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Melee Accuracy Over 100%


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The answer depends if you are talking about PvE or PvP.


First, you have to understand that your melee accuracy is actually already at 100%. If you mouse over melee accuracy you will see you have special melee accuracy at 100%. Really the only non special attack you have is assault. Most of your rotational abilities are special attack.


PvP: Now you need a little bump due to most player characters have a 5% defense chance do you want to bump you accuracy to 95% to negate that. Remember tho sorcs have a 10% base chance and tanks while have for with def from gear. Though you really don't want to waste on anything higher than 95%.


PvE: NPC enemies have a lot higher def chances so you will need to stack more accuracy. I am no PvE expert but from what I understand is you are going to want about 110-115. But don't take my word on this because like I said I rarely PvE so I'm not completely sure. However it is easier to stack more in different stats due to the fact PvE gear ranks much higher than PvE.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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100 melee 110 force. Any more is wasted stat. Your offhand attacks are going to miss no matter how high you get your accuracy but at 100 melee/110 force you'll never miss a main hand hit in PvE. The total rating required for this is about 756. 7 pieces of 192 accuracy gear or 6 pieces of 198 with 1 accuracy augment are the traditional methods for accuracy cap.
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