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Sith Romances(for male), race exclusive, and better Roleplaying


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I can't truelly say which one is better as Ashara sticks to the lightside route and i play my inquisitor full darkside, and Jaesa turns in a person who gets turned on by death and destruction when you are darkside. You do need to be darkside too romance her as far i know. So it's more a personal choice in my eyes. I would trade in Ashara for Jaesa though as it fits my inquisitor more.


About exclusive race dialogue, I really have no idea.


And as far as Sith pureblood as inquisitor does not work, as they are practically worshipped.

And the inquisitor starts of as a slave, and you will be remembered too that fact a lot during the game.

The Sith pure blood shines best in the warrior storyline.

Edited by Alkuzar
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About exclusive race dialogue, I really have no idea.


And as far as Sith pureblood as inquisitor does not work, as they are practically worshipped.

And the inquisitor starts of as a slave, and you will be remembered too that fact a lot during the game.

The Sith pure blood shines best in the warrior storyline.


The Sith pureblood does have a few moments when their race is brought up, both in sidequests and main quests. Doesn't happen all that often, though.


As for the Sith Inquisitor, I think the intended race for that was human. You have the slave background and an ancestor who was respected but eventually fell from grace. With my SI I also decided to add on those brands that are available in the character creation menu just to reinforce that slave status.


The Sith Warrior is more suited for a Sith Pureblood, as you're given special treatment in the opening series of events that set everything else into play.

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Sith Warrior was born to be Pureblood. High nobility, praised by everyone, and you get special dialogue at several points for it. Inquisitor is a little more varied--human works best, Zabrak and Rattataki can fit with some mental adjustments, and you really have to stretch your suspension of disbelief for a Twi'lek or Pureblood. I don't believe there's any special dialogue for the Inquisitor's race beyond the generic "filthy alien".


As for the romance, it depends on your taste. Jaesa is full-on psycho Sith lord, while Ashara's more like Anakin in an "ends justify the means" way. Ashara gives you a bit more freedom with your alignment--you can be LS and working to redeem the Empire, or DS and trying to corrupt her, while Jaesa pretty much forces you into being as bloodthirsty as she is. Of course, that shouldn't be a problem, since she's only DS if you are.


I personally like Ashara more for having more depth than "lolz murder everything!", but it's your game. Pick whichever you want :)

Edited by Abvora
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