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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

AoE Breakdown/Comparison


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The purpose of this thread will be to compare the current status of [damaging] AoE abilities in the game, and hopefully generate some good player discussion. If we could also get some developer feedback on this, I think it could really put a good amount of the community at peace. I will post separate data for Imperial and Republic classes, because last time I checked there were a few inconsistencies.




AoE Breakdown

(Tooltip data courtesy of Dulfy.net discipline calculator)






Sith Empire




Bounty Hunter


Base Class AoE:


Missie Blast

Cooldown: 0s| Range: 30m | Instant

1664-1791 Kinetic Damage to primary target, 800-927 Kinetic Damage to targets within 5m.



Cooldown: 18s | Range: 10m Cone | Channeled over 3 seconds

2927 Elemental Damage over 3 seconds to enemies within 10m cone.


Explosive Dart

Cooldown: 15s | Range: 30m | Instant (detonates after several seconds)

1136-1264 Kinetic Damage on nearby(?m) enemies.


Death From Above

Cooldown: 45s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 3 seconds

4219 Kinetic Damage over 3 seconds.




Advanced Classes








Sweeping Blasters

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 3 seconds

3409 Weapon Damage over 3 seconds.


Fusion Missile

Cooldown: 20s | Range: 30m | 1.5 second activation

683-810 Kinetic Damage to targets within 8m, dealing additional 870 Elemental Damage over 6 seconds.


Jet Boost

Cooldown: 30s |Range: Nearby Enemies |Instant

424-552 Elemental Damage and -50% movement speed for 4 additional seconds.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Boresights (Skillful Utility)

25% damage boost to Sweeping Blasters.


Missile Salvo

10% damage increase to Missile Blast.


Collateral Damage (Innovative Ordinance)

25% damage boost on Fusion Missile and Explosive Dart. The two abilities will also now spreads dots to affected enemies.


Blazing Barrels (Arsenal)

+15% Crit and +30% Surge on Sweeping Blasters.








Flame Sweep

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 5m | Instant

780-908 Elemental Damage to enemies within 5m.



Cooldown: 45s | Range: 8m | Instant

351-414 Internal Damage to targets within 8m and stuns for 2.5s.


Firestorm (Shield Tech)

Cooldown: 18s | Range: 10m Cone | Channeled over 3 seconds

5854 Elemental Damage to enemies within 10m cone over 3 seconds.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Engulfing Flames (Skillful Utility)

+25% damage to Flame Sweep


Superheated Flame Thrower (Pyrotech)

+25% on next Flamethrower, 45% slow and immune to interrupts after Flame Burst/Flame Sweep/Immolate while Combustible Gast Cylinder is active.






Imperial Agent


Base Class AoE:


Fragmentation Grenade

Cooldown: 6s | Range: 30m | Instant

1967-2094 Kinetic Damge to primary target, 952-1079 Kinetic to enemies within 5m.




Advanced Classes








Carbine Burst

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 10m Cone | Instant

1109-1202 Weapon Damage.


Corrosive Grenade

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Instant

3474 Internal Damage over 24s to enemies within 5m.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:



+20% Weapon Damage, +50% Area Damage on Fragmentation Grenade.


Imperial Weaponry (Skillful Utility)

+25% Carbine Burst damage.


Imperial Ammunition (Lethality)

+15% Crit and +%30 Surge on Carbine Burst.


Cut Down (Lethality)

+5% to Carbine Burst.


Lethal Proliferation (Concealment)

Carbine Burst spreads Corrosive Dart to affected targets.








Suppressive Fire

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 4.5s

6715 Weapon Damage over 4.5 seconds.


Orbital Strike

Cooldown: 45s | Range: 30m | 2s Activation

2789 Elemental Damage over 9s to enemies within 8m.


Corrosive Grenade (Virulence)

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 30m | Instant

3474 Internal Damage over 24s to enemies within 5m.


Plasma Probe

Cooldown: 18s | Range: 35m | Instant

2650 Elemental Damage over 9s and 70% slow to enemies within 5m.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Imperial Efficiency (Skillful Utility)

+25% Damage to Suppressive Fire.


Accurized Rifle (Marksmanship)

+15% Crit and +30% Surge to Suppressive Fire.


Engineer's Tool Belt (Engineering)

+10% Crit Chance


Explosive Engineering (Engineering)

+15% Damage on Fragmentation Grenade, Plasma Probe, and Orbital Strike.


Sector Ranger (Engineering)

Reduce activation of Orbital Strike by 1s, cooldown by 15s and Plasma Probe debuffs targets for 45s to receive 10% additional area damage.


Corrosive Dispersion (Virulence)

Corrosive Grenade spreads Corrosive Dart to affected targets.


Adhesive Corrosives (Virulence)

Corrosive Grenade reduces movements speed by 30% for the duration.


Lethal Injectors (Virulence)

Increases duration of Corrosive Grenade by 6s.


Targeted Demolition (Virulence)

+5% damage to Corrosive Grenade.


Devouring Microbes (Virulence)

+15% Poison Damage on targets below 30% health.






Sith Inquisitor


Base Class AoE:



Cooldown: 20s | Range: 15m Cone | Instant

701-828 Energy Damage within 15m cone.




Advanced Classes




Sith Assassin





Cooldown: 0s |Range: 5m |Instant

1239-1344 Weapon Damage to enemies within 5m.


Death Field (Hatred)

Cooldown: 15s | Range: 10m | Instant

2323-2450 Internal Damage to enemies within 8m radius.


Discharge (If Darkness discipline)

Cooldown: 10s | Range: 10m | Instant

807-934 Internal Damage to nearby enemies.


Wither (Darkness)

Cooldown: 10s | Range: 10m | Instant

1967-2094 Kinetic Damage, 30% slow, and debuff for 10s on affected targets.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Lambaste (Skillful Utility)

+25% Damage to Lacerate


Mounting Darkness (Darkness)

+40% Damage to Wither and Discharge.


Lightning Reflexes (Darkness)

After shield/parry/deflect increase damage of Discharge by 75%.


Whirling Edge (Deception)

+15% Crit and +30% Surge on Lacerate.


Dominating Slashes (Deception)

+10% Lacerate damage.


Profuse Horror (Hatred)

Death Field spreads dots to affected targets, and places 10% area damage debuff for 45s.


Inevitable Demise (Hatred)

Death Field and dots deal 15% more damage to enemies under 30% health.




Sith Sorcerer




Force Storm

Cooldown:0s | Range: 30m | Channeled over 3 seconds

2294 Energy Damage over 3 seconds.


Chain Lightning (Lightning)

Cooldown: 6s | Range: 30m | Instant

2758-2885 energy damage to enemies within 8m of affected target.


Death Field (Madness)

Cooldown: 15s | Range: 30m | Instant

2323-2450 Internal Damage to enemies within 8m radius.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Tempest Mastery (Skillful Utility)

+25% Damage on Force Storm


Pestilence (Madness)

Death Field spreads dots to affected targets, and places 10% area damage debuff for 45s.


Lightning Storm (Lightning)

Lightning Strike/Lightning Bolt/Thundering Blast/Force Storm reduce cooldown on Chain Lightning and cause it to be cast instantly.


Storm Brewing (Lightning)

+15% Crit and +30% Surge on Force Storm.


Forked Lightning (Lightning)

25% chance on Chain Lightning to cause 25% additional damage. Chain Lightning also places 10% area damage debuff for 45s.


Reverberating Force (Lightning)

+30% Surge on Chain Lightning.






Sith Warrior


Base Class AoE:



Cooldown: 15s | Range: 5m | Instant

1268-1695 Energy Damage to enemies within 5m radius.


Sweeping Slash

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 5m | Instant

1287-1396 Weapon Damage to enemies within 5m radius. Attacks with both weapons if dual wielding.




Advanced Classes




Sith Juggernaut




Chilling Scream

Cooldown: 0s | Range: 8m | Instant

46-59 Energy Damage and reduce movement speed by 40% to enemies within 8m.


Vengeful Slam (Vengeance)

Cooldown: 15s | Range: 5m | Instant

2916-3066 Energy Damage to enemies within 5m.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Path Carver (Skillful Utility)

+25% Damage to Sweeping Slash


Heavy Handed (Immortal)

+75% Smash damage. +30% Crit on Sweeping Slash.


Consuming Power (Immortal)

+20% Crit on Smash.


Bloodbath (Vengeance)

Smash and Vengeful Slam spread dots to affected targets. Sweeping Slash deals 25% additional damage to bleeding targets.


Gushing Veins (Vengeance)

+10% Crit on Vengeful Slam and bleeds.


Decimate (Rage)

+40% Smash damage


Dominate (Rage)

Force Charge/Obliterate will cause next Smash to critically hit.




Sith Marauder




Dual Saber Throw

Cooldown: 18s | Range: 30m | Instant

1954-2119 Weapon Damage and 50% slow to enemies within 8m of affected target.


Passive Ability Increases to AoE:


Path Carver (Skillful Utility)

+25% Sweeping Slash damage.


Hemorrhaging Smash (Annihilation)

Smash spreads dots to affected enemies.


Pulverize (Annihilation)

Every 18s bleed effects can cause 100% damage increase on Dual Saber Throw.


Ataru Savvy (Carnage)

Sweeping Slash triggers an Ataru strike on all affected targets.


Decimate (Fury)

+40% Smash damage.


Dominate (Fury)

Force Charge/Obliterate cause next Smash to be an automatic critical hit.


Cruelty (Fury)

+5% Crit on Sweeping Slash.


Force Flagellation (Fury)

Sweeping Slash deals additional 149-168 Energy Damage. Smash/Raging Burst place 10% area damage debuff on targets for 45s.



I hope this serves as a good tool to use to compare AoE abilities between not only Advanced Classes but Base Classes as well. I encourage you all to question or justify any specific differences you can see (for example, difference between the Hemorrhaging Smash and Bloodbath utilities). I know a lot of people complain about specific abilities being over or underpowered, and hopefully we can also get some developer feedback as well. I would be very interested to know why there seems to be an attempt to make things similar between all classes, but still we have such vast differences (in terms of damage numbers, etc).


I would also like to point out that there is a vast difference between every class's AoE with a 25% utility option, and I'm curious how they justify balancing them that way. Every class (except Powertechs and Juggernauts) has a "similar" 25% 0CD AOE, and there is such a large difference between them all.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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