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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character unlocks ITHORIAN...

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Maybe as a companion, like Treek. Or gaining through a chain of missions. But I doubt they'll be added a a Player Character.


Btw, this reminded me of something I heard on Nar Shaddaa.... :D


"Are you deaf? I asked for Iridonian hearts! Not Rodian, not Ithorian! Iridonian!"

"What do you want me to do, put 'em back?"

"Try stealing a brain. You could use one."

―Two organ harvesters on Nar Shaddaa

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Seeing as i dont see them putting in man hours to make existing helmets & armor fit the odd shaped heads/bodies... yeah not going to happen.


and before the "But they can just make -new- armor...." pops out... again, do you honestly think they would spend time doing that?


We wont even go into the whole "must speak basic, must be standard height for cut scenes, must fit with existing romances" issues...

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all the graphs and pie charts in the world wont convince them to do all the work it would take to -attempt- to make ithorians work.


Any character would have to fit with -all- the existing assets in the game.


Ithorians are so out of bounds for 99% of them its not even funny.


They dont want to expend effort to build on individual class stories, asking them to add a species where they woukd have to build pretty much everything from the ground up graphically, nevermind the issues already stated, is an exercise in futility.

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well is my first post , dont take this personal, but thx for the factors , maybe if i show the notion in graphics and concept mayyyyybe , They can just "SEE " but thanks for the opinion. :)
Don't waste your time.

It's not going to happen.


I mean, do it if YOU want to see what it'd look like, but don't ever expect to see it in the game.



Star Wars Galaxies had Ithorian player characters.

Almost nobody played them and there were no voiceover or companion issues to be worked through in that game, either.

The devs even went through the trouble to make new clothing and armor just for them.

Some of it was even really cool.

Even then, hardly anyone played them.


So, all other issues aside, I doubt they're even popular enough to worry about anyway.

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In order for something to be a playable species, it must meet several qualifications.

Among them:

- Speak basic

- Be essentially human shaped


If that wasn't the case though i would ask to be a Wookie how badman would that be being a jedi wookie but yeah i highly doubt they would do that

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Why not Ithorian as an armour? Helmets already modulate your voice, the Ithorian helmet could turn it into gibberish.
Extensive testing prior to launch showed them that listening to gibberish from your character led to an overall negative gameplay experience and that's why they took the "basic-only" stance.

It's not that it can't be done, it's that they have chosen not to do it.

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Extensive testing prior to launch showed them that listening to gibberish from your character led to an overall negative gameplay experience and that's why they took the "basic-only" stance.

It's not that it can't be done, it's that they have chosen not to do it.


But that didn't stop them from releasing Treek......

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They're going to have to move beyond the whole lazy human - only mentality or they're going to run out of species to be able to add as player characters.


Assuming they want to remain even slightly with canon that is. If not they can come up with whatever ridiculous nonsense that they want.

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They're going to have to move beyond the whole lazy human - only mentality or they're going to run out of species to be able to add as player characters.


Assuming they want to remain even slightly with canon that is. If not they can come up with whatever ridiculous nonsense that they want.

You assume that they have any plans to run amok adding new player races.

Even a massive game like WoW has only added 5 over the course of its lifespan.


It's funny that you think the human-only thing is lazy.

It shows that you have no idea what's involved in adding a player race to a game like this.

There's so much more to it than just pulling an existing NPC model and doing a copy/paste into the character creator.

Edited by Rankyn
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You assume that they have any plans to run amok adding new player races.

Even a massive game like WoW has only added 5 over the course of its lifespan.


It's funny that you think the human-only thing is lazy.

It shows that you have no idea what's involved in adding a player race to a game like this.

There's so much more to it than just pulling an existing NPC model and doing a copy/paste into the character creator.


With the current crop that is pretty well exactly what's involved. Same armature (fine since the need animations) but also same faces, same body shapes, same armor. The only difference in the crop of characters is little bits added on such as head tails, little spikes, or such. Little of significance in the mesh work. Togruta aren't going to be any different.


Most of the differences are in the texture mapping. As it is there is very little variance between the existing playable species.


So yeah I'm going to stand by what I said.


I'll try a different tactic. Money talks so I would pay bioware $1,000 USD for a playable Rodian legacy unlock. No jokes no BS.

Edited by Bluerodian
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You just go right on believing that.


I will and I'm also putting my money where my mouth is. I'm waiting to see if Bioware is willing to do the same.


The offer is there and it's dead serious. All Bioware has to do is take it.

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I will and I'm also putting my money where my mouth is. I'm waiting to see if Bioware is willing to do the same.


The offer is there and it's dead serious. All Bioware has to do is take it.

I'm sure all it takes is $1000.


Your "offer" is kind of like The Amazing Randi's reward for proof of paranormal powers. There is absolutely no risk of either of you ever having to pay out.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I'm sure all it takes is $1000.


Your "offer" is kind of like The Amazing Randi's reward for proof of paranormal powers. There is absolutely no risk of either of you ever having to pay out.


Well I'm not going to hijack this thread any further. I'll go open a new one in General. Just so you know I am quite serious.

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