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TIE Fighters in TFA


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You guys may not know this about me, but I'm pretty obsessed with TIE Fighters!


By far, the most interesting images (to me) from The Force Awakens trailers are the ones showing the new TIE Fighters and their pilots.


So here's what I've noticed so far.


First thing is that new TIE Fighter pilots look pretty sweet!




Like the stormtroopers, their helmet is much sleeker. But like the previous relationship between TIE Pilots and stormtroopers, the new TIE Pilot helmet is distinct from the stormtrooper helmet--not only in color but in shape.


For reference, here is the new stormtrooper.




You can see the new TIE Pilot's faceplate is a bit less sleek than the stormtrooper, and it has some more intricate line detail under the eyes. Besides the breather unit, the red stripes are a callback to the grey stripes on some classic TIE Pilot helmets:




I think the new TIE Pilot helmet is cool--what I'm not so sure about is the apparent silvery suit underneath (look at their sleeves). I'm reserving judgment until we see more. That being said, original TIE Pilots always looked a bit dorky and top-heavy, as they were basically just wearing a simple black flightsuit under the helmet and breather.


Now, onto the new TIE's themselves!


Here are our our clearest looks at the new, basic TIE Fighter. Basically looks like a classic TIE, but with colors inverted. Cool enough.






But there is definitely another variant of TIE shown in this trailer...




Notice the bulky back on the pod, and the gear-like structures where the solar panels meet the fuselage.


Also note the small object beneath the pod--this is actually a turret! In this moment in the trailer, you can see this TIE shooting up the rest of the hangar on its way out. It is shooting behind it using this hanging turret!






You can more clearly see this hanging turret in this poster, which shows a bunch of the new, bulkier TIE variant.




You can see this bulkier TIE in this concept art as well.




All that being said, that seems like a pretty stupid place to put a turret, since you won't be able to shoot too far to either side without being obstructed by your own solar panels. Unless those gear-like wheels next to the solar panels allow them to be rotated 90 degrees?


Either way, if the turret can aim downward, this TIE would be great for making strafing runs on ground targets or capital ships.


Personally, I wish this new variant looked a little more distinct from the traditional TIE. Of course, I should probably be glad TIE's (and their pilots) weren't turned into something utterly stupid or unrecognizable.


Overall, I'm excited--though it means I have all new TIE's and pilots to collect :(

Edited by Nemarus
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Personally, I wish this new variant looked a little more distinct from the traditional TIE. Of course, I should probably be glad TIE's (and their pilots) weren't turned into something utterly stupid or unrecognizable.


Overall, I'm excited--though it means I have all new TIE's and pilots to collect :(


Pretty much this, I was afraid they we would have a TIE that had little relation to the original. I like TIEs so much that I would have been ok if they didn't change it at all, but I'm looking forward to collecting more TIEs and stormtroopers, specially in Lego form :)

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So the engineer in me is looking at those new panels and saying, "hey that doesn't look like a color inversion, that looks like taking a few really big panels and splitting them up into hundreds or thousands of much smaller steerable panels." It would after all allow the panels to do their business efficiently in many more orientations than the old panels, assuming of course that the micropanels are slightly more efficient and that the steering mechanism and framework don't impose a significant weight penalty over the old panels.


Well, either that or micro shutters to protect them from debris when not in use. You can see the smaller black segments of "old" panel material inside the new framework in the upper portion of the nearest parked TIE in the picture where the hangar is getting shot up.


Also if they actually did visual effects for rapid tracking of the panel sub-units it would look incredible. I'm guessing they won't due to either not thinking of it or insanely high workload for the computers doing the rendering.


Still, nice to entertain the thought, even if they don't.

Edited by Ramalina
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Found a better shot of the new TIE turret in action:




My question to all of you is--what would you call this new TIE variant? Maybe one of us can guess the right name!


It seems to me this TIE must be designed for assault on ground targets or capital ships. But TIE variants tend to have pretty literal names based on traditional combat aircraft roles. Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber. With that in mind, here's some possibilities:


TIE Striker (ignoring the GSF concept of a "Striker", I think this name fits best--it also just rolls nicely off the tongue)

TIE Hunter (especially if hunting individuals on the ground--a la modern Drones)

TIE Gunship (again, nothing to do with GSF Gunships--the presence of a turret warrants this name)


The above are all pretty simple and short, would be easily spoken by characters if needed (though I doubt it will be, as very few ship shave been referred to by name in the movies), and would look good on toy boxes.


If the new "First Order" version of the Empire has a bit more flare for the dramatic, then I could see them naming this new TIE variant with a bit more flavor. In that case, I could see:


TIE Dominator

TIE Devastator

TIE Raider

TIE Avenger (this would make me sad, since this will always be the TIE Avenger to me--fortunately, the Marvel connection likely prevents this)

TIE Predator (doubtful -- Disney probably doesn't want this direct an association with Predator Drones)


What do you guys think?

Edited by Nemarus
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It seems to me this TIE must be designed for assault on ground targets or capital ships. But TIE variants tend to have pretty literal names based on traditional combat aircraft roles. Fighter, Interceptor, Bomber.


The empire was dealt a serious blow and now it's back, so how about TIE Retaliator?

Edited by DresG
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I'm guessing that the people making the new SW content are mostly SW fans, so it's also possible that EU naming conventions might show up, "canon," or not.


So possibly weapon names, as in the case of the Scimitar attack/bomber.

Possibly animal names, such as the Preybird.

Mythological monsters, Manticore for instance (though those are typically reserved for capital ship names).

Or name based on traits of the ship, ie Korlier's Flashships, a high speed fighter.


There aren't any particular names from those categories jumping out at me right now though.

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