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<Symphony of the Forsaken> is recruiting for both PVE and PVP!!


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<Symphony of the Forsaken> is now actively recruiting for all content! SoF competes every week in Conquest and feature's an active TeamSpeak with freindly owners who just want to run content together.



We currently have 3 Operation teams running every week. Here are their schedules:

Tuesday - 2 teams - 8 ET and 9ET

Wednesday - 1 team - 9 ET

Thursday - 1 team - 8 ET

Friday - 1 team - 9 ET

Saturday - 1 team - 9 or 10 ET

We are in need of all roles. We have some openings coming available in the near future for the 3 active op teams and are looking to adding our 4th team in the very near future. We run SM, HM on current Ops and run NiM DF,DP to keep things fresh as well. If you have a regular position in a Op team then you also have access to our guild funds for repairs.


If you are interested in joining for PVE, please message Rhu'two in game for a chance to join an exciting guild!



SoF are beginning to become recognizable in the JC PVP scene. Lead by our resident Battlemaster, Chimera'vos, there is always a PVP group to get into. Some toons that might be recognizable on our server are as follows: Chimera'vos, Anteros'vos, Rhu'two, Pin'ct, Tangro, Commander, Syd, Sikofit and Count'taco. Chimera'vos is currently creating schedules for Unranked and Ranked PVP. SoF will become a force to be reckoned with on the Jedi Covenant server! Join now if you would like to be apart of this.


If you are interested in joining for PVP, please message Chimera'vos in game for a chance to join!

Edited by Ryaja
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