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Newcomer Ready to Learn


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I had been thinking about GSF for a while, something to do while in between story content stuff. Despite not having my computer atm, I watched a few videos on YouTube, and it looked really cool. Out of curiosity, I came to the GSF forums, and I was convinced. I've never seen a friendlier section of the forums than this. You've convinced me to give this a shot when it comes back from the repair center. I look forward to crashing into many an asteroid and becoming a flaming comet of glory every match.
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I had been thinking about GSF for a while, something to do while in between story content stuff. Despite not having my computer atm, I watched a few videos on YouTube, and it looked really cool. Out of curiosity, I came to the GSF forums, and I was convinced. I've never seen a friendlier section of the forums than this. You've convinced me to give this a shot when it comes back from the repair center. I look forward to crashing into many an asteroid and becoming a flaming comet of glory every match.


It's heartening to see posts like these. Welcome to the party.


If you've been reading the forum, you're probably already absorbed the key info you'll need to get started (i.e. what to fly, what to buy, how to contribute, /cjoin gsf, why you should dump RFLs, etcetera). The only thing I'd add is that you might want to mention the server you're on, and possibly hook up with a player or two via the forum prior to jumping in. Certainly not necessary, but flying with a vet can make the steep learning curve seem a little less daunting.

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Awesome! Hopefully you'll find that despite the growing pains (which are real in this module), you love it, and dive on in! :D


A couple of quick notes, regardless of your server, there will be a GSF or Pilot channel you should join (/cjoin GSF or /cjoin Pilot). Some servers have both, but either/or is more active.


Also, don't be afraid to ask questions either in those channels, or on these forums. We have our spats, and are sometimes a dysfunctional family, but the majority of people I've run across in GSF are a friendly and helpful bunch, especially when they are approached and asked for help, be it flight mechanics, how to improve, how to build your ships, etc.


As has been noted throughout the forums at various points, for your first mission, you should get the "Intro to Starfighter" mission, and with the Fleet Req from the initial token, it's quite probably best to pick up the Rampart MK IV/Razorwire and the Quarrel/Mangler (Pub/Imp). Each ship is only 2500 (although if you were a sub by... Oct 2013 I think it was? Anyway, you'll have a Quarrel/Mangler already), and with those 2 plus the 2 starters, you'll have access to each class of ship.


From there, try to kind of figure out which one you like in terms of flight style the most before you start doing too much upgrading. Also, it's probably the most beneficial to use extra fleet req to unlock crewmates, rather than upgrade ship components with it. Use ship req to upgrade ships until you start to get to a point where you don't really know what to do with the fleet req (because you have a full stable of ships, all the crew you want, etc).


I'd also advise taking a look at the Stasiepaedia stickied on this forum, as a lot of the crew and component choices are explained, and in the case of the crew especially, will teach you which ones are good, not good, and why.


Be ready to take some lumps and lick your wounds, and try very, very hard to not get frustrated, because the game can be incredibly rewarding and/or satisfying when you start to get the hang of it.


Cheers, and hope to see you out there soon! :D

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Of course. I am on Ebon Hawk as of now. With finals just around the corner, I won't really be playing for another two weeks or so, anyway, but I will definately keep my eye out on things. Can't wait!

That's probably a great server for this, to be honest. There are some really, really good pilots over there, and almost all of them are incredibly helpful. It's a really solid community from my experience.


Also to note, they use the GSF channel there, so /cjoin GSF will be the way to go! :D

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Welcome to GSF.


The learning curve is certainly very steep.

But once you get into it, it's very fun.


Did you have a home and a guild yet ?

Otherwise if you want, on The Red Eclipse, my guild, Unrelenting is allways open to new pilots.

We are the most active GSF guild on the server and we have the absolutley best team on the server.

We have both EU and US members as pilots so there are often pilots on during different times of the day.

Just contact a guildmember and they'll refer you if you are interested.



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