggestion than a timer. (Where would it show the timer? Is the previous boss's body supposed to not despawn (and not be harvestable for materials) until just before the next respawn so that they can show a countdown on that?)


Careful with that debuff suggestion though. Watch it turn out to be a lockout for that character on ALL world bosses instead of just that specific boss (the same way that stronghold resource nodes lock us out completely when we pick up the resource exhaustion debuff). Ideally we'd see something specific to each boss. (Kind of like whatever buff it is for Dreadtooth? I've never joined a group that actually beat him (last time I tried was when it was brand new and nobody knew what to do). I don't think I've ever personally seen anybody else fighting him since then. So I don't know how it works. I think you pick up charges of a buff every time you beat him... and when you come back to him again he gets stronger based on how many charges are active on your group members? But this would be about preventing people from farming the same boss over and over instead of doing any of that craziness bulking the enemy up to come back stronger against veterans of its fight... Unless they want that to become a standard mechanic for all world bosses?)


Another thing that could happen with changing world bosses to ALL be click-to-summon is that they could switch them all over to the bounty week / rakghoul event style level scaling. So if somebody can convince an ops group worth of people at very close to the same level (at any level, so long as they're all close in level) to gather up on any planet (doesn't matter where so long as everybody can reach the boss's location) then the boss will spawn at their level and provide the level of challenge designed for a group at the boss's level. (Of course then there's no more high levels soloing low level bosses, which people won't like.)


What happens if someone is in "debuff" time but is in a group with someone who is not and who summons the WB? Is the "debuffed" character auto-kicked from the group? Do they stay but are not allowed to win loot rolls? What if a "debuffed" character attacks a summoned WB before the summoner's group does?


The last one is easy to answer. You'd have someone there helping with the kill who will get nothing from it and never would have gotten anything from it under the current rules either anyway because the enemy was already tagged by members of the group. Enemies in this game give no xp, don't count towards mission completion, and drop no loot for anybody other than the first person / first group to land a hit, even if somebody else steps in and deals 99.99% of the damage.


If they landed the first hit though (would that even be possible? Wouldn't the boss automatically be on the person that clicked to summon?) that would be different. Then this random debuffed character that ran in is the one with "credit" for that kill when it dies, and the debuff will prevent them from getting anything from it. So nobody gets anything for it and it was just a big waste of everybody's time. This would definitely not be something that we would want to be possible. (Maybe they could look into adding a condition to the proposed debuff that... prevents your damage from counting against an untagged boss? So they try to get the first hit in and their action is just ignored if it would have been the first hit. Only someone without the debuff can actually land the first hit.)


Regardless, in either of those scenarios I'd suggest that it's only upon the boss's death that those eligible for the rewards from that kill will pick up the debuff. That at least ensures that you're only locked out after successful completion of the kill. We don't want that troll wasting your time getting you to kill a boss for nothing and having you blocked from trying again as well.


For the rest of it, the debuff probably would specifically have to be a restriction on xp/loot instead of trying to prevent them from participating at all. I suppose it would be like the free/preferred flashpoint restriction? (Technically nothing stops them from running as many as they want. They're just locked out of the loot roll from the final boss after the third one. Or at least that's how I've heard it described.)

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The last one is easy to answer. You'd have someone there helping with the kill who will get nothing from it and never would have gotten anything from it under the current rules either anyway because the enemy was already tagged by members of the group. Enemies in this game give no xp, don't count towards mission completion, and drop no loot for anybody other than the first person / first group to land a hit, even if somebody else steps in and deals 99.99% of the damage.

The first person/group to hit a critter gets credit. Is that rule different for WBs? if not, a griefer could tag the WB first and prevent the "summoner" and their group from getting credit, unless you "lock" the WB to the summoner, regardless of who gets first hit (which they do not seem to do with other summoned enemies, like bounty targets).


The point is, my post illustrates that what you suggest is way more complicated than you think it is.

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Bumping this up! I was just thinking this myself, we NEED a timer or something so we're not wasting time searching. Either that, or make it so that we can summon all World Bosses, and after you kill them, you get a debuff that won't let you kill them for a certain period of time so people can't farm them. That way, people can kill the World Bosses whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a respawn timer.


You make too much sense, stop that!


We'll have none of that here.

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I don't really agree with this because WBs are not regular mobs that everyone should be able to find all the time, I kill 3-4 a week on the reg, I do look for them more than I find them but I do find them, you just have to invest the time and hunt em (it is called Big Game Hunter for a reason.)


I almost think the WB timers should be more random and crazy but I also imagine how many of them would be stuck unspawned like Primal Destroyer on Belsavis if they messed with it.


I feel this is more of the 'everything should be available to everyone easy and now' mentality that has been destroying rpgs for years.

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It seems like it would be a lot easier to work something out if all world bosses were behind an instance door, making them all more like Xeno / Eyeless/ Golden Fury. Those follow whatever the rules are for operations weekly lockouts, don't they? That would be the control. We could find the bosses at any time because we'd just have to pick up a mission (added to a terminal somewhere?) and go through the door, but the lockouts system would limit us to one run per week against each boss.


The other thought would be to maybe add some sort of unlisted hidden prerequisite to summoning the boss. Add some odd little tasks and collectibles on planets similar to the kind of stuff required for the Rishi datacrons, and then we'd have to work out how to make it possible to summon the boss. Click to summon (although since it's been pointed out, it is true that stuff summoned in this way isn't automatically tagged to you and someone else can shoot first to claim the tag from you, and that is a problem) but before you can click to summon someone must have ventured around the planet to collect whatever random things are needed to trigger it. So the control in that case is the scavenger hunt. We can only summon on demand when we have enough of the correct bait or whatever else gathered from out of the way locations elsewhere on the planet.

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