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No RP on any of the RP-PVP Servers.


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Oh boy. This again.


There's a discussion about that going on in another thread. I'd like to keep such debates out of this one. Please.


I think what he says is relative to your question though. PvP is a big reason as to why there is hardly any RP on RP-PvP servers. Why? Because real-time PvP is not conducive to Role-play chat as you fight.


What you all need to do is organize server rules and enforce them yourselves. If you want to have real RP-PvP you have to get all the smacktards who ruin RP off of your server or force them to comply with your rules.


Until you do that, all you can do is organize RP events and become a leader for your community. In fact have all the RP leaders of your community hold RP events. The more you RP the less "uncivilized" PvP will you encounter.

Edited by KingNaki
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PvP is a big reason as to why there is hardly any RP on RP-PvP servers.


Hmm, there is a -lot- of RP on Jung Ma (an rppvp server). And in WoW, I always found a ton of RP on RPPVP servers as well. Both public RP that I happened to stumble upon, or randomly met people going along with RP interactions that I started with them. And no, I'm not talking guild-restricted stuff either, or strictly high population servers.


Don't go giving RPPVP servers a bad name, please. If you don't enjoy PVP, that is absolutely fine, it is your prerogative and I respect that 100%. But don't generalize about other people's RP style, or their servers.

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I think what he says is relative to your question though. PvP is a big reason as to why there is hardly any RP on RP-PvP servers. Why? Because real-time PvP is not conducive to Role-play chat as you fight.


What you all need to do is organize server rules and enforce them yourselves. If you want to have real RP-PvP you have to get all the smacktards who ruin RP off of your server or force them to comply with your rules.


Until you do that, all you can do is organize RP events and become a leader for your community. In fact have all the RP leaders of your community hold RP events. The more you RP the less "uncivilized" PvP will you encounter.


I cannot judge SWTOR's PvP based on previous experience with these server types because I've yet to experience any of it out in the world. SWTOR really doesn't introduce the players the opportunity for World PvP until their upper 20s (if you went through your story quests and not much else) to lower 30s. In fact, I feel that there are a lot of "safe zones" for people to conduct RP if they don't wish to get caught up in a PvP environment because the opposite faction cannot gain entry to certain planets.


I don't speak for the community for my server, but I think a lot of us are still getting our bearings together, and I think this is true not just for the RP-PvP servers, but the PvE ones as well. It's true that RP communities, especially RP-PvP ones, need to take assertive action in order to preserve themselves, but some patience is also needed as well.

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Hmm, there is a -lot- of RP on Jung Ma (an rppvp server). And in WoW, I always found a ton of RP on RPPVP servers as well. Both public RP that I happened to stumble upon, or randomly met people going along with RP interactions that I started with them. And no, I'm not talking guild-restricted stuff either, or strictly high population servers.


Don't go giving RPPVP servers a bad name, please. If you don't enjoy PVP, that is absolutely fine, it is your prerogative and I respect that 100%. But don't generalize about other people's RP style, or their servers.


You didnt read my entire post did you? I am not trying to give RP-PvP servers a bad name, but you are not necessarily helping the problem by trying to mask or sugar coat it. The fact is that you whole heartedly admit you "stumble" upon RP in your past server experiences. You should not have to "stumble" upon RP, it should be there in your face almost 24-7, and I have yet to see a RP-PvP server boast even a mild incling of such a claim.


In order to make RP-PvP servers more conducive to RP, the community needs to set some ground rules and enforce them, just as they do on the RP-PvE servers. You need to get the population out of the "if it's red it's dead" mentality and into a Star Wars Epic fight scene mentality.


RP-PvP servers are not going to turn into a pleasent playground over night, and you are only kidding yourself if you say the RP is abundant on said types of servers. When the truth of the matter is, RP is scarce to nil in the open world and contained to cantina's weekly, if lucky.


I have played on RP-PvP servers my entire 20 years of playing MMO's and AoC was the last straw. This time I rolled RP-PvE and I am not looking back until the RP-PvP community gets their act together.

Edited by KingNaki
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By 'stumbling', I mean "while I was questing, or about to engage in a flashpoint, or crafting, I saw people who were RPing openly". As opposed to "when I went to standard places where RP is expected (and found), such as the cantinas, trainer areas, cities, etc.". And as opposed to server-wide events, or guild-based events. All of which happen on Jung Ma. I have yet to go on the Empire fleet without finding people RPing openly, for instance. But I have also come across numerous roleplayers in cities, while questing, even while doing flashpoints (even did some fully in character).


To me, being able to to find people engaging in public RP, regardless of what zone you happen to be in at the time, is a good indicator of the server's RP community. Server-wide events are another, but it is always good to see people not waiting on "someone else" to organize events for them, and simply RPing with others, friends and people met on the spot alike.

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By 'stumbling', I mean "while I was questing, or about to engage in a flashpoint, or crafting, I saw people who were RPing openly". As opposed to "when I went to standard places where RP is expected (and found), such as the cantinas, trainer areas, cities, etc.". And as opposed to server-wide events, or guild-based events. All of which happen on Jung Ma. I have yet to go on the Empire fleet without finding people RPing openly, for instance. But I have also come across numerous roleplayers in cities, while questing, even while doing flashpoints (even did some fully in character).


To me, being able to to find people engaging in public RP, regardless of what zone you happen to be in at the time, is a good indicator of the server's RP community. Server-wide events are another, but it is always good to see people not waiting on "someone else" to organize events for them, and simply RPing with others, friends and people met on the spot alike.


RP-PvP will always be a "hard sell." Most of the blame can be attributed to the "normal" PvP servers which give other "forms" of PvP a bad name, RP-PvP not withstanding. That said, RP-PvP undeservingly gets a bad name when it is presented as PvP is a "bad" word that is associated with the kinds of gameplay that is the very antheisis of RP.


That is not to say that PvP cannot be RP, it can be, however, like King Naki said, it is comepletely reliant on the assertiveness of the RP-PvP community. Imo, you cannot truly have RP without PvP, however, until the RP community (RP-PvE and RP-PvP) comes together and lets development and EA understand that we will not tolerate asinine behavior, greifing, bad names and all the other trash that is associated with PvP and "normal" servers, I will choose RP-PvE. At least on that kind of server, I can just ignore a jerk, and not have to worry about them ganking me afterwards.

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RP-PvP will always be a "hard sell." Most of the blame can be attributed to the "normal" PvP servers which give other "forms" of PvP a bad name, RP-PvP not withstanding. That said, RP-PvP undeservingly gets a bad name when it is presented as PvP is a "bad" word that is associated with the kinds of gameplay that is the very antheisis of RP.


That is not to say that PvP cannot be RP, it can be, however, like King Naki said, it is comepletely reliant on the assertiveness of the RP-PvP community. Imo, you cannot truly have RP without PvP, however, until the RP community (RP-PvE and RP-PvP) comes together and lets development and EA understand that we will not tolerate asinine behavior, greifing, bad names and all the other trash that is associated with PvP and "normal" servers, I will choose RP-PvE. At least on that kind of server, I can just ignore a jerk, and not have to worry about them ganking me afterwards.


It does make me sad that people just have instant knee-jerking reactions to the P-word. Saying you don't like PvP is one thing, but saying that the reason why you can't find RP there because of PvP is another. When people say things like that, I think that it's incredibly insulting to the RPers that do choose to go the RP-PvP route.


That being said, I have found some wonderful RP on Ajunta Pall. The pen-pal ring that we have running has been a great way to meet RPers, and I've run into several instances of RPing during flashpoints. Like with all RP servers, you just have to make the effort and take initiative.

Edited by yutrio
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I was wanting to make a character on a RP or RP-PVP server and was wondering, how exactly do the rules work on the RP-PVP server? Can any lvl attack any other lvl or is there something to prevent that kind of slaughter? Also do a lot of the people there still like to do big PVE instances and such or do they pretty much just purely PVP?


Do people on non PVP RP servers ever tend to the battlegrouds or whatever they are called here?



I didn't feel the need for a new thread for simple fast questions so I hope you guys don't mind me asking right here :o

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(...)how exactly do the rules work on the RP-PVP server? Can any lvl attack any other lvl or is there something to prevent that kind of slaughter? Also do a lot of the people there still like to do big PVE instances and such or do they pretty much just purely PVP?


Do people on non PVP RP servers ever tend to the battlegrouds or whatever they are called here?





- SWtOR seems to have a built-in "anti-low level ganking" system that is pretty simple: the zones for lower levels are distinct. I think this might be in part to give people a chance to get used to their class before running into enemy players.


I am level 26 on my bounty hunter and I have yet to see any Republic. Hopefully I will soon! ;) I am eager to see how things will pan out. My BH is indifferent to other races, and would likely not attack first (unless there were credits in it for her... hehe). The server-wide RPPVP events that are planned are calling me, too! Can't wait to be able to participate!


- I can't talk for everyone on RPPVP servers, but in my guild people are always asking for others to join for PVE instances, and warzones. Personally, I love all aspects of the game (RP, PVE, PVP). If you want to do it all, be sure to join a guild that meets your in game goals, and you should have no problems. :)

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I was wanting to make a character on a RP or RP-PVP server and was wondering, how exactly do the rules work on the RP-PVP server? Can any lvl attack any other lvl or is there something to prevent that kind of slaughter? Also do a lot of the people there still like to do big PVE instances and such or do they pretty much just purely PVP?


Do people on non PVP RP servers ever tend to the battlegrouds or whatever they are called here?



I didn't feel the need for a new thread for simple fast questions so I hope you guys don't mind me asking right here :o


As the above poster mentioned, you can really only get involved in world PvP if the planet is flagged for that. And even then, I've been finding that there are certain areas that are marked as sanctuary—where PvP combat isn't allowed. Lower levels planets on both sides don't even appear on the opposite faction's planetary map—the first cross faction planet is Nar Shaddaa, which players won't really get to until their mid-upper 20's.


Speaking for myself, I enjoy all aspects of the game. There are a lot of folks that enjoy doing the flashpoints as much as warzones with some RP between the two.

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Ah! It sounds like I would wrather enjoy a server like that then. I also enjoy all aspects of the game but it seems PVP and RP can sometimes be lost on normal PVE servers. Now I just gotta decide which one to roll on.


Thanks for the replies you two!

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Ah! It sounds like I would wrather enjoy a server like that then. I also enjoy all aspects of the game but it seems PVP and RP can sometimes be lost on normal PVE servers. Now I just gotta decide which one to roll on.


Thanks for the replies you two!


If you happen to find yourself on Ajunta Pall (RP-PvP PST), look up Ravine on the Republic side. :) I can let players on the other RP-PvP servers speak for themselves.

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There is little RP on any RP servers right now. People too busy levelling.


agreed, I haven't roleplayed much at all, I've been too busy leveling up just like everyone else, I'm sure once were all settled in and happy with our results on our toons, the roleplay will resume.

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