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Maintenance. What... ?


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Alot of people will get the game for Xmas, kids and adults have this week off as a good time to get in some playtime before work kicks back in and play time is limited.

Than Bamm o btw you wont be able to play for a whole day, why not just do this maintenance from next week give people at least the Xmas break to play there new game, not all got to play it from the 13th.


Last i remember, a day is 24 hours. Work your schedule around their downtime if its really gonna kill you to not be able to play for 6 of those 24 hours. They can't make everyone happy. You feel they should change the downtime for you, yet if they did, would you care abou tthe people that it would affect? Nope. As long as YOUR taken care of, "F" everyone else, right?


This game will be out for a lil while. Pretty sure you'll get some gametime in...

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Fair to who? Is it fair to the Bioware employees (and their families) who have to be at work at odd hours (and different hours every week) so that somebody, somewhere doesn't have a fit about maintenance times?


Life isn't fair. As the poster above said, if this game was based in Europe, Americans would be told to deal with it.


My husband works in the same type of industry and yeah, he has to work in the middle of the night, so tough luck he does it. THATS HIS JOB!!! Bioware should do the maintenance at 2am eastern until 8am eastern for the eastern servers and the western servers have their own downtime that would be less incovenient for them as well. Why is it that Tuesday mornings until mid-afternoon (because if they are anything like WOW employees they'll extend it) is somehow the 'magic' number? Seriously? The only people being less incovenienced by this maintenance time is their employees..not their customers...

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These times are getting ridiculous, I would consider 2am GMT to be an off-peak time, not 10am. I'm really confused know, why must the servers go down at the same time? Aren't the EU and NA servers independent of each other?


Please stop treating us like second class customers or you're going to find people not subscribing after the 20th.

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These times are getting ridiculous, I would consider 2am GMT to be an off-peak time, not 10am. I'm really confused know, why must the servers go down at the same time? Aren't the EU and NA servers independent of each other?


Please stop treating us like second class customers or you're going to find people not subscribing after the 20th.


Listen, if they did maintenance at different times you would have other types of problems. Chances are this will be a patch update.


Just imagine the *****torm that will hit the forum, if one side of the world gets the patch before the other half....People will be crying because the "other side" got to play with the fixes sooner or whatever...so yes, they need to do it all at the same time and make sure everybody gets the same game at the same time.

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If North America gets shafted, they'll whine too.


If Australia gets shafted, they'll whine too.


There's no winning situation here. That's the point.


The point is, while one half of the world is playing the other is asleep... different continents different times to make the maintenance. how would you like to have your play session cut in half because they were doing it during our night time? Make it the servers go down at mid night of the time zone the servers are located in. Hell we don't even mind having the patches/maintenance one day later, it's been like that for wow since ever.

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Listen, if they did maintenance at different times you would have other types of problems. Chances are this will be a patch update.


Just imagine the *****torm that will hit the forum, if one side of the world gets the patch before the other half....People will be crying because the "other side" got to play with the fixes sooner or whatever...so yes, they need to do it all at the same time and make sure everybody gets the same game at the same time.


You didn't read what they said did you? They are planning on making Tuesdays a normal thing in the future....

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I have been part of the forums for one day...and I now remember why i left forums for years,


Whine this whine that... Its a good game, not perfect but very good... Ok, no macros yet, no speech bubbles, etc., etc. ..... But complaining about This!?


Let them do their job as they see fit, they surely have a reason to do it at that time


You are not a child...tantrums are not ok

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Okay, cool.




Off-peak time is ... During the day, for European gamers? Fun. This is ridiculous. On my Christmas break I can't even play a game because late morning to early evening is counted as "off-peak" in the eyes of Americans?!


You can't be serious with this complaint

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So you want them to come into work at off hours to do mant. so you don't miss any game time.. wow.. :rolleyes:

So you're saying if it was for you to lose play time you wouldn't mind? cool story bro...


I have been part of the forums for one day...and I now remember why i left forums for years,


Whine this whine that... Its a good game, not perfect but very good... Ok, no macros yet, no speech bubbles, etc., etc. ..... But complaining about This!?


Let them do their job as they see fit, they surely have a reason to do it at that time


You are not a child...tantrums are not ok


This isn't about the flaws of the game, this is because we enjoy playing the game and don't want to be forced to play less of it...

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So you're saying if it was for you to lose play time you wouldn't mind? cool story bro...


This isn't about the flaws of the game, this is because we enjoy playing the game and don't want to be forced to play less of it...


Dude, seriously....a lot of people don't NEED to play 160 hours per week. Most of us can do without playing a game for one afternoon. Honest, I am not making that up.

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Listen, if they did maintenance at different times you would have other types of problems. Chances are this will be a patch update.


Just imagine the *****torm that will hit the forum, if one side of the world gets the patch before the other half....People will be crying because the "other side" got to play with the fixes sooner or whatever...so yes, they need to do it all at the same time and make sure everybody gets the same game at the same time.


Again, I'm sure the majority of people don't care waiting a day just for a few minor bug fixes. I'm pretty sure people are used to that after playing WoW for so many years, so using that as an excuse doesn't fly with me.


They either use a proper non-peak time or this will cause more of a **** storm if this will become the norm from now on.

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So you want them to come into work at off hours to do mant. so you don't miss any game time.. wow.. :rolleyes:


LOL, sounds funny yep, however they could easily do maintenance at a time which is less inconvenient to their North American customers as they proved it last week when they did their maintenance in the middle of the night. Now they want to do it on Tuesday mornings..and it may extend into the afternoon....When a patch gets complicated it usually does. I've seen it happen with WOW too many times to count to know it WILL happen here as well. Rather frusrating when I pay for something I can't have access to. If it was free I wouldn't care, however it is not. I am paying for it. And there is a saying that USED to be upheld...."The customer is always right" however, nowadays this seems to be pretty much out the window.

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Dude, seriously....a lot of people don't NEED to play 160 hours per week. Most of us can do without playing a game for one afternoon. Honest, I am not making that up.


True story, I do agree... wanna know a more prevalent story? Majority of the people play during this time! My server starts with queues at 11am... so your point is, people that can play during those times should not play it cuz Americans who are sleeping ain't playing it? May I say, don't go to law school, your argumentation is not that good.

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