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Appearance Weapons


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i ve been waiting for this appearance tab thing since launch they did it exactly like i predicted.... now if they would do the weapon styles my dreams would be fulfiled for this game... i wanto be a Sith warrior or jedi guardian that has the animation of using a double bladed saber. duel wield.. excetra ,,,, a shadow /assasin that duel weilds.... a BH merc that is using a carbine blaster. ,


they just have to take the animations from the other classes and when u have the appearance weapon /weapons equip it just uses the animations they have... for instance if im a shadow duel weilding.... i just have sentinel animations , with my attacks. it really isnt that hard code wise. and its not really adding anything new. its just cross coding.


thats the easiest way to do . it would really be awesome if they just added a whole weapon mastery system... so you can actually use those weapons... or as a smuggler if u wanto be melee... u can... carbines. rifles.... w/e.... that would be much cooler...but.... the appearance idea is the most ideal and most likely .


i know u can put your mouse over someones avatar and see what they are. but say your in a pvp match and u see a shadow coming at u with duel weild. or one light saber. it would make it a bit more of a challenge to call targets... and make it not so predictable....


i think that is a awesome i dea and ive talked to tons of people that agree, but ill leave it to you guys to hate on my idea if u dont like it







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