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Leveling Annihilation?


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Hello Everyone,


I am leveling a Marauder as Annihilation right now and I do like it. I do not think the class is bad, broken, busted, or any other descriptive word.


I am currently level 28 and I haven't had that many problems while leveling. As I mentioned before I am currently Annihilation and that is all I have tried. I guess what concerns me is that it seems that it is really dependent on getting bleed effects on the target as quickly as possible. That is not a bad thing and I am able to do that, but it seems as if the bleed duration seems a bit short. There are times when it seems that on a tougher mob fight that I seem to end up waiting on rupture or deadly saber to come up to see the damage start to roll in like I would like.


I was wondering if for leveling purposes would Rage be a good route to go. Like I mentioned earlier, I like annihilation but I am wondering if it would be better to level with Rage. I have never tried any other spec outside of annihilation so maybe trying rage now might give me a feel of what I would like more.


Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the time and be well. Merry Christmas as well everyone.

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I've played all the specs at 50 and I think that Anni is the most fun by far. However, if you want to do a lot of solo PvP I recommend speccing Rage. Rage gives a lot of controlled burst and slow, which is good for solo pvp.

If you have a pocket healer like I do, you can definetly go Anni in PvP too and melt some faces.

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