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PTS forum feedback for 3.2


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...who have always had an inconstructive attitude when posting on forums. That behaviour discredits the Sentinel/Mara community as a whole both in the eyes of Devs - whose help we still desperately need in the end - and also players of other classes who tend to perceive us as a bunch of whiny kids anyway.



I have been thinking a lot about this reality. Forum feedback is a terrible vehicle to deliver a message. First off, anyone can post; there is no requirement other than being a subscriber. There are little to no standards required to participate in the conversation; half of the people in these threads could just be commenting to stir the pot. Finally, the discussion too quickly expands beyond the focus of the intended topic - how are the Devs supposed to learn anything when we generate close to a novel's length of feedback in four days?


Don't get me wrong I am appalled by the latest changes to Annihilation/Watchman so I am not defending the Devs. Still, I would like to see the community elevate its game in order to achieve a better goal. In other words, make sure your comments add value.


I don't have any other specific calls to action at this point although I have a few ideas. Still, I'll ask the questions how as a Mara/Sent community can we provide more concise, actionable and agreed upon feedback?

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Concerning Value, start posting some DPS stuff from the PTS comparing it to live in the PTS forums. That was something they asked for I believed. I am wondering why currently it is only me and someone from Galactics even doing that :rolleyes:
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I have been thinking a lot about this reality. Forum feedback is a terrible vehicle to deliver a message. First off, anyone can post; there is no requirement other than being a subscriber. There are little to no standards required to participate in the conversation; half of the people in these threads could just be commenting to stir the pot. Finally, the discussion too quickly expands beyond the focus of the intended topic - how are the Devs supposed to learn anything when we generate close to a novel's length of feedback in four days?


Don't get me wrong I am appalled by the latest changes to Annihilation/Watchman so I am not defending the Devs. Still, I would like to see the community elevate its game in order to achieve a better goal. In other words, make sure your comments add value.


I don't have any other specific calls to action at this point although I have a few ideas. Still, I'll ask the questions how as a Mara/Sent community can we provide more concise, actionable and agreed upon feedback?


I know it wasnt directed at me, I just wanted to put my two cents in. People like him have had enough, I'm getting that way myself - but I will probably be less and less active the more frustrated I get.


Not sure what method you are using for Ruugar, but the Zorz one simply wont work with melee. We made our own style and it works with two melee, as our first clear was with two Sentinels.

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I know it wasnt directed at me, I just wanted to put my two cents in. People like him have had enough, I'm getting that way myself - but I will probably be less and less active the more frustrated I get.


Not sure what method you are using for Ruugar, but the Zorz one simply wont work with melee. We made our own style and it works with two melee, as our first clear was with two Sentinels.


To be clear, I wasn't citing anyone specifically for nonconstructive feedback. For one, my definition probably differs than someone else's. Still, I think the issue remains pages of forum feedback are a terrible way to glean useful information.

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Not sure what method you are using for Ruugar, but the Zorz one simply wont work with melee. We made our own style and it works with two melee, as our first clear was with two Sentinels.


We have myself as Sentinel and a Guardian in our lineup, and yeah, Ruugar is a mess for us! So I'd be extremely thankful to hear how you've been doing it - you could also PM me as to not derail this thread, if it suits you.


And don't stop posting, if you can bring yourself to do so in spite of frustration. I'm finding it harder these days, too, but we need the experienced players all the more now imo...

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