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PVP Revolution - Chapter V - Class identity


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I believe there is a serious inconsistency regarding class identity in this game and I fail to see the current balancing method to be working.


If a melee class needs gap closer, mobility and root to be viable against ranged, you must not grant a ranged class immunity against the gap closer skill, hinder the melee class's mobility (root/slow) or grant them root braker at the same time.


From the other perspective, if a ranged class needs hard stun, knockback or an escape tool to survive, there should be no way to prevent them using those.


So, you really need to make up your mind: a class either needs a skill (mechanism) or not. If they need it, then another class must not deprive them from using those. Providing a class with proactive immunity (against damage or movement impairing skills) raises a lot of problems as well for the same reason.


Bringing balance is not about undoing fundamental class mechanisms but to give each class tools to deal with other classes' unique skills. This is the learn to play part.


A fight where some of my skills are unavailable (disabled) and my movement is impaired is frustrating.

A fight where I have to find a way to deal with the enemy's unique talent/genre having all my skills at my disposal is challenge and fun, because I am actually "playing" the class as it is intended to be.


If you respected this class design method, balancing would be easier. As it is now, you are overcomplicating the whole system by continuously adding exceptions (breaks, immunities), inevitably breaking or overpowering classes with each change.

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I agree with some of your sentiments. A think bioware has fallen into a trap of continually giving classes tools to deal with other classes tools, which leads to more tools being given. Giving out cc immunity was stupid IMO. Physics or root/snare immunity is fine I think, but not cc immunity. Giving a ranged class superb mobility with several instants was also dumb. Giving a melee class the ability to do almost their entire rotation from 15 - 30m was also stupid. In my opinion they should start taking tools away instead of continually giving more.


Each class having a gap closer/opener is fine IMO. Each class having a way to break roots is okay. Each class having some roots is okay as well. Though ranged classes should have an easier time getting out of roots. As soon as you throw in CC immunity though it gets jacked up. Also messing up the whole ranged casting and melee instants doesn't help anything.

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So, you really need to make up your mind: a class either needs a skill (mechanism) or not. If they need it, then another class must not deprive them from using those. Providing a class with proactive immunity (against damage or movement impairing skills) raises a lot of problems as well for the same reason.


Or we could just all march in formation, wait for the signal from the commanding officer, and then just shoot each other from 10 paces, like oldey tymey colonial warriors.


In this game of rock, paper, scissors, if I am lucky enough to throw a paper over your rock because you blew a cool down or messed up your rotation, then good for me. But if we just stand there canceling each other out, where is the skill or fun in that?

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Or we could just all march in formation, wait for the signal from the commanding officer, and then just shoot each other from 10 paces, like oldey tymey colonial warriors.


In this game of rock, paper, scissors, if I am lucky enough to throw a paper over your rock because you blew a cool down or messed up your rotation, then good for me. But if we just stand there canceling each other out, where is the skill or fun in that?


Ye olde red coats?

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