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Levelling rotation for medics?


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I'm looking for some roations for when I'm soloing as I level.


I'm putting all points into the combat medic tree so I'm not sure how applicable most of the DPS commando advice is.


To be honest I'm feeling a little overwhemed by the number of skills right now.

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For groups of trash (same level), mortar volley, then clean up either with hail of bolts and/or a sticky grenade then if needed finish up with explosive round or hammer shot, maybe a pulse cannon if they get close.

For groups involving silvers, 1 or 2 charged bolts on the trash then hammer shot, for the silver I find that cryo grenade, blitz, sticky grenade, plasma grenade, high impact bolt, pulse cannon gets almost all of them very low and then charged bolts/hammer shot to finish up, maybe a stockstrike too. Larger groups obviously make good use of concussion round for any secondary silver or a gold, clean up trash first. Supercharge cells is great for charged bolt spam and even better if you have a relic with a usable alacrity buff on tougher enemies.


All this is with M1-4X in decent gear and 'Companion quickslot 1' (his attack command) mapped to a side mouse button for changing his targets easily.

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i been leveling as combat medic and i use aric for dps, i often start with mortal volley or charged bolt, or full auto, pop stun/knockback as needed, and heal if get ~50%, and make use of line of sight when fighting range mobs, shoot afew los, and repeat, with aric dpsing as well stuff drops quite easy(and uses same gear so i get upgrade he gets my old(instead of having to get completly different gear set)
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My commando medic is now lvl 44.




I use almost always combat support sylinder.Will be better when you get Tanno Vik.

He is great at getting agroo while you heal him against those elites in PvE.

(Getting him a new weapon is almost impossible)


For mobs with a strong mob or two in it i cc the strong mob after using sticky granat

and mortar volley.


PvP i spam mostly hammer shot and nades on the enemy while using the heals as much as i can on others, remember to always use the 30 stacks on combat support sylinder after they have been build up.Other damage skills i use is hail of bolts and full auto, thats it really.

If i had to move around 1 skillpoint i would take it from assault tree and put it in psych aid

for PvP purpose.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I use almost always combat support sylinder.Will be better when you get Tanno Vik.

He is great at getting agroo while you heal him against those elites in PvE.

(Getting him a new weapon is almost impossible)

Armstech can make weapons for Tanno.

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Well, aside from all the dps advice you have, I want to give some heal rotation. I currently use the tank companion. When faced with a strong to elite mob, I don't use any aoe abilities.


-I rather send my tank to aggro him and after the initial initiation, with the strong or elite mob, I take out the adds.

-When it comes to healing, I always start by throwing a kolto bomb around my tanks area. I do this because, with the right skill, he takes an added 10% heal increase.

-Then an advanced medical droid. I do this because if you have the right skill, your next medical probe cost 1 ammo instead of 3.

-I cast some medical probes if he really needs some health, but I would rather avoid it as each MP is worth 3 ammo.

-After the initial heals I hit my companion with the hammer shot with the blue cell, the one that adds charges. I do this in order to get 30 charges.

-Once I have 30 charges, I activate the special ability associated with it and throw another kolto bomb. I do this because the kolto bomb now adds 10% armor.

-After the Kolto bomb, I heal with the AMD and then the MD. I do this because of the reduced price for MD as stated above.


There is some variation, but I usually follow this rotation.

-Note- I add trauma probe to me.

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What a lot of these guys are basically saying is mix it up.


There is no best rotation to be honest. Different groups of enemies with different setups can easily have different and more efficient approaches. A large tight grouping obviously calls for mortar volley, but if you have a regular grouped with a strong you can also use sticky grenade, plasma granade, high impact bolt on the strong; the regular will be dead from blast damage and the strong will have just as much health gone as if you used mortar volley if not more.


If you prefer a one button press go for volley most of the time, but if you like to mix it up, make it interesting and hone your reflexes for different situations then start tailoring your rotations and avoid a single set of moves.

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Currently level 30


I start with either mortar volley, or if that's on cooldown I use plasma grenade. If both are on cooldown I start with sticky grenade. I move from pack to pack quickly enough that I usually have to use all 3.


I follow that up with a single hail of bolts, which is usually enough to finish off any weaker mobs. If you used sticky grenade this should finish just before it goes off and knocks the mobs out of the aoe. if it doesn't kill them I hit them separately with explosive round to minimize the damage done to me.


Against champions and elites I alternate 2 hammer shots per 1 charged bolt, which keeps me at near full ammo, using advanced medical probe (followed by a 1-ammo normal medical probe when fighting elites), plasma grenade, and stock strike as each comes off cooldown. Use cryo grenade and plasma grenade to open up high-impact bolt.


For my companion I use Jorgan. I don't really see the point in using a tank pet if I'm already wearing heavy armor and specced for healing, and he has multiple AOE damage abilities.

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Normally, I will just open up with mortar for a group, and hail of bolts whatever is left. with silvers, i usually open with full auto (probably going to change this since i usually pull aggro) then a charged shot hammer shot charged shot.


I havent really been using the grenades or explosive rounds at all, (im about 34 now using jorgen) but I'll give those a shot, since it seems like alot of others have had good luck with them.

Edited by Basiliscus
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There are no comms orange techblades as far as I can see? Which vendor has em?


The only upgrades I can see for Vik are green drops, mid 40's-50 greens on corellia weapon vendor (not commendations), or one of the level 50 daily quests I think.


Pity it's kinda hard to gear him, he's my fave companion, but working on outfitting him with lvl 50 blue mods/armoring, will see how he does.

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