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Dear BW: Why your class balancing is flawed


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i think that unbalanced classes helps us be better players if you actually try to get better instead of complaining on forums. if u dont wanna die anymore find out a way to counteract the "op" classes powerful abilities, sometimes you'll have to think outside the box alot and consider everything. people who actually do this are good and dont complain so stop complaining jesus christ


Hi there FoTM reroller! I'm a normal SWTOR player. We have "class loyalty". Say it slowly! "Claaaaasss loooyallty". It means that we care about enjoying ourselves instead of taking the easiest way to win every time. So when our class it crappy, we don't hop out to the easiest class to compensate for our utter lack of skill and knowledge. In a game with class-specific abilities, there's only so much "countering" you can do. So stop lying to yourself, because nobody is fooled.


(Side note, are you a PT, Sorc, or sin?)

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i think that unbalanced classes helps us be better players if you actually try to get better instead of complaining on forums. if u dont wanna die anymore find out a way to counteract the "op" classes powerful abilities, sometimes you'll have to think outside the box alot and consider everything. people who actually do this are good and dont complain so stop complaining jesus christ


I like the optimism but believe me, I have considered everything with my Merc / Mando. Short of switching to healing and leaving DPS altogether, I just don't see them being viable in 4 v 4. Without a reliable steath detection, they will always be prone to stealth attacks. And with this class being a range DPS, once you lose range, you lose the advantage.


And then of course, you have the issues with focus break. Or more appropriately the lack of a focus break. Once you have more than one player on you, you are dead without sufficient support from your team mates. You either need a healer or you need a guard or some taunts.


That leaves the class' third weakness. A lack of escape. You can't detect stealth, so you don't see the first hit coming. So you can't prepare your defenses (pop your shield or decoy) before the first stun hits. And once you are hit you can't force a target switch by the other team. So if you can't really effectively detect stealth, you can't change a focus, you then have to consider the third option of escaping the damage. Sadly, this class even lacks that basic ability to "run away". And then you have no way to escape to break line-of-sight or get out of range you end up dead before you did much more than put a few thousand points on the damage meter or popped a medal for a self heal.

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ive been scrapper since the game came out stuck with it and learned to time evade shield probe and roll right so the attack misses or is mitigated i get behind people and behind other objects so attacks cancel or dont cast think harder scrubs


These are unprecedented insights, sticky pls.

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i think that unbalanced classes helps us be better players if you actually try to get better instead of complaining on forums. if u dont wanna die anymore find out a way to counteract the "op" classes powerful abilities, sometimes you'll have to think outside the box alot and consider everything. people who actually do this are good and dont complain so stop complaining jesus christ


You know.. i see where you are going with this and there is some truth here.. but wrapping it around an L2P makes you look stupid.

It is true that any good players should understand his competition, and understand what to do when to maximize his results, that much is true. However when the balance gap is what it is simply saying L2P is possible the worst advice you can give.. especially when it isnt advise but arrogance.

It seems clear you perspective is based around 1v1, which is in truth not what 90% of the complaining is about.

I've never complained about the outcome of a duel.. i find them barely a step up from a urination competition... most of the time i dont bother as 90% of the duel requests is see are OP classes stroking their mental e-peen,s or gimmick builds designed for duels hanging out on Tat like that means anything. 1v1 has nothing whatever to do with anything.

I main a merc.. and in 4v4 i have been reduced to a net launcher whose only goal is to take one with me cause im going to die in half the time others will. It doesnt matter if i do everything perfect.

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well it is advice so take it like advice im saying l2p but im also saying how to. the odds may not be in your favor but that doesn't mean it's impossible, you just gotta analyze all of your abilities and their indirect effects also think about the human mind and how it reacts to certain things. like when you put down a stealth scan on a sniper while hes casting a powerful ability he'll move because he sees a red aoe and doesnt wanna get hit. Edited by Lightsabermaker
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