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Under lurker HM watchman sent tips needed


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Tell your raidleader to assign you to one of the adds and have burst dps only help you finish it, so you can make best use of your dots.


Tell your group to pop all offensive Cooldowns in the first burn phase on the boss. Never use offensive Cooldowns for adds, you have to learn to clear adds without them, since there are too many and not enough Cooldowns, so you have to be able to clear them with standard rotations. First burn on the boss is important, so you can burn him earlier in the end and possibly do one add wave less.


Have the tank position the boss next to your add so you can spread your dots on the boss with smash.


Skill into Jedi Crusader and activate Rebuke on your add so you have lots of focus and can Slash instead of using focus builders.


Skill into faster Force Camouflage and use it to get behind the rock after the adds. If you can, use Melt and Cauterize on the boss before. If you like to play it risky and don't need it elsewhere, use Guarded by the Force and put up your Dots under Rage Storm and then get behind your rock late.


Once you're behind a rock, use Zen as soon as available to have the Dots crit that are ticking on the boss.


This will probably proc Double Saber Throw. Use it immediately once the boss is attackable again.


Then jump to him, Cauterize and Melt him (those will just have run out). Then Merciless and Master Strike him.


Jump to your next add. If Rebuke isn't ready yet, Pacify it (skill into Resolute), that way you'll be hardly taking any damage.


Repeat until last add phase and burn the boss then.

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We position the boss between add 1 and 2 (the one close to the entrance and the next on in line when you look at the exit), a little closer to add 1. Melee DPS (you) is on add 1 and boss is close to add 1. The whole raid will group up in the middle between add 1 and 2 and onle Melee DPs will be close to an add and thus take more damage. But the whole group, including you, will be in range of AoE healing - which is what healers will focus on. That way it should be manageable.
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Well you could do your raid a favour and reroll to a random other AC DPS, if you are a skilled player you will achieve a lot more with one of the 7 balance ACs. Really nobody needs a lobotomy deaf wheelchair DPS (Sent/Mara) in a Raid, you can down him with a Sent in the group, still it is a hard burden on your raid. As Bioware won´t bring Sents back from "useless" to "viable" anytime soon and ignores any feedback given and just nerfed watchman DPS by 400-100 DPS average in the current PTS Version it is time to reroll.
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Well you could do your raid a favour and reroll to a random other AC DPS, if you are a skilled player you will achieve a lot more with one of the 7 balance ACs. Really nobody needs a lobotomy deaf wheelchair DPS (Sent/Mara) in a Raid, you can down him with a Sent in the group, still it is a hard burden on your raid. As Bioware won´t bring Sents back from "useless" to "viable" anytime soon and ignores any feedback given and just nerfed watchman DPS by 400-100 DPS average in the current PTS Version it is time to reroll.


I rather play what I enjoy ;) If it becomes totally undoable in watchman sent then I have my df gunslinger.

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I rather play what I enjoy ;) If it becomes totally undoable in watchman sent then I have my df gunslinger.


Hmm, it is doable if you are one of the few people who mastered the class to a certain extent. Still it requires the rest of your raidgroup to outperform the "pass" margins by quite a few bits, since normally as a Sent you will have a hard time reaching them in most of the Hardmode fights. I can think of no guild that took a Sentinel to one of their firstkills of a Hardmode boss, at least for Revan I know of none, not so sure about the other bosses. On the other hand no major progression guild had a Sent in one of their firstkills present. Every other AC was represented at least (I know there are 0 scoundrel DPS, but thats not the point the class got one viable Discipline for all fights compared to 0 on the Sent:-P)

Edited by Atlanis
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sents are plenty capable on this fight in HM.. my progression group rocked 2 sents, 1 sage, and 1 gunslinger as dps for this boss and the gaurdian tank would respec dps.


our group would all focus each add left to right - tank/dps would stay on boss.


as a sent, I would move on to the next add when the current one was under 30%


it wasn't until 3 weeks ago that I switched to a commando, because of the amount of moving and damage on bulo.

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Underlurker HM is the one fight I always want a Marauder because of the predation utility that makes your group immune to the add slows. We usually just put our Marauder on the boss full time (dot spread to adds when necessary, but the other dps can usually handle them), but he saves his stacks to pop predation around the time the rocks start falling (about half way through the channel)...so, his dps takes a hit due to not using Berserk, but who cares? The group has plenty of time to get behind/avoid rocks, so the raid dps goes up.


Edit: Also, pop cloak of pain each time the adds show up for a little extra dps on them (and to help your healers).


Also, if you 5 DPS the fight, Mara/Sent makes an excellent "tank" to assume the front/rear cross position...use force camo each time right before the cross hits, and Undying Rage if you are in the front position.


Also, I know I used Mara ability definitions -- I don't speak Republic.

Edited by KaiserTNT
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Hmm, it is doable if you are one of the few people who mastered the class to a certain extent. Still it requires the rest of your raidgroup to outperform the "pass" margins by quite a few bits, since normally as a Sent you will have a hard time reaching them in most of the Hardmode fights. I can think of no guild that took a Sentinel to one of their firstkills of a Hardmode boss, at least for Revan I know of none, not so sure about the other bosses. On the other hand no major progression guild had a Sent in one of their firstkills present. Every other AC was represented at least (I know there are 0 scoundrel DPS, but thats not the point the class got one viable Discipline for all fights compared to 0 on the Sent:-P)


And this is helpful how?


I've cleared current 7/10 HM all of them in combat on first kills for my group and I definitely wasn't being carried. The only fight that sent was truly non-viable was Revan 3rd phase but with the new nerfs any class should be able to do it. HM underlurker presents no problems for sentinel and we will get a nice boost with the transcendence changes.


To the OP

This is the way my group does it with 1 sentinel (me), 1 shadow, 1 sage and 1 slinger:

1 Rdps start on the far left add, Off-tank and shadow dps take middle add, Main tank, sent and slinger go to far right. the slinger get hit 2 adds + boss while I dps most of the right add. Regardless of movement utilities from other classes from slow, having need to use force camu to get behind rock is bad, your group should always be able to kill the adds in a timely manner or otherwise you will have enrage problems later.

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And this is helpful how?

I've cleared current 7/10 HM all of them in combat on first kills for my group and I definitely wasn't being carried. The only fight that sent was truly non-viable was Revan 3rd phase but with the new nerfs any class should be able to do it. HM underlurker presents no problems for sentinel and we will get a nice boost with the transcendence changes.


Agreed. Our first 4/5 HM ToS and 2/5 Rav kills had TWO Marauders in the group. At Torque we dropped down to one Mara and stayed with that comp -- so we had a Mara present for 9/10 HM (and will probably keep a Mara for Revan). Sent/Mara does have issues, but it's mainly with DTPS, not DPS, and a lot of those problems disappear in the hand of a good player who can react quickly to mechanics....no doubt the skill cap is higher for melee these days, but once a player is over that cap it isn't terrible. Of course there are things to complain about: QoL stuff like having to endlessly watch dots with Anni angers me, but that's another issue.

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- Rubuke every ad phase.

- Save your leap during cross phase to leap to your ad

- Dot spread from Underlurker to your ad if possible (Other applying Causterize and Melt on proc only)

- Stay on the out-most melee range as you can

- Sabre ward if healers if needed

- Transcendence only after your ad is dead (If its necessary to survive)


Small DPS increases


- Force camouflage right before the end of rage storm and leap to Underlurker (Prevents knockback)

- Force camouflage if you cant make it to a rock in time (You wont get 1 hit)

- Re apply dots after your ad is killed

- Use raid buffs on the second or third ad group

- Re apply Cauterize at the very end of cross phase

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I know I'll never leave my sent, but I do suggest, if you have issues switch to ranged. The problem is not that it's impossible to do 60 HM with sents/maras, the problem is that it's hundred or thousand times harder than basically any other class (lol, even scoundrel/op is more viable). But if you have epic enough skillz, sent/mara still can do anything. Just less ppl can use them, that's all
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I know I'll never leave my sent, but I do suggest, if you have issues switch to ranged. The problem is not that it's impossible to do 60 HM with sents/maras, the problem is that it's hundred or thousand times harder than basically any other class (lol, even scoundrel/op is more viable). But if you have epic enough skillz, sent/mara still can do anything. Just less ppl can use them, that's all


I have been playing my sent since beta the chance of me switching to rdps on a permanent basis is 0. I like my main too much. I may bring my gs to fights where I find it impossible to dps properly but thats as far as it goes.


BW need to fix their ops...This tier is most unfriendly for pure melee classes of all the tiers...

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