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Getting a new Graphicscard, is this one capable to run Swtor?


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So, after playing swtor my graphicscard just is **** for this game, CBA to play with the high amount of FPS spikes and the moste horible is the Interfacelag.


So i was about to buy this card : http://www.mycom.nl/Product/Beeld-Videokaart/Asus-GeForce-GTX560-DC,1GB/1173346 Sry this is a dutch site but maybe u can extract the name and find the information on ur own local computer store.


im asking if this card wil be able to run Swtor fine with Zero interfacelag and a steady fps rate.


im using a 1920 x 1080 screen

Windows 7 Home Premium

Intel® Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz 3.10 GHz

4GB ram


If there is anything else u need to know to aid me with this problem, please ask


Ur buddy,



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@ Mandrax. were can i check that. becouse i have no clue what powersupply this CPU is using.


@ Fastor. i didn't knew how to call it but then someone told me it was called Interfacelag. anyhow, im meaning by that that everything i do aka Move, Jump, Type. has a 0.5-1 sec Delay, Not as in a internet latency lag. but some kind of FPS CPU preformance related isue. lets say when i pick up a skill with my mouse, i see the icon follow the path of my mouse cursor. this is kinda f*cked up to play with, especialy in PVP.


btw what do u mean with ''anti-aliasing''


Also.. fast reply's realy awesome to know someone is out there

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@ Mandrax. were can i check that. becouse i have no clue what powersupply this CPU is using.
You could open up your case and look at it. There should be a sticker which shows the power output. It will be something like 300W, 450W, 500W, etc.


btw what do u mean with ''anti-aliasing''
Anti-aliasing is an option you can turn on in the graphics drivers that smooths out the jagged edges of diagonal lines. This makes the game look better, but run slower.
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@ Mandrax. were can i check that. becouse i have no clue what powersupply this CPU is using


as Fastor says you'll have to take the side of your case off and physically check. The card will be fine but you have to be sure your PSU is up to it or you will have to factor in costs for a new power supply.

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Thank you all for the help its realy apreciated.


just becouse im curious, The card that im using now is Saphire Radeon 5670HD..


Am i just, doing something whrong or is this card not close to be able to proform this game?

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Thank you all for the help its realy apreciated.


just becouse im curious, The card that im using now is Saphire Radeon 5670HD..


Am i just, doing something whrong or is this card not close to be able to proform this game?

Hmm...the Geforce 560 will be an upgrade over the Radeo 5670, but not a huge one. There may be some other problems with your computer if it's not running well on a 5670.

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oh.. thats actualy quite a disturbing notice. glad i asked but, u have any gueses what it could be? something with directX11 or Catalist Control Center?


Directx 11 has nothing to do with it, the game is using a directX 9 engine. You should disable AA in your catalyst control center, the game currently does require a high end PC if you run it with AA. Also disable vsync or shadows.


While all this does not fix the problem it will atleast let you play the game smooth until AMD or BW adjust their drivers / the game to low-mid range PC´s.


Regarding your question in general,


the card is like said by another member, not really a big upgrade. To pay 160 for that upgrade is not advised.


I definately think that the only upgrade which would make sense to you, would be an AMD card of the 69xx chip. But they do cost easily 220 or 300 depending which one you pick. The question is, will you run the game fine then?


This is something which is very hard to tell, GPU wise yes but CPU, Ram, HDD wise we wont know yet.

A PC does have many parts, so even if you have the best GPU in your system, it does not really make the PC soo much better, if the other part´s cant keep up with it. Even the Power supply is very important, the 12v power especially - something what many cheap PS lack.



Something you could try too is to add 4 more GB ram to your system. Macke sure it is the same Ram that you currently have, same brand, same speed and let it run in dual channel mode. This would cost 20 Euro max, but is atleast in my opinion very important in a good system.

But dont expect miracles, it wont turn your pc into Speedy Gonzales. :)

Edited by RachelAnne
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