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The joy of HLC/Concussion Missiles in TDM


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[[Not a balance thread]]


I had a few TDM's this morning where the competition was middling enough that I could field my Decimus with HLC's and Concussion Missiles.


I know it could never compete against serious competition, but for a casual match against moderate competition, it was so much fun! Laying down fire and locking on from 6900m, slowly grinding targets down, feeling that satisfaction when you get to launch a Concussion Missile ... of course you're likely to be mildly disappointed when the target uses an engine maneuver, or even more severely disappointed when the missile hits and the target doesn't die...


... but still, I don't think I enjoy the chase with any weapons as much as I do with HLC/Concussion Missiles. Probably because it feels most similar to the old LucasArts X-wing and TIE Fighter games. It's got a nice, deliberate pace.


Plus when I do get a DO, popping ships from 6-7km out is awesome.


Obviously this is what Strikes are supposed to feel like. The problem is that a Rycer or Quell has a much harder time surviving than the Decimus. With Power Dive, the Decimus can travel the map at a fair clip and break almost every missile that comes its way (and flee after an Ion Railgun hit). And that 2000 hull takes quite a while to burn down. There were several times where I was continuing to get kills even while red-hulled and surrounded by enemies.


Plus, the Concussion Mines (even barely upgraded) are a great deterrent to Scouts.


In my Decimus, I feel like some sort of lumbering, *****ly hedgehog of doom, stubbornly trying to drag all these space snipers and space shotgunners back into the era of early 90's space sims. :p It's a nice change of pace, especially when compared to my always-boosting S2E Scout.


Now if only the Decimus (with Power Dive) weren't so ugly!


That being said, I do love flying this build as a Sledgehammer. While it wasn't the most impressive or intense, I've never had a more satisfying carry than this one.

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It's an awesome farm ship for sure. It can kill consistently without using cooldowns, which is what makes it so good at farming. Also, with directional shields bad players will joust you and see numbers pop up on their screen, which makes them happy. They don't realize your HLC have chewed through their hull until it's too late. They really struggle to kill it and they don't expect a Bomber to have so much mobility.


I think there is still potential that this ship can fit into the meta in a 8v8 premade deathmatch. Although I think you'd have to either run clusters to kill scouts or proton torpedos at 12500m range to deroost gunships. With damage overcharge the protons would also be worth shooting at enemy bombers. Also, I think you'd need to run dual interdiction drones and place them near an allied railgun drone/seeker mines/repair drone.

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It's an awesome farm ship for sure. It can kill consistently without using cooldowns, which is what makes it so good at farming. Also, with directional shields bad players will joust you and see numbers pop up on their screen, which makes them happy. They don't realize your HLC have chewed through their hull until it's too late. They really struggle to kill it and they don't expect a Bomber to have so much mobility.


I think there is still potential that this ship can fit into the meta in a 8v8 premade deathmatch. Although I think you'd have to either run clusters to kill scouts or proton torpedos at 12500m range to deroost gunships. With damage overcharge the protons would also be worth shooting at enemy bombers. Also, I think you'd need to run dual interdiction drones and place them near an allied railgun drone/seeker mines/repair drone.


Yeah, I've actually had more success making a competitive Decimus by using Clusters, LLC's, Interdiction Drone, Directional, Power Dive (with turning) and Turning Thrusters. The Interdiction Drone stops everyone dead, and then you can quickly melt them with LLC's and Clusters. You can either fortify a spot or dive into the middle of a furball and drop your Drone. Great anti-scout build. Not so great against Charged Plating Bombers.

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I can see that being a really dirty combo once or twice against good players, but I feel like smart players will just power dive or barrel roll outta that mess and you'll be left with useless short range weapons.


I know I always power dive the hell away from interdiction mines when I get snared. It's an easy counter and you can come back a few seconds later to cause more trouble.

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