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Best story 1st to last


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I think I can see where our PoV divert.


For you, the presence of a plot tie to go from point A to point B means the plot progression is continuous.


For me, not staying at point A long enough to explore and complete the plot satisfactorily before moving to point B feels like a disconnect because I get an impression that plot was ‘dropped’ in favor of a different plot.


I used the word ‘discontinuous’ because it did not continue the story-line I was just starting to enjoy. While maybe nominally the every next group was introduced by dealing with a previous group, it really had very little to do with one another and the story direction, story feel, story emphasis and the characters changed too much for me to enjoy.


I would have wished that the whole story was about the Terrorist Cells and its various leaders. This was the subplot and antagonists that I liked the most and found the most fresh.


I would have preferred that Jadus involvement did not get revealed till the very end because for me that was a better culmination than the Star Cabal. The other stories I liked had a recurring love-to-hate character like that, whom I’ve eventually outplayed (Barras, Zash, Garza, Pollaran).


Switches between the antagonists and subplots occurred too fast for me to adapt, and felt much less interesting than the beginning of the story.


Take it for what it is....


Well that is how it works in the genre, that's why I said it may be a genre issue. A lot of times in the thriller/spy genre you prevent the crisis but the great big bad guy gets away BUT a new immediate crisis raises it's head and so you can't go off hunting for that bad guy. Does it mean that bad guy may come back to haunt you later yeah but in the end the protagonist simply doesn't have the luxury to go hunting for the fire starter he has to move onto the next fire. That is what a cipher agent is about.


In the context of the game it is the Minders collate intelligence and conduct investigations while the Watchers analyze the intelligence. They find the bad guy who got away (yes sometimes with intelligence obtained by a Cipher) and then Keeper decides if the lead should be pursued of if an ongoing fire is more pressing.


All I am saying is that sometimes genre plays a role. Example I just do not like Utopian Science Fiction. As such I dislike many of the best written Star Trek stuff. The ones I like are DS9's "In the Pale Moonlight" or Star Trek First contact. The ones that basically say "the Utopian ideal is still just an ideal. We live in the real world and the real world is a messy place."

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