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Mercenary/Gunslinger - Gunspinning Animation


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Some of you may be unaware but there was a time in the early months of this game that mercs and slingers used to gunspin when holstering their weapons at pointed targets. For those who dont know what gunspinning is, its spinning a handgun or pistol on your finger commonly seen in the old western style movies. (The smugglers regen does it so see that for what i mean...)


However the animation seems to be bugged now and has been for a while, whenever you are pointing your duel pistols at a target, there is a slight "stutter" where u just "flick" you pistols. This is where the animation should happen but it doesnt. However IT DOES work if u turn you back on your target and point your guns sideways. Odd ain't it?


Here is an image of what I mean:



Is there any chance you can fix this animation so it works when your facing your target?

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