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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion Based Mini-Expansion w/a Custom Companion


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I would love to see BioWare bring more focus back to companions, and offer us the chance to make our won semi custom companions with a companion focused mini-expansion. Lately companions, especially the original launch companions, have felt a bit neglected and forgotten.


It hasn't helped that they were entirely overlooked when Outfit Manager was designed, which is compounded with the Yavin 192 companions gear which look pretty much the same for everyone, and that 192 gear is pretty terribly stated.


It would also help if BioWare would finally quash the bug that prevent your companion(s) from appearing as you have them equipped in cut scenes, sometimes not showing any gear/customizations at all, other times showing hidden helmets, or un-matching colors on outfit pieces. If you want to be the Story MMO and want us to care about our companions, they need to be OUR companions in cutscenes, not some randomly modified version.


As far as existing companions go, they need more story and interactions with us, and it would be nice if some didn't get left out when they add more location based dialog. My main is a Sith Warrior, and I run with Dark Jaesa, and she's been sadly quiet in all this new content.


I think it would also be very cool if they gave us a chance, through a mini-expansion, to recruit a new semi-custom companion as our new apprentice/padawan/crew mate/squad mate/agent trainee/hunter trainee.


I envision that we would have a quest to go to (appropriate place for class) and seek out a new companion (in appropriate story fashion) and then it would allow us to enter an alternate playstate, like GSF does, where we can use any unlocks we own to build our companions appearance.


Once the appearance is built, we would play the companion through a series of missions, perhaps on the class origin worlds (might be a neat chance to revisit some things our character had a hand in), and how you react in the conversations would set what 2 roles they would be able to fill on your team (Tank, Heals, DPS), what 2 crafting profession they complement, as well as the base personality of your companion. Things like is the companion light or dark? Are they compliant or rebellious? Are they interested in being romanced, and if so, by which genders? Are they Pro Empire/Republic or in it for themselves? And these basic ideas would allow BioWare to make a few templates for at least semi-appropriate VA.

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