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Kaggath Battlegrounds Final: Republic Resistance vs Imperial Droid Division


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I know, many are likely aghast about me proposing that the faction might actually *gasp* BUY some of what they need instead of relying on contribution from supplier! :eek: :eek: :eek: The fact of the matter is, is that Jerec all by himself can afford most of this stuff, and his goal has always been to be the Emperor.
That's because there is a reason:

#86 Commercial markets including the black market do exist and are in operation, but cannot be used to procure fleets, armies or anything other than small arms in large quantities. The faction will also require the necessary amounts of credits to make purchases.

So no artillery for you! The other stuff is acceptable however.

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That's because there is a reason:

#86 Commercial markets including the black market do exist and are in operation, but cannot be used to procure fleets, armies or anything other than small arms in large quantities. The faction will also require the necessary amounts of credits to make purchases.

So no artillery for you! The other stuff is acceptable however.



I just went back and checked that same rule I had used in my previous post where I listed all of the rulings that I figured would help, and discovered that the wording in this post, is INCORRECT Beni. The wording from the earlier post was a direct copy/paste from the rule book itself.


#86 Commercial markets including the black market do exist and are in operation, but cannot be used to procure fleets, armies or anything other than weapons in large quantities. The faction will also require the necessary amounts of credits to make purchases.


In the quoted post you state small arms, however, the rule says weapons. While similar, that is NOT the same. AA guns and such are big, yes, but they are still only weapons. Heck, most are not even mobile...


Side Note: Would these at least fall under that category then? Can't attack ground targets, as AA is usually designed. :rolleyes:

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I edited it to be more specific as weapons is a vague term, I meant small arms, like blasters. It wouldn't be very fair if everyone could just bring in any heavy artillery emplacements they can get there hands on, would kind of defeat the point of choosing heavy artillery as one of your vehicles would it not? Or choosing a supplier for the heavy artillery they can manufacture. I allowed the common market, but we need to put restrictions on what can be purchased.


P.S. And that includes turrets as well, again we can't be having the market as a go to source of making up for your factions deficiencies, otherwise the purpose of selecting units and organisations for your faction is nullified.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I edited it to be more specific as weapons is a vague term, I meant small arms, like blasters. It wouldn't be very fair if everyone could just bring in any heavy artillery emplacements they can get there hands on, would kind of defeat the point of choosing heavy artillery as one of your vehicles would it not? Or choosing a supplier for the heavy artillery they can manufacture. I allowed the common market, but we need to put restrictions on what can be purchased.


P.S. And that includes turrets as well, again we can't be having the market as a go to source of making up for your factions deficiencies, otherwise the purpose of selecting units and organisations for your faction is nullified.


Commerce Guild is capable of supplying all of that, which is what I had intended... Just, that it would all be paid in full since it would be more than they were expected to provide.


For example, Soro Suub *sub-division of Commerce Guild* produced these:





Honestly, just need the gun that they have on top, doesn't need to be mobile at all... Hence AA emplacement...


Here is a heavy gun similar to the E-web that they have:




Surely they could either be automated similar to turrets we see all over SWTOR, or be manned by Z-501's.


Toss in some small scale artillery;




500 meters, not a bad range for short range, and quick fire artillery.


Some heavy firepower that was used last round:




It even says good against air targets!


Since Dark Troopers were said to carry multiple grenades...




Concussions all around!


The point I am getting at, is that all of it has a version of such within my supplier, the IDD would merely have bought such things before heading to Corellia, seeing how hard the previous two battles had been they would of wanted to be crazy prepared for the next match...


That said, this was all not intended to replace vehicles, as none of it would really be mobile once installed... Except of course for the grenade launcher and Equalizer which are not really emplacements...


My Faction is not deficient in these area's, I could have the spider droids cover AA, and there are already AA emplacements throughout the Corporation Island, the IDD would merely be putting more down where their HQ would be. Nor am I asking for this http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090412172441/starwars/images/7/7c/T_game.jpg ... I am saying the IDD would buy something of the scale of http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/E-Web_heavy_repeating_blaster.


All the things requested that the IDD could buy, the Commerce Guild has in their reservoir...


Side Note: Most turrets are infantry scale if they have to do with infantry ya know... Those are so cheap to purchase and install... If nothing else, it could all be created soon after they arrive using the factories they buy out...

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Oh and just to clarify for Sil:

#31 The supplier gives you access to whatever products that they manufacturer, which will be available prior to the Kaggath as ‘stock’ in small quantities i.e. single squad or soldiers or vehicles, single capital ship, transport etc. that can later be built on. This applies to all forms of armour and armaments and will be up to the Arbiter’s discretion.


[...]as you can imagine it would be unfair to put ultimately arbitrary caps on what your supplier can produce, in doing so severely limiting their capabilities to do their job.

^^ Beniboybling to the rescue.


Unlike with KDY, Sorosuub was actually the commerce guild. They staged a coup and everything.


I still don't see why Rayla gets access to everything produced by Rothana, it seems a bit.... illogical. Someone actually has Rothana as well.

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Well that's not quite heavy artillery, but anything your supplier can provide is game.


*Jerec awaits the order to be processed... The manager did not survive.*


Joke aside, where would the IDD be most likely to setup? Haven't had a chance to look around all the spots yet.


Oh and just to clarify for Sil:


#31 The supplier gives you access to whatever products that they manufacturer, which will be available prior to the Kaggath as ‘stock’ in small quantities i.e. single squad or soldiers or vehicles, single capital ship, transport etc. that can later be built on. This applies to all forms of armour and armaments and will be up to the Arbiter’s discretion.


[...]as you can imagine it would be unfair to put ultimately arbitrary caps on what your supplier can produce, in doing so severely limiting their capabilities to do their job.


^^ Beniboybling to the rescue.


Unlike with KDY, Sorosuub was actually the commerce guild. They staged a coup and everything.


I still don't see why Rayla gets access to everything produced by Rothana, it seems a bit.... illogical. Someone actually has Rothana as well.


Sel, do you know what this means?! :jawa_evil:


*Heavy Weapons have entered the fray...*


Or better yet, the IDD can start with some of its ole Z-501 that had been reprogrammed as snipers! :d_grin:



DSD1 dwarf spider droid unit: Consisted of four dwarf spider droids. Also organized in forces of 2-5 units.


Advanced dwarf spider droid unit: Organized identically as DSD1 dwarf spider droid units.


OG-9 homing spider droid unit: A single homing spider droid, with four DSD1 dwarf spider droids acting as spotters, operated as one unit.


Spelunker probe droid unit: Consisted of five spelunker probe droids. For especially hard targets, a force of 20 units was sometimes deployed. (Their successors were the Chameleon's I used last match)




*Waits for it all to be shot to hell, but remains slightly optimistic since they are already organized as such by the Commerce Guild and how they are deployed.*

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So Aurbere how's that write up coming along...


And any more thoughts on gaining public support?


On a some what related, but not really, note... The travel time and trams would hinder any early moves by the RR unless they want to be blatantly obvious and take losses from the AA already in the Corporation Island area, not to mention whatever it is the IDD brings with them. The Spider droids are also noted at being effective at AA.


The point I am getting at, is that the RR will be unable to field enough forces early on to stop the IDD from taking the factories near their HQ. Which should allow them to produce Z-501's and other useful things.

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So much... Silence...o... Might as well explain the overarching setup that the IDD will approach that will not require a ground commander, but will be boosted by Trench on his return.


Stage 1: Preparation


- Deduce strongest defensive position on Corporation Island

- PI's travel quickly throughout the area, collecting data and scouting positions. No engagements with mercs or locals.

- IDD secures or if need be, purchases the previously mentioned defensive position

- Fortify position with items they brought with them *stuff from the previous post concerning finances*

- PII's scout roof tops for vantage points and search for points of interest (such as Selonian tunnel entrances)

- Most of PII's remain on defensive

- PIII's camp at tram station

- Enforcers setup a defensive perimeter

- Spider Droids setup to act as AA while defenses are optimized

- Nearby factories purchased if occupied, taken over if abandoned or friendly to RR

- Production begins, mostly finalizing defensive weapons such as AA and turrets.

- Once defenses are completed (shouldn't take long, less than a week), set factories to produce Z-501's and their rifles

- Rifles that were specified last round, sniper with advanced barrel for accuracy/range, and hardware to link directly

- Inquisitors learn the lay of the land and learn about those who stayed in the Incorporation Island sector

-- Non hostile manner, likely covertly

- That done, Inquisitors would take command of groups of PI's and use their data to setup ambushes

-- So doing would ensure maximum melee combat and efficiency (Inquisitors did this quite often, ambushes I mean) - - Jerec does his politic thing



Stage 2: Entrenched


- Z-501's are setup throughout the local skyscrapers as snipers/lookouts

- By now Chameleon's have arrived

- Chameleon's keep much data flowing, allowing the droids to setup ambushes accordingly

- Chameleon's also lay mines in areas civilians have evacuated and are of import

-- Before now, the Civilians would of been told it would be safer to leave the zone and evac'd

- Tram track is sabotaged within one of the tunnels, so it can not be observed from a distance

-- PI's lay in wait at such locations

- Enforcer placed on the tracks at the local tram exit, to blast any trams that somehow got through

- PII's patrol Corporation Island in squads, also using data from chameleon's and Z-501's

- If targets spotted, PII would assess each situation and call on reinforcements if needed

-- If a large force of soldiers, likely to call in other nearby patrols

-- If there is Armor, they might call in some enforcers to distract them while they hit it with missiles

-- If combined, might turn out into a brawl with multiple other units called in

-- Snipers would of course move to position if in nearby sky scrappers, targeting heavy weapon wielders

- Within each sky scrapper would be a grenade launcher, used to assist in skirmishes

-- They were small enough to be moved if needed and to use broken windows the sky scrappers to fire from

-- Would likely be the same droids acting as snipers

- When Trench returns, they would secure the sector 100% and then prepare for next stage



Stage 3: Counter-Attack


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Commander Cody


"Would it have been too much to ask for the order to have come through*before*I gave him back the bloody lightsaber?"


Marshall Commander Cody was one of the top batches of clones, in his first year due to his record, General Kenobi suggested him strongly for promotion, he soon went from Captain to Marshall Commander. Noted specifically for his skills as a leader and an adaptable tactician.


Before returning to the battlefield he spent seven months being trained by Alpha-17 as an ARC Commander, he was top of the class and given command over Squad Seven a collection of some of the finest ARC Troopers in the GAR. After this he returned and joined General Kenobi as the leader of the 7th Sky Corps.


His skills in combat, as well as his talent as a front-line commander and tactical leader quickly garnered a reputation as the finest clone in the GAR, a hero fighting alongside the legendary Kenobi.


Commander Cody and Captain Rex became the faces of the Clone Army and were celebrated for their near flawless combat record.


As one of only a handful of Marshall Commanders, Cody was effectively the head of the finest fighting force the galaxy had ever seen.


Armor and Arms:


Commander Cody wore several different sets of Phase 1 and later Phase 2 Clone armor.


The phase 2 set included advanced antennae and modified equipment, he also wore a jetpack and was known for carrying extra pistols on his belt.


His weapons of choice were the DC-15A Blaster Rifle and the DC-15S Blaster Carbine, he was a top expert with both, his aim remarked upon by General Kenobi.

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So much... Silence...o... Might as well explain the overarching setup that the IDD will approach that will not require a ground commander, but will be boosted by Trench on his return.


Stage 1: Preparation


- Deduce strongest defensive position on Corporation Island

- PI's travel quickly throughout the area, collecting data and scouting positions. No engagements with mercs or locals.

- IDD secures or if need be, purchases the previously mentioned defensive position

- Fortify position with items they brought with them *stuff from the previous post concerning finances*

- PII's scout roof tops for vantage points and search for points of interest (such as Selonian tunnel entrances)

- Most of PII's remain on defensive

- PIII's camp at tram station

- Enforcers setup a defensive perimeter

- Spider Droids setup to act as AA while defenses are optimized

- Nearby factories purchased if occupied, taken over if abandoned or friendly to RR

- Production begins, mostly finalizing defensive weapons such as AA and turrets.

- Once defenses are completed (shouldn't take long, less than a week), set factories to produce Z-501's and their rifles

- Rifles that were specified last round, sniper with advanced barrel for accuracy/range, and hardware to link directly

- Inquisitors learn the lay of the land and learn about those who stayed in the Incorporation Island sector

-- Non hostile manner, likely covertly

- That done, Inquisitors would take command of groups of PI's and use their data to setup ambushes

-- So doing would ensure maximum melee combat and efficiency (Inquisitors did this quite often, ambushes I mean) - - Jerec does his politic thing



Stage 2: Entrenched


- Z-501's are setup throughout the local skyscrapers as snipers/lookouts

- By now Chameleon's have arrived

- Chameleon's keep much data flowing, allowing the droids to setup ambushes accordingly

- Chameleon's also lay mines in areas civilians have evacuated and are of import

-- Before now, the Civilians would of been told it would be safer to leave the zone and evac'd

- Tram track is sabotaged within one of the tunnels, so it can not be observed from a distance

-- PI's lay in wait at such locations

- Enforcer placed on the tracks at the local tram exit, to blast any trams that somehow got through

- PII's patrol Corporation Island in squads, also using data from chameleon's and Z-501's

- If targets spotted, PII would assess each situation and call on reinforcements if needed

-- If a large force of soldiers, likely to call in other nearby patrols

-- If there is Armor, they might call in some enforcers to distract them while they hit it with missiles

-- If combined, might turn out into a brawl with multiple other units called in

-- Snipers would of course move to position if in nearby sky scrappers, targeting heavy weapon wielders

- Within each sky scrapper would be a grenade launcher, used to assist in skirmishes

-- They were small enough to be moved if needed and to use broken windows the sky scrappers to fire from

-- Would likely be the same droids acting as snipers

- When Trench returns, they would secure the sector 100% and then prepare for next stage



Stage 3: Counter-Attack


Interesting points, I think Incorporation Islands could prove a very effective defensive position. But not impenetrable. For one I doubt the Resistance will even attempt to use rocket trams to access the island, as that would leave them extremely vulnerable.


Instead they are more likely to bring in some long range artillery, courtesy of Kuat, like some AT-ATs. To take out your anti-air, then land dropships. Or alternatively a covert strike force of Jedi might take out the power...

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Uhh, completely off topic, but Beni, there's a debating tournament on ComicVine you were invited to take part in, if you feel like some fun. Small teams of force users pitted against each other.


You've got a PM waiting from ILS about it...

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Interesting points, I think Incorporation Islands could prove a very effective defensive position. But not impenetrable. For one I doubt the Resistance will even attempt to use rocket trams to access the island, as that would leave them extremely vulnerable.


Instead they are more likely to bring in some long range artillery, courtesy of Kuat, like some AT-ATs. To take out your anti-air, then land dropships. Or alternatively a covert strike force of Jedi might take out the power...


That might work, if not for other factors. :D


Most obvious with environment


- It is a City, and AT-AT's tend to need line of sight... unless they want Corellia against them?

- How would they get on the Incorporation Island with AT-AT's if not by air?

- Even if power is taken out, Spider droids can act as AA quite efficiently

- Kuat and Corellia are rivals, might cause issues


Less obvious


- Kuat has previously attempted to destroy their shipyards if either Empire OR Republic tried to take them

- Past matches it has been Rep vs Rep so Kuat hasn't cared, but not this time

- IDD could offer Kuat a deal once the Corellians take in the RR

- IG-88 could still sabotage it all very early

- Kuat reinforcements are unable to run blockades, and the RR blockade will not last

- Closer than Sullust, yes, but the heavy vehicles will take much longer than IDD vehicles to construct, even more so considering Sullust has dedicated factories for vehicle production.


Plan reliant


- Kuat could very well change sides or be sabotaged

- The RR might lack the funds to get much more than the minimum from Kuat (they are a business after all, and while they supplied the GE, it certainly wasn't free... As for Commerce Guild, they paid for plenty of things during the Clone Wars without strings attached, as they were dedicated to a singular side)

- RI likely to be eliminated if or at the very least displaced with Isard dead from Inquisitor day 1 assault



I know Incorporation Island is not impenetrable, which is why there is the whole entrenched section, however, if there is AA throughout the area as is planned and the trams are cut off... The only way in would be the tunnels and large vehicles do not fit in there.


Side Note: I also believe I mentioned that multiple of the possible defensive positions already have shield generators, and it was mentioned in the finance post that it would be easy for the IDD to purchase and setup a shield generator for their HQ before the RR can get Artillery. After all, it isn't in large quantities. :p You after all only said no to the turrets and AA if they were not provided by supplier, which it ends up that they were, so you didn't seem to have an issue with that proposal before. :D If need be, I can comb through the products again to check if they have one.

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Sil, I hope for you that SoroSuub has an answer to the Juggernaughts, because these give the RR quite an edge in the heavy vehicle category right now.


There are much simpler answers:




Collateral Damage

Lack of Room to maneuver

Inability to reach Incorporation Island

Predictable landing zones

Heavy weapons from Commerce Guild (Equalizer, firestorm, mines, ect)


They are great in durability, but most of their firepower is aimed at anti-personel which more often than not meant things such as B2's. Now, they will still hurt my vehicles quite a bit due to how long it would take to destroy one. That said... The Dark Troopers would still have to be quite careful around them due to the size of the vehicle and the power of the guns.


Something to note however, is that they are not really designed to act as main combat vehicles.




Useful snippet from wiki, hopefully it is accurate...


"With thick, thermally superconducting armor (capable of absorbing enemy fire and dispersing heat over a wide area) and a heavier load, the A6 Juggernaut could only achieve 160 kilometers per hour, and the turning issues of the A5 model were magnified with the A6. The slowness required for negotiating turns encouraged the A6's use on open terrain rather than urban battlefields. "


So if that quotation is to be believed, sure they are as durable as hell, but they are so ill suited to urban combat it isn't even funny... The only use they will likely get is that of guarding the Green Jedi Enclave. If that is the case, if the IDD is the one to push for the others HQ, it is entirely possible to send in Chameleon droids to sabotage it, as they were designed to sabotage enemy equipment, assassinate commanders, lay mines, and to gather intel. If nothing else, the IDD could use that small scale artillery they would have to safely whittle them down.


Side Note: While Juggernauts are stronger than Spider Droids 1 vs 1, a key thing to note is that Spider Droids are DESIGNED to pierce heavy armor with their precision lasers. Meaning that if given the opportunity of multiple spiders vs a Juggernaut, they could quite literally disarm it since it does not have that many weapon systems. The Juggernaut is great, but most of its usefulness comes from being a heavy transport as well as its sheer size, but those are not really able to be used in this environment. It is ill suited for this battle field.

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That might work, if not for other factors. :D


Most obvious with environment


- It is a City, and AT-AT's tend to need line of sight... unless they want Corellia against them?

- How would they get on the Incorporation Island with AT-AT's if not by air?

- Even if power is taken out, Spider droids can act as AA quite efficiently

- Kuat and Corellia are rivals, might cause issues.

The point is to position the AT-ATs at the edge of the city, and fire across the island from the ravine, so they don't need to get on the island, they are merely leveling the emplacements protecting its perimeter.


P.S. If you recall Corellia on SWTOR could notice it has a lot of open areas and wide streets, so the Juggernauts could prove very effective at safely transporting troops into hot zones and ramming through defenses.

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The point is to position the AT-ATs at the edge of the city, and fire across the island from the ravine, so they don't need to get on the island, they are merely leveling the emplacements protecting its perimeter.


P.S. If you recall Corellia on SWTOR could notice it has a lot of open areas and wide streets, so the Juggernauts could prove very effective at safely transporting troops into hot zones and ramming through defenses.


Beni, that would still involve destroying sky scrappers. I mean, I checked the ravine quite a few times and there isn't exactly open areas right next to it... Nor did I really see spots that AT-AT could FIT... They could land, yes, but only in a few select spots. Almost all of which are outside of the Corporation Island. The spots that are on the Island are easily noticed and able to be covered.


Nor would the Juggernaut or AT-AT have a prayer in hell of moving around on Corporation Island... Almost every street goes through a smallish tunnel, enclosed region, tight corners, gates, ect...


Still, to attack the perimeter of the IDD HQ (wherever they may choose...) I am sure they will think about Artillery since it has been a factor in previous matches...

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Beni, that would still involve destroying sky scrappers. I mean, I checked the ravine quite a few times and there isn't exactly open areas right next to it... Nor did I really see spots that AT-AT could FIT... They could land, yes, but only in a few select spots. Almost all of which are outside of the Corporation Island. The spots that are on the Island are easily noticed and able to be covered.


Nor would the Juggernaut or AT-AT have a prayer in hell of moving around on Corporation Island... Almost every street goes through a smallish tunnel, enclosed region, tight corners, gates, ect...


Still, to attack the perimeter of the IDD HQ (wherever they may choose...) I am sure they will think about Artillery since it has been a factor in previous matches...

Then they must be... destroyed. :jawa_evil:


If the IDD have any hope of victory, they can't just bunker up on Corporation Island, this battle will extend beyond that.

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