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Jedi Temple Decorations


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I would like to suggest some decorations so players can make a Stronghold have a more Jedi Temple feel... Being apart of Jedi guild since launch here are some suggestions. The major thing is Jedi NPC for strongholds as decorations but I have some other images as well I would like to see in game as decorations...





















Edited by Leyasu
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Dispite the fact all but 3 of them are jedi NPCs all look like good ideas. Sith alternatives would be good to!


Yeah I agree Sith alternatives are needed as well. The guards that bow when you enter the temple on Korriban they would be great too... Of course my post here is bias toward Jedi decorations does not mean I would be against some Sith ones as well...

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Totally agree!


I would also like to see some dead body decorations so i can use Strongholds as instances to RP SWTOR type clue. Who murdered who, and with what? Investigate!


Yeah I mean anything that allows you to have more interaction would be good... Corpse although a morbid idea is a good idea.

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Also chiming in to agree with the suggestion / proposal of Jedi NPCs. I see trooper, smuggler, and even several dark side options, but the jedi need some lovin'!


No better time to do it, either, since May 4th is coming up and the new Star Wars movie is getting a lot of mad hype!

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Wait! What if the new season stronghold out in April... Is on Korriban/tython! And you get temple. Decorations aswell!


That would be cool... but i am hoping for something more decadent in nature. A Naboo Palace, Kashyyyk Tree House, or and Under Water Manaan bio dome where you can watch whales and fish swim by your front window.

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Yeah I mean anything that allows you to have more interaction would be good... Corpse although a morbid idea is a good idea.


Ha, I had wanted that too, but was a little afraid to say anything because it's kindof macabre. But seriously, it would really make for some nice RP! Also, sick beds with real injured people in them. And sets of human remains... a skeleton, pile of bones, etc...

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  • 3 weeks later...
So they've added a bunch of decorations like this in the new packs :D and the data-miners showed that dromund-kaas like decorations have been worked on (there were 3 deco's mined from this).


Can you provide a link for the Dromund Kaas stuff? I was really upset to see the new pack was centralized around Jedi decorations, mostly because it looked really cool, but my guild is Empire Orientated.

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Can you provide a link for the Dromund Kaas stuff? I was really upset to see the new pack was centralized around Jedi decorations, mostly because it looked really cool, but my guild is Empire Orientated.
There's 5 million Sith/Imp themed decorations in game already
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There's 5 million Sith/Imp themed decorations in game already


Yes, but there are also Jedi/Republic stuff as well. In this last pack, there wasn't a SINGLE Imperial, or even neutral faction decoration in it; all Jedi stuff. I, amongst many others that I know of, will be quite upset if the next pack or so doesn't have Dromund Kaas or Sith Academy like decorations. I mean, they got a statue of Satele Shan! C'mon! Who wouldn't want one but of Darth Marr?

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Can you provide a link for the Dromund Kaas stuff? I was really upset to see the new pack was centralized around Jedi decorations, mostly because it looked really cool, but my guild is Empire Orientated.


Here you go: http://torcommunity.com/database/update-previews/463-3-2-1-pts-mined. It is very minimalistic design, but it showed at least they started working on that.

The pack is called there "wild space pack" and the link states this was mined for game update 3.2.1 :cool: but as usual: subject to change

Edited by SlashhandPlash
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Yes, but there are also Jedi/Republic stuff as well. In this last pack, there wasn't a SINGLE Imperial, or even neutral faction decoration in it; all Jedi stuff. I, amongst many others that I know of, will be quite upset if the next pack or so doesn't have Dromund Kaas or Sith Academy like decorations. I mean, they got a statue of Satele Shan! C'mon! Who wouldn't want one but of Darth Marr?



my guess is they're breaking it up by theme. this pack was the deep core pack. Tython is a planet in the deep core. next the mid rim pack will have decos focused around a world in the mid rim. etc


sides as others have said there are a TON of sithy decos already. the amount of jedi decos is considerably less

Edited by BrianDavion
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Anything Jedi related would make me extremely happy. I loaded up on everything from this recent pack and actually spent a lot of the last week decorating, which I haven't done in a while. It's been a lot of fun, and I hope they add more Jedi stuff in the future. I know I'd buy it!
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