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IO Merc Heat Managment or, lack there of...


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Hello Fellow Mercs,


How in the name of Mandalore do you guys keep your heat low in IO?!? After the Heat Ramping phase of my rotation, after about 3 regular rotations i just get heat overload! I use Rapid Shots in place of Power Shot before I Mag Shot at the end of a regular rotation, but I still overload on heat! Is there any way OTHER than getting more Alacrity, to reduce my heat consumption. Otherwise, We need like 2 heat reduction for every Burn and Bleed crit, or maybe increased Heat dampening from Supercharge Cells? I want to like IO merc, but it's heat problems are too extreme to be usable for me. I'm even pushing the limits on Arsenal Merc on dummy parses, which should be nearly impossible...


If you are using the Marisi/Fascinate rotation, then here's a helpful rule of thumb to stay heat positive while dummy parsing.


Check your heat after Unload. If your heat is around 15 or greater, then replace Thermal Detonator with Rapid Shots. During a parse, you should only have to do this once after heat ramping and before TSO comes back.


Also, I generally try to use Supercharged Gas after Serrated Shot, but don't be afraid to use it at any other time if you see your heat rising past 20. Use Supercharged Gas as primarily a heat management tool in IO.

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