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The Amazing Race: SWTOR Edition (Republic)


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Calling all Republic toons level 60! Have you ever wanted to win 10 million credits, without having to do some Hutt's dirty work? Have your name known across the galaxy for something other than killing scruffy looking nerf-herders? Answer questions for points, rather than reporting to some power mad Jedi like a peon? (Wait, that's what we ARE doing!) Then get ready for The Amazing Race: SWTOR Edition Season 3. The guild Alea Iacta Est Pax will be running this event that we are going to open up to the Republic side of Jedi Covenant.


Because of the nature of the event, we will limit the number of participants to about 15 lucky individuals. In order to determine who will be selected, on Monday, May the 4th at 9:00 p.m server, I ask that those interested meet in front of the Hutt Statue on Nar Shaddaa. The race will then commence the next night after the candidates have been selected.


This event will run on Tuesday nights in May starting at 9:00 p.m., beginning the 5th and ending the 26th. The race will be points based, meaning that it's beneficial to show up each week. While it may not be critical, your odds of winning the race increase if you show up every Tuesday.


A few things of note:


  • You MUST use the voice communications provided by us for the race.
  • You MUST use the toon you start the race with to run all legs and to complete the race. Rupublic faction only.
  • Your toon must be level 60.
  • Make sure you know what phased instance you are in! We will announce at the beginning of the leg which phase clue givers will be located.
  • Points will be awarded as follows on each leg: First place~ 100 points, Second place~ 50 points, 3rd place~ 25 points. At the end of the race, the top three points leaders win.
  • Teamwork is encouraged, especially in some of the harder challenges, however there are no teams. Individual events must be completed individually. First to cross the finish line is first, and last is last.
  • Print Screen is your friend. It is advised that you take screenshots during each leg.
  • Each leg is not officially over until the last person has checked in, or a judge decrees it to be over. Only after that will prizes be awarded.
  • In the event of a tie via points finish at the end of the race, a sudden death duel will be had between the tied players to determine who is first.


I am very excited to open this up to the server. As mentioned, we have done this event twice before within our guild, but we think it's too fun not to share with the server community. If you have any questions, feel free to add them to the thread, direct message me, or find me on the Pub side @Pelell.


May the 4th be with you! And good luck!

Edited by Pelell
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  • 3 weeks later...

I know 12x xp comes out tomorrow and runs for a while. I still intend on starting the event as planned, but as there have been no responses to this thread, it's entirely possible we may delay the race for a week depending on how many people show up tomorrow.


Again, any questions please post here or send me a direct message.

Edited by Pelell
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This sounds like an exciting event. Timing is a little short... but really does sound interesting...


There is a group of guilds working together to come up with server events like this... I suggest you checkout torcommunity.com and contact Hayward about joining that guild summit.

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Thanks. I appreciate it.


I was online on the Hutt Statue until about 9:20 p.m. server, and all I saw while switching between the 3 instances were a bunch of mid level 20s running around getting that 12x XP. We will postpone this event for the immediate time being.

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