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Planetary Commendations Vendors Not Applying New Cost of Modifications


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On both Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, the two planets I inspected, the Commendation Modification Vendors still use the old cost for modifications. An armoring costs 7 Basic Commendations there as opposed to the new cost of 2 on the fleet in the Supplies section.
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On both Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, the two planets I inspected, the Commendation Modification Vendors still use the old cost for modifications. An armoring costs 7 Basic Commendations there as opposed to the new cost of 2 on the fleet in the Supplies section.


I noticed this as well. they still have the old costs.

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Apparently the memo droid got lost in space, or the planet vendors needs to upgrade their holonets :)


LOL for sure. This is where being a cybertech comes in handy, I can make my mods for those lvls.

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Sent both Tait and Eric a link to this thread.


I am sure there are bigger bugs out there. Just wanted to put this on their radar (if they haven't noticed before) :)


If the forums had an up vote option I'd be giving you one right now.

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