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Kaggath Battlegrounds Final: Republic Resistance vs Imperial Droid Division


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I assume you wouldnt ask that if you didnt have a plan to pull it of somehow.


Well, now that you bring it up!


The original methods proposed last match included the following:


1. Siphoning force energy from a place strong in the force (in that case, the Dark Temple).


2. Imbuing the armor with runes and Jerec's will to control the individual, much like ancient sith did. Case in point, Warb Null. Jerec also intended to force his Cadre of 6 Dark Jedi and himself into 'one mind' as he had read in an ancient text. In essence, giving him total control of them to expand his own power.


3. Desann's specific method, using a specific type of crystal to transfer force energy from one being or object to another. Hey, what are those Jedi doing there... :jawa_evil: Basically capture Jedi and leach their energy into crystals which would then be put into the soldier inside the Inquisitorium armor, or if it went the rune route, just into the armor.


So, I am not 100% sure if there is a strong nexus on Corellia, so can't rely on that one unless someone knows something about a nexus there?! :cool: The second method very well could work, and heck, Jerec doesn't have much to do on the ground other than twiddle his thumbs, and he CERTAINLY has the knowledge to do so due to his extensive studies. The third one would take a lot of time, but it can be combo'd with either of the earlier methods to increase its strength. Due to Jerec's new standing however, there are a few additional methods as well as facing Jedi this time.


4. Shunt excess energy that Jerec absorbs via his cloud (which would vastly expand in a state of meditation) into the crystals, meaning the Jedi do not necessarily need to be captured or even killed. Making it possible to get enough energy gathered as well as severely weaken the Jedi at the same time the longer it goes on. Nor would battle meditation stop this, since it is not a psychological or morale effect (though it could be if they get weak enough).


5. They could make use of the Inquisitors that came to Corellia and when they are recovering take little bits of their power and put them into the crystals, to be put into the Abomination. Do note, the Abomination can be a person within the armor, the armor itself, or a being 'fused' with the armor.


Once the Abomination is back *albeit a lot slower than in the previous match, unless a Nexus is found* he will essentially act as a brute to defend Jerec and would be quite hard to deal with since it already has the training/programming to fight Force Users as it is. Except it would then be boosted quite a bit by all of the force power being poured into it.


Side Note: Explained 2 better, and fixed some grammatical errors.

Edited by Silenceo
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Fair enough Sil good points, I think I'll be calling the final tommorow though just a heads up.


I... I... Thank you. :confused:


*Senses as if there is a trap* :mon_trap:


Mostly curious just as to what the scenario is and how it goes down at this point. As I said at the beginning of the match, I do not mind much if the IDD loses, since it has already far surpassed what I had thought it would achieve.


:d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes: :d_rolls_eyes::D_rolls_eyes:

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Alright so some final points from Lady on that topic:

Nek Bwua'tu has taken extreme measures such as ramming before, he rammed his flagship into a killik vessel as he evacuated it when the situation got desperate. This situation is as desperate as it could get.


Nek is personally familiar with the Thrawn pincer movement as he had to outsmart that tactic many times in the Thrawn simulator. This tactic was itself a popular one in Nek's time and was used in the Vong war to trick Vong fleets.


This tactic would use gravity mines which will attach themselves to the battlecruiser when it enters the system, this will create a gravity well that stops the flagship from jumping away and creates the gravity well needed for the Thrawn pincer movement to work. Better yet this particular gravity well would envelop the Praetor itself ensuring that this micro-jump would be spot on and cause the Acclamator to collide directly with the ship, destroying it.


Such an attack is not something Trench can prepare for or possibly have a counter to, it would be instantaneous as he dropped out of hyperspace.


Nek has two weeks, three at the outside, to plan this op and prepare it, he knows full well that destroying the enemy flagship wins the battle.


Incase of Sil's argument that the Praetor can take it, the Praetor is not massive nor does it have the shielding of an Executor, a 750 kilometer ship hitting a 2,000 kilometer ship is not going to be ineffectual.

I would also have to add that considering Trench will be expected some kind of trap, it may not be in his best interests to rush headlong first into a potentially lethal situation. Edited by Beniboybling
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Incase of Sil's argument that the Praetor can take it, the Praetor is not massive nor does it have the shielding of an Executor, a 750 kilometer ship hitting a 2,000 kilometer ship is not going to be ineffectual


Herein lies the problem then LK.


The Praetor II is 8,000, not 2,000... It most DEFINITELY has the shielding and armor to survive this. If I was still using the Allegiance, that may be true. However, this is much stronger than an Allegiance class. It is roughly half the size of an Executor class, but with heavier armor than it. A few things to note concerning the Executor classes history with being rammed:


- Able to survive 3 ISD hitting its shields at light speed

- Bridge armor was thin and shields down when the A wing destroyed it

- In that X-wing game notice how it doesn't blow up when hit with the Corvette, the only reason it DID was because that corvette exposed its reactors, which the B-wings then shot.


Now, onto the Praetor II.


- 1/2 the size of an Executor

-- The Praetor would have to deal with about 1/6 the damage as well

- Noted as having extremely strong shields (a Praetor I reactor was used on Echo base. It was deemed impenetrable to bombardment. That ship was half the size of the Praetor II)

- Armor stronger than nearly any other ship, as well as thicker and better coverage in most areas

- Unlike the Executor, it doesn't have any portions unarmored (Such as where the Corvette hit...)

- Reactor bulge is hidden


I mean, its great in theory, but in practice it simply will not one shot the Praetor II. I use the Executor as an example, because it has quite a bit of history with being rammed, and the Praetor II was an early concept of such. Weighing in at half its size, even if it only had 1/3 of its shield power, it would still survive this.


So in response directly to those points


- It is indeed massive, 8,000 instead of 2,000. Part of why I found it so strange to have gotten damaged so EASILY in the first battle...

- It definitely has powerful enough shields to survive being rammed by an Acclamator

- Its armor is pretty dang incredible, and actually covers everything. Unlike the Executor.


Side Note: The only place I see gravity mines listed, is on the Imperious, which is not exactly around anymore. On the wiki they are also said to be used by Darth Krayts Empire, don't see another mention. Meaning how would Nek know of them or how to use them properly? Heck, I scanned Kuat's products real quick and didn't see any mines at all.


After Thought: Hence why IG-88 would be sending encoded messages to Trench on the status of the orbiting fleet, which I do not recall having any jamming capabilities. Even if the did, IG-88 could likely do something about it... (Lazy answer - He hacks them) :p If a single ship leaves and does not reemerge, you bet that would be reported. Nor do Acclamators have cloaking tech or such, meaning it would show up on scanners to ships in the system with strong enough scanners. It is entirely possible that when IG-88 does his whole sabotage/destroy one of the Venators (which may or may not kill Nek) that he could get data from it and discover the plot. If THAT is done, the IDD fleet could jump to the location of the Acclamator and destroy it before moving onto the rest of the fleet. Now, what again stops IG-88 from repeating the sabotage/destruction of the Venator on the next Venator? Windu can NOT afford to spend his time up there, and it isn't even certain he could defeat IG-88 and his Nova trooper friends. Heck, IG-88 could take one out early on, take out another when he hears the IDD fleet is being repaired, and then go after the final one right before the IDD fleet jumps in system. Time line wise, that would be first few days, end of first week, and week 2/3.


I mean, last I checked, other than Windu nothing that the RR has can stop IG-88 and his Nova buds once they are on one of the RR's ships. And even then, Windu could likely only do so if they were separated. What counter measures could they realistically try? Lock down? IG-88 will override it. Vent the compartments? They are droids. Shoot them with lots of guns? Nova's are made of phrik, and IG-88 said to be nearly impervious to blaster fire. Anything larger and they will vent their own compartment, which the boarding party might do as they move along just to cause issues. Blast doors? Override. Gas? No effect. Poppers? Got to survive long enough, and all of the droids are quite intelligent. Nova's with specific boarding action training, and IG-88 being... well... IG-88. I do believe IG-88 has showings of clearing entire rooms before people could draw their guns, but I would have to go check Wolf's thread.


Update: Other topics I would like to address today (if it isn't called that is)


- Sabotage (Chameleon)

- Conversion (IG-88)

- Droid Rebellion (IG-88)

- Leadership injuries/death (Battles and leadership behavior)

- Misc

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To make it brief, instead of boring you all with long winded paragraphs... Feel the full firepower of this fully armed, and operational, bullet point list!


Chameleons are known for sabotage/assassination

- Lack of proper surveillance other than on the inside of Green Jedi Enclave

- Juggernauts are large, and outside of the Enclave

- Chameleon's sabotaged Clone stuff throughout the Clone Wars

- Using the cityscape, they could reach the location of the Juggernauts undetected

- Known to set various traps for those they encounter

- Use of mines could severely hinder RR troop movements

- Could easily climb buildings that the AT-UT are on and destroy them


"The chameleon droid's primary job was not as a front line combat unit but rather as a covert droid designed to sneak into enemy lines, lay mines, and assassinate or sabotage Republic targets.[1]" ~The New Essential Guide to Droids (from wiki)


They can be created on Corellia easily

- All of their parts are common and cheap

- No expensive pieces, and not too big either

- Hologram tech is a dime a dozen

- Scrap all around to use

- Schematics from Commerce Guild

- Factories bought very early on by IDD, or if owners were RR supporters, seized



- Sabotage Juggnerauts

- Lay mines throughout RR travel routes, forcing them to re-calculate or take time to remove them

- Even if mines are removed, likely to still have caused casualties

- Anti-repulsor mines could be dropped where AT-UT's are known to travel

- If Comm network is down, play a part in the Droid Rebellion and Conversion schemes

- Work in tandem with Spysprites to maximize effectiveness (they did so last round)


End Result if Successful

- RR deployment slowed

- Juggernauts sabotaged

- AT-UT harassed and multiple knocked off their perches

- Mine fields lain in multiple zones to cause casualties

- Constant intel feed from Chameleons and Spysprites

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The Conversion and Droid Rebellion


Same as the previous post, bullet points away!


All your XR-85 Tank Droid/3m are belong to us (Comm method)

- IG-88 broadcasts his signal

- Tank droids, being entirely automated, get affected

- They turn on Clone's first chance they get (if none survive, the others remain inconspicuous)

- If a message is sent by the clones to alert command of the Tank Droid's treachery...

-- IG-88 might be able to intercept

-- If it makes it through, Tank droids go on a rampage wherever they are

- Most clones do not have long range comm's, easy to pick off those who do first

- Spysprites act as eyes on turned Tank Droids, to ensure nothing gets tampered with or covertly fixed

-- If they spot such occuring, IG-88 would be notified and the Tank droids would go beserk


Results if Successful

- RR loses its front line tanks

- Casualties due to droid betrayal

- IDD gains more tanks


Alternate Routes

- If comm network is down

-- Chameleon's get close and plant a device to transfer code to the Tank Droids (removing it after, of course)

-- IG-88 taking control of tank droids when they engage IDD forces


One of us, One of us!

- IG-88 sends his signal

- Local droids join the IDD forces, even if they are as low as mouse droids

- Those that can be equipped for combat are, those who can not, are used for parts to create ones that can

- If they were droids within the RR, cause havoc/sabotage!


Results if Successful

- Huge boost to IDD numbers

- IDD gains cannon fodder

- Resources for worth while droids increased

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What counter measures could they realistically try?
They could just cut the power...
Update: Other topics I would like to address today (if it isn't called that is)
I think most points have been covered at this stage, I'm not really counting much anymore.. Edited by Beniboybling
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Leadership Casualties


Meh... Bullet Points... GO!


Leadership styles

- Commander Cody fights along side his men

- Windu also fought along side his men

- Sunrider would stay in the HQ to stategize, or at least not get herself killed

- Nek, most likely in space, letting Cody and Windu orchestrate ground combat


Distinct Factors

- IDD knows the color marking system due to Trench's knowledge from the Clone Wars

- Jerec knows Windu

- IDD would have constant surveillance due to Chameleon's and spysprites


Dangers to Leaders

- IG-88

- Desann (likely to be on front lines if target of note is detected)

- Inquisitors (same as Desann)

- Snipers

- Mortars

- Enforcers breaking lines with their treads

- PII fly by's likely to target officers (Missiles away!)

- Chameleon droids (known to be used for sabotage and assassination)

- Cody and Windu are quite distinct in appearance


Victory or Death

- If Cody or Windu get injured, death is likely

- If forces they command are defeated, they would be out numbered

- IDD has the speed advantage with Jetpack flight

- Injured, Cody would be dead for sure due to inability to out run the PII's

- Windu could get away if Injured, but even for a Jedi, escaping PII's in a city scape won't be easy



Result if Successful

- Windu and/or Cody dead

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They could just cut the power...


Cut the power, while in orbit over a planet. Not the brightest idea. Even so, they would still be able to continue whereas the clones would be trapped and without life support. It would be much slower, but they would just have to break through instead of opening it, which they are in a much better condition to do so than the crew. Another thing that they could try is just go outside of the ship then and get to the bridge that way. :d_cool:


For example:


- Super human strength

- Super Intelligent

- Super Tough


I think most points have been covered at this stage, I'm not really counting much anymore..


But... But... Beni. :( I finally am putting arguments forth dang it! :p

Edited by Silenceo
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Cut the power, while in orbit over a planet. Not the brightest idea. Even so, they would still be able to continue whereas the clones would be trapped and without life support. It would be much slower, but they would just have to break through instead of opening it, which they are in a much better condition to do so than the crew. Another thing that they could try is just go outside of the ship then and get to the bridge that way. :d_cool:
Point is without power the bridge won't function, the ship will be dead in the water.
But... But... Beni. :( I finally am putting arguments forth dang it! :p
Well at this stage I'm hoping to wrap things up. I think youve made a pretty good argument already. Edited by Beniboybling
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Point is without power the bridge won't function, the ship will be dead in the water.


Which, is still a BAD idea when in orbit over a planet Beni. Without power... Well... I am sure we all have seen apples fall? :D Or Episode III where the Providence plunges downward?! :eek:


If it is dead in the water long enough, the crew will suffocate, simple as that... Though I do not recall them really doing that when having to deal with boarders. Granted, I do not recall them having to deal with a pro-hacker like IG-88. By the time power is cut, they would be at least half way to their destination I would estimate since it isn't usually the first thing that is done when Boarders are detected. That said, all they would need to do is plant their explosive and go, powered or not that would destroy the ship, even more so if they rigged the engines/fuel lines. Their exit route would be clear door wise since they would of already forced those open/overridden the system to get those open.


Making it hard for the crew to intercept them on their way out if it is powered down.

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Which, is still a BAD idea when in orbit over a planet Beni. Without power... Well... I am sure we all have seen apples fall? :D Or Episode III where the Providence plunges downward?! :eek:


If it is dead in the water long enough, the crew will suffocate, simple as that... Though I do not recall them really doing that when having to deal with boarders. Granted, I do not recall them having to deal with a pro-hacker like IG-88. By the time power is cut, they would be at least half way to their destination I would estimate since it isn't usually the first thing that is done when Boarders are detected. That said, all they would need to do is plant their explosive and go, powered or not that would destroy the ship, even more so if they rigged the engines/fuel lines. Their exit route would be clear door wise since they would of already forced those open/overridden the system to get those open.


Making it hard for the crew to intercept them on their way out if it is powered down.

One other thing: If IG would broadcast the RR officers giving orders to power the ship down and risk letting a 1 km star destroyer crash into Corellia's city scape ... well I think the Corellians aint gonna like that.

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Which, is still a BAD idea when in orbit over a planet Beni. Without power... Well... I am sure we all have seen apples fall? :D Or Episode III where the Providence plunges downward?! :eek:


If it is dead in the water long enough, the crew will suffocate, simple as that... Though I do not recall them really doing that when having to deal with boarders. Granted, I do not recall them having to deal with a pro-hacker like IG-88. By the time power is cut, they would be at least half way to their destination I would estimate since it isn't usually the first thing that is done when Boarders are detected. That said, all they would need to do is plant their explosive and go, powered or not that would destroy the ship, even more so if they rigged the engines/fuel lines. Their exit route would be clear door wise since they would of already forced those open/overridden the system to get those open.


Making it hard for the crew to intercept them on their way out if it is powered down.

The Battle of Coruscant was extremely close to the planet however, a standard blockade is unlikely to be in the planet's actual orbit. For example here Trench's fleet is quite a distance away, we would not expect any of those ships to fall to the surface if disabled. I also expect the air will remain breathable for several hours, and they like have breathing equipment to prolong that, heck even without power escape pods might be functional, and shuttles will.


The thing that must be accounted for however is Nek may well anticipate another attack, and set a trap accordingly. In that respect they will know exactly what to do in the event of any intrusion i.e. cut the power.

Edited by Beniboybling
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The Battle of Coruscant was extremely close to the planet however, a standard blockade is unlikely to be in the planet's actual orbit. For example here Trench's fleet is quite a distance away, we would not expect any of those ships to fall to the surface if disabled. I also expect the air will remain breathable for several hours, and they like have breathing equipment to prolong that, heck even without power escape pods might be functional, and shuttles will.


The thing that must be accounted for however is Nek may well anticipate another attack, and set a trap accordingly. In that respect they will know exactly what to do in the event of any intrusion i.e. cut the power.


Except he doesn't know what the heck happened on the Imperious. Meaning that at least one of the remaining Venators would still be taken out. He might develop some counter measures after that, but if they prove ineffective they lose the second. By that point he likely would try cutting the power since he still wouldn't know much about IG-88 except for what has been seen during the previous boarding.


However, the thing to note is that after the first Venator is down, it doesn't matter if IG-88 has to take his time or simply abort. However, I still doubt that Windu would be able to make it to the ship and stop IG-88. A few reasons as to why:


- Doors would be sealed for him as well since power is off

- If power is switched back on when Windu arrives, it allows IG-88 and the Nova's to continue moving

- if Windu gets close, doors could be sealed to block his persuit

- It takes time to cut through doors and they likely can not override IG-88

- IG-88 and the Nova's would have a head start

- Mace would arrive in the hanger, not whatever air lock that IG-2000 used, so it wouldn't be open without power

- If IG-88 and the Nova's get off and escape Windu after planting the charges, it is unlikely Windu could reach the hanger before they were detonated. Equating to a Dead Windu.

- With Windu out of the way, there is literally nothing stopping IG-88 and the Nova's from taking their time with the rest of the fleet, seeing how the whole spacing out their strikes meant to cause Windu to not be present.

- If Windu is killed or injured on the ground, they could go on a spree with the fleet anyways

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Doesn't he? The Resistance has a lot of intelligent people in its ranks who can make intelligent deductions, it doesn't take a genius to realise that the failure of the Imperious' power was no accident, but a work of sabotage.


Your assuming that nobody will infer that just maybe the Imperious was hacked and shutdown by a slicer.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Doesn't he? The Resistance has a lot of intelligent people in its ranks who can make intelligent deductions, it doesn't take a genius to realise that the failure of the Imperious' power was no accident, but a work of sabotage.


Your assuming that nobody will infer that just maybe the Imperious was hacked and shutdown by a slicer.


Except it was all done during the chaos of battle, which makes it exceedingly hard to determine what the cause was, even more so since they don't have the ship anymore to see what went wrong. :p


The facts that are present

- Imperious destroyed

- It had been boarded by Units that felled the defenders effortlessly

- Errors throughout the Imperious

- IG-88 never detected

- Could very well of been some of the boarders making it to vital systems

- While a slicer would be a prime candidate, they still would have no clue how they got so far undetected

-- Another thing to note in favor of IG-88, he has moved about larger ships undetected before


To quote the exact scene


Sirens wailed as clone trooper marines rattled into the hangar bay, the roof studded with pincer shaped boarding craft. As they took up hasty cover behind fighters and cargo crates, the arms retracted, and glossy black machines dropped out.


They landed on the plated floor with crunching thuds. Two metres and two hundred kilograms of durasteel and phrik rising to full height and lumbering towards the clones with oversized rifles raised. Dark troopers. Nova-class. A next-generation stormtrooper battle droid. But they were nothing like the flimsy “clankers” they had faced during the Clone Wars.


Those droids would have been scrapped by now. Torn apart by the torrent of firepower that was bouncing harmlessly off the ever advancing dark troopers. Then they returned fire, their hulking black rifles emitting menacing thuds, like the sound of the bodies now hitting the floor as the blazing projectiles ruptured their armour and flesh.


* * *


Though the Resistance’s fighters managed to screen several of their cruisers, many drop ships get through and infiltrate the enemy vessels with dark novatroopers. Against their overwhelming firepower and nigh impregnable armour the clone marines and powerless to stop them, and they quickly overrun and cripple several cruisers. Nek quickly realises their abilities beyond that of any solider, and dispatch Mace Windu to deal with the dark novatroopers running amok across his ship.


However Nek suspects a trap, assuming the droids a diversion for a potential attempt on his life or an act of sabotage. He seals the bridge and dispatches his remaining Jedi protector and several troops to defend the ships vital systems, assuring the Knight that he is capable of defending himself against assassination.


But Nek is not prepared for the abilities of IG-88.


* * *


“The Resolute’s shields are failing, Admiral. It’s being overwhelmed.”


“Dispatch fighter groups one and seven to assist, target the batteries.”


“Yes, Admiral.”


“Vindicator-class attempting to strafe.”


“Intensify the bridge deflector shields and tilt to port.”


“Tartan corvettes incoming, starboard side.”


“Trap them with tractor beams.”


To an untrained observer the view for the transparisteel windows might appear as randomised chaos, a mess of ships with every captain himself. But to Nek it was a coordinated interplay of variables and outcomes, one false move, one misstep, would send ripples across the battlefield, and the tide would turn against him.


The droning thrum of fluctuating electrics caught Nek’s attention, as the lighting began to flicker and the terminals went dead.


“Sir… all systems are shutting down!”


“An ion blast? Have we been hit?”


“No, sir. There being powered down manually!”


The lights had gone dead. The bridge illuminated only the faint space glow from the viewports. The Imperious was dead in the water, and on the other side of the glass others were beginning to notice, the ripples beginning to spread.


One false move. One misstep.


So essentially what IG-88 could do

- Move undetected through the ship

- Planet explosives and covertly kill engineers

- Return to ship

- Watch fireworks


It doesn't necessarily have to be all big and noticeable a fight the entire time. Heck, the scenario itself shows that IG-88 made it all the way to their core systems without being detected. Preparing to combat any other slicer, even top notch slicers, would still not stop IG-88, nor would it be obvious at first that something is aboard.

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They have the black box remember, and various eyewitness accounts. Combined they can verify that no forced entry was made to the life support systems, ruling out the Dark Troopers that Windu dispatched personally as the cause.


The fact that they had no clue how he managed to infiltrate the ship nor is their any record only suggests he is extremely skilled and very dangerous. Name one other slicer that could disable the Imperious in this manner. There exists none. They will not assume they are dealing with any one ordinary, but extraordinary to say the least.


Also remember we are dealing with a fully fledged intelligence agency here, they will collate any piece of evidence they can get their hands on, they will study everything in excruciating detail, to suggest they won't get an idea of what or who was responsible and worse make the incorrect deduction seems far-fetched to me. If as a result contingency plans such as the cutting the power is put into place, IG-88 may find his mission much more difficult to complete.

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They have the black box remember, and various eyewitness accounts. Combined they can verify that no forced entry was made to the life support systems, ruling out the Dark Troopers that Windu dispatched personally as the cause.


The fact that they had no clue how he managed to infiltrate the ship nor is their any record only suggests he is extremely skilled and very dangerous. Name one other slicer that could disable the Imperious in this manner. There exists none. They will not assume they are dealing with any one ordinary, but extraordinary to say the least.


Also remember we are dealing with a fully fledged intelligence agency here, they will collate any piece of evidence they can get their hands on, they will study everything in excruciating detail, to suggest they won't get an idea of what or who was responsible and worse make the incorrect deduction seems far-fetched to me. If as a result contingency plans such as the cutting the power is put into place, IG-88 may find his mission much more difficult to complete.


"Eye witnesses"... Concerning IG-88? Yeah... no.


They very well could of had some slip past their forces, considering how badly they were slaughtering the marines.


All slicers worth their salt are ghosts in regards to the holo net. :cool:


As for the Agency, do recall that their HQ will be destroyed/raided on Day 1 by the Inquisitorious, was one of the very first things in regards to the ground battle that I mentioned... If nothing else, they would be disorganized.


Except there is exactly 0 evidence to lead to IG-88, and even if there was, there is not really anything they can learn about IG-88 and his capabilities. Imperial Intelligence didn't even know much about him... And the GE is the one that commissioned him!


They do not have a visual, a print, or even a hint of who it was that accessed their ship. Without even that they can not hope to prepare to defeat IG-88's slicing skills. Simple as that.

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Eye-witnesses that no forced entry was made to the life support systems. Which for the record the scenario outlines were heavily defended, accompanied by a Jedi no less.


They don't need to know about IG-88 to take precautions, all they need to know is that they are dealing with a master infiltrator/and or slicer. And I think its a serious possibility that the Republic Intelligence can reach those conclusions based on what they know, as opposed to the less realistic ones you have provided. Again they have eye-witnesses.


Though naturally that will depend on Republic Intelligence's ability to function. Nonetheless I don't want to get into a lengthy debate on this matter, I'll take your arguments into account in my decision.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Eye-witnesses that no forced entry was made to the life support systems. Which for the record the scenario outlines were heavily defended, accompanied by a Jedi no less.


They don't need to know about IG-88 to take precautions, all they need to know is that they are dealing with a master infiltrator/and or slicer. And I think its a serious possibility that the Republic Intelligence can reach those conclusions based on what they know, as opposed to the less realistic ones you have provided. Again they have eye-witnesses.


Though naturally that will depend on Republic Intelligence's ability to function. Nonetheless I don't want to get into a lengthy debate on this matter, I'll take your arguments into account in my decision.


I never said they couldn't reason that it was a hacker, but that they have no idea what kind of hacker or who it is. Nor is there really a way for them to determine that. As has previously been stated, IG-88 hacking >>>> Other hacking. That, on top of the RI being attacked early on, would hinder the investigation.


What I am getting at, is that even if they take extreme counter measures to fight hacking without powering everything off, it is very likely they will still fail because IG-88 is just on a completely different level. Could of sworn there was a quote around here some where concerning IG-88 speed blitzing the Executor, which had several orders of magnitude better defenses than the Venators systems.

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