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Companions need some work


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I swtor have amazing storylines.

Truly masterpieces in general, very well patched to create a consistent lore for itself.


But is is missing content concerning companions!

And thats a shame, because their personalities were perfectly explored, during the various dialogs along the main and their personal quests.


So why forget them? They seemed to be ready for bigger things in their last dialogues. Its easy to see their going-ons.


- JAESA; having trouble polishing their unique skills. Issues with her extreme personality, and a place in power..

- QUYZEN; trying to unite some clans, and beginning to think bigger. Also revealing more about the scorekeeper.

- SCOURGE; secrets, since he had a unique position with the Enperor. Troubles and schemes not considering him as just "a companion", but as a dangerous alie.

- KHEM VAL; being more than a beast, and regainingg some of its former power, since he certainly had mey force users as dinner. And of course, also becoming more difficult to control.

- SCORPIO; evolution bringing other perspectives about the role and beenfits of being a "phantom" in that illusionary dichotomic scenario of Pubs and Imps. And bringing more about Star Cabal.


So many things!

And possibilities to have Unlocks and Achievs :)

Edited by leonlotus
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The problem, which has been noted before, is that there's a lot of voice acting involved with the companions, many of them having very busy voice actors, not to mention that Tanno Vik's voice actor, David Anthony Pizzuto, passed away in February of 2012.


I think there could have something be done with the companions, but in a narrow, limited sense, like with the class misssions on Rishi: Dealing with one companion (say, I dunno, SCOURGE >_< ), a short quest to develop the character and maybe tie up any loose ends (...like how Scourge might have a few things to say about recent events).


You could do this rota through the five main companions over five major updates, if the class missions stick around, and I think it'd be a more reasonable way of handling it than the rather pie in the sky hopes some seem to have about getting the whole band back together.

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Justified. That seems like great problems, of course.


And yes, i would welcome any minor development too. Even if just over the most relevant companions, or the romanceable ones. That would honor the great work done with them in the storylines.


And anything It is better than nothing. kk


That said, thank you for the good response!

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So why forget them? They seemed to be ready for bigger things in their last dialogues. Its easy to see their going-ons


Based on their dialogues, assuming you have not maxed affection on them, there is still much to expect for our companions. I would think this would be true especially if you have a romance with a companion, as it would be unjust for Bioware/EA to leave it out hanging jsut like that. So I could see more things happening. Hopefully they would extend affection past 10000, as this currently limits things especially if you have a romance going with a companion.

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I'm still rather confused as to why, when you do the Maelstrom Prison quest with Lord Scourge as your companion, that Revan doesn't seem to recognize him as his betrayer <see the novel Revan>.


But, as other posters have replied in the existing story line - changing dialogue etc for existing companions would mean going back and changing scenes with the original voice actors, etc, etc. Not easy to retcon.

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