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GSF Boot Camp (shadowlands imperial side)


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I will be running a guild GSF boot camp on the first Saturday of May at 8pm EST. I am looking for some experienced pilots who want to help new pilots out. I am trying to find 6 full groups of people who will queue right after a regular match starts so we have 2 full teams, will spend the first 10 minutes of the match letting the opposing team get the basics down, LoS, missile breaks, locking on, etc. If anyone is willing to help get some new blood involved in gsf on the imp side drop me an in game mail. I would love to have some of the Angels, Xi'ao#'s and the Xi'ao there to help the new pilots understand this great portion of the game without having to worry about bots or pub pre-mades farming them at their spawn. I've gotten a few people who are willing to donate their time towards this, IMO worthy objective. If you are interested in helping out or attending send me an in game mail at Telbor/Telbora/Telhunt/Telsinner, or a PM on here.
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3 hour warning, would like to start queuing in 3 hours so I would like to start getting the op together in like 2.5 hours. Not sure how many will be attending but if you do a /who tel and show guild. The toon in Sith Night Stalkers is me, whisper me for an invite for the training.
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So, how are you going to handle the Republic side? You will need some of us queuing up there too, won't you. We should be on voice chat, if at all possible, in order to organize queuing both sides.


I am willing to be involved. I am Woebringer on Imperial side and Karluka on Republic side.

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Well after a late start due to ops building problems we eventually got enough people together, but then the group queue didn't work so everyone had to queue solo. We've gotten in a few matches and people are starting to pick up on some of the nuances of gsf. Lotta new faces and intro quests completed. Will be running once a month from here on out.
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Glad to hear you got it to work, I couldn't make it myself but was really looking forward to hearing all about it.


I'm curious what kind of problems you ran into with the group queue ing however?

Did you think you could queue with more then 4 players, was that the issue?

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Yeah we first had 1 24 man ops, then we split into two, 12 mans and solo queued, we had a few non boot camp members join but they were understanding of what we were trying to do and didn't go all out. We will do the 8 man ops group queue next time. I want to thank all the veterans for showing up and helping the beginners out. I also want to thank all the beginners who gave GSF a chance. We didn't run into a pre-maids until we had gotten down to like 12 players still queuing, so all in all I think it was a success. The Sith Night Stalkers will be running another GSF Boot Camp next month, and will be holding them every month for the foreseeable future.
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I guess you made an ops group with more than 8 players?

You can queue GSF ops till 8 pilots, any more and it is not working.


This is incorrect. You can only queue as 4 players.


Even if you are in an 8 player Ops group each party has to queue individually.

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