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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question: Can Trandoshans become a playable race in the future.

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Darth you obviously have a lot of knowledge on this stuff. Is there any feasibl way that a "disguise" could work for a player character? I am just asking, but if there was a way to use a disguise of a trandie or wookie....well, it wouldn't calm down the vocal masses, but it might make headway.


I say 'might' because there are far too many things I personally would care about for the devs to do...and we've already spoken about how they aren't gonna do stuff that isn't in some way going to turn a profit. If a 'disguise' is in any way possible I will rescind my earlier post about trandoshans NEVER being a playable species.


Though if they were ever made one I'd probably start a guild on a foundation of hunting down all trandoshan players and killing them. Just to rid the universe o the growly-talk voices.


Yeah, it's possible, the code already exists in the game to swap the player character model out with another, and as long as that model uses the player skeleton or a skeleton with all the animations mapped to it, it can do anything.


Here's a video of the Imperial Agent in the Droid Disguise I made that shows off various player animations




All that^ is, is an item in the player's inventory that's allowing them to do that. People have been asking for awhile now that they make that item available as a toy. Going into combat, conversations, etc, would no doubt break the disguise the same way it does with the holo disguise.

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Yeah, it's possible, the code already exists in the game to swap the player character model out with another, and as long as that model uses the player skeleton or a skeleton with all the animations mapped to it, it can do anything.


Here's a video of the Imperial Agent in the Droid Disguise I made that shows off various player animations




All that^ is, is an item in the player's inventory that's allowing them to do that. People have been asking for awhile now that they make that item available as a toy. Going into combat, conversations, etc, would no doubt break the disguise the same way it does with the holo disguise.


Yea thats the mission i was talking about , your right we dont actually use attacks with it.. but it would be cool , if they would give us items just to walk around in disguises , without combat , just to add them at first would be cool. but we can all wish. i still think my appearance box for players would be a sweet way too.


About the Trando voices being annoying. . lol i agree it can get annoying but every alien species can speak . human/english. except the wookiee, and ithorians... but anyway... thx for your input darth

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