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Story progression Ideas


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If I recall pre-launch blogs & interviews, the core idea behind Bioware & Swtor is to create emotional interactions with characters and the world to create a rich plot where players attach to their Avatar & NPCs. With that in mind, what I would love to see is a story arc involving you and your crew only. The main plot could be determined from the ship & could have our protagonist return to old class specific instances & new ones. Here is why I feel recycling old content wound benefit this game.

- make the world feel alive: once you return to a zone as a war hero, you can witness the aftermath of your choices, see how the worlds evolved from your influence.

- Spend more of an expansion budget on story and content vs creating a new planet: by using old class instances you can concentrate on the personalized story/dialog, npcs & quests vs spending the project`s allowance on drawing up a new planet


what do you guys think?

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Well, there are a few paths I would like to see the game take.


1) For the next expansion instead of each class having the same story for chapter 4-5-6 like Makeb/Revan/ probably Rise of the Emperor, I would like it if each class had a different storyline that are connected and culminate in the final battle for that topic. For example, the Sith Warrior leads the charging army into enemy territory to draw attention away from the imperial agent planting bombs in the blah blah blah and the Inquisitor is off to uncover a traitor in their midst while the bounty hunter is leading a strike team into an orbiting warship whose weapons threaten the ground operation. You know, connection. It is a little unrealistic to have all these sith and the empire keeps hiring a bounty hunter, albeit the best one but still.


2) Story wise, I think after the emperor has blown over some more focus can be put into the war between the republic/empire. Notice all the operations have to do with an enemy greater than the opposing faction: Soa, Kephess, Dread Masters, Revan, etc. What about an operation where it is different for each faction? the Korriban/Tython is a great example, because it is different fights and motivations for each faction.


The rakghoul problem was a great idea. Kaon under siege and lost island were excellent stories, that could have and should have been it's own expansion with an operation. Rakghouls are fun, cool, people like them, and they got endless possibilities. But with the rakghoul event it is unlikely because they kinda went down that path already.


An idea that has been circulating around and lots of people have thought of is Dathomir. The witches have a great history in the SW universe and epic potential, plus a whole interesting planet that is practically already brainstormed for Bioware.


Another area that has potential for a future update would possibly be a yuuzhan vong invasion, and this would be controversial but think of how much you can get out of it:


With the new movies coming out, the books written about the yuuzhan vong from another galaxy invading the star wars galaxy essentially have been non-canonized. They are pretty much well published fan-fiction now, and creative rights have been given to Disney and JJ Abrams for post-Lucas movie content. Like it or not this opens up an interesting opportunity for us in SWTOR because all the rich stories and ideas from those books now are non-canon, and can be moved forward a few thousand years. Why don't the yuuzhan vong invade now? They are an amazing story and if Bioware wants to keep up the whole "galactic level threat" genre going, this could last for many updates. Whole new aliens, species, advanced biotechnology the likes of which no one has ever seen, planets devastated by their terraforming technology and vicious warriors who are immune to the force and whose whole existence is the embrace of pain and torture in honor of their creator Yhuuzhan'tar. Brilliant, already packaged and ready to develop, and best of all has amazing opportunities for everything in game from armors to (hate to say it) cartel packs, planets, pvp, operations, flashpoints. If Bioware could pull this off, I would slip out with happiness.




Ok, I'm done rambling.

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If I recall pre-launch blogs & interviews, the core idea behind Bioware & Swtor is to create emotional interactions with characters and the world to create a rich plot where players attach to their Avatar & NPCs. With that in mind, what I would love to see is a story arc involving you and your crew only. The main plot could be determined from the ship & could have our protagonist return to old class specific instances & new ones. Here is why I feel recycling old content wound benefit this game.

- make the world feel alive: once you return to a zone as a war hero, you can witness the aftermath of your choices, see how the worlds evolved from your influence.

- Spend more of an expansion budget on story and content vs creating a new planet: by using old class instances you can concentrate on the personalized story/dialog, npcs & quests vs spending the project`s allowance on drawing up a new planet


what do you guys think?


I like this idea. I've often thought that I'd happily rerun through various cutscenes and instances of class story, simply because I can't remember most of it now, but your idea is better. It could even be done without revisiting the places - imagine a smuggler telling wildly embellished tales in a cantina, with NPCs able to chip in with current events. A Jedi could be meditating on past choices, a Trooper could be reporting to a superior officer. (FWIW, I justify re-running FPs and dailies by pretending my consular is meditating on past battles.).

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