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APM in each spec


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I'm used to playing sage, a lot, and I'm working on getting my commando ready as a viable HM alt.


One thing I noticed is that my APM is very low compared to my sage - about 38 in assault and about 35 in gunnery. Obviously it is going to be lower due to boltstorm boltstorm/full auto channels, but are these about right?


Second question, what sort of numbers should unaugmented 192 comms be putting out? My assault is currently just over 3,900 and gunnery about 3,350.

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Without knowing your gear and utilities I can't really say the optimal APM. This is how you can calculate it though:


Without alacrity and off-gcd abilities the base APM for:

Assault: 36

Gunnery: 33.3


Assualt has a base 2% alacrity, Gunnery has 4%.

Off-gcd abilityies often used: Reserve Powercell, Recharge Cells, Supercharged Cell.

Recharge Cells depending on your utilities can give a brief 10% alacrity, Supercharged Cell in Gunnery also gives alacrity.

APM for off-gcd abilities: 60 / cooldown (in seconds)

Alacrity buff uptimes (for example RC alacrity buff): Alacrity value * ( Duration / cooldown ) (in seconds)


After alacrity: APM * ( 1 + BaseAlacrity / 100 + Alacrity from gear / 100 + AlacrityBuffUptimes / 100 )




I'm not an expert on Gunnery parsing, but for Assault in BiS 192 without augments I'd say optimal dps is around 4.2k

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Heh, definitely not bis. Think I have about 2 bis enhancements and a couple of mods, all else is comms rubbish (and 186 relics, Mainhand, implant and earpiece).


I'll practice the assault rotation a bit more - I did think it looked a bit low and should be a touch higher.

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