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Kaggath Battlegrounds Final: Republic Resistance vs Imperial Droid Division


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“No game of dejarik can be won without pawns...”


Final Round: The Republic Resistance vs The Imperial Droid Division


Welcome to the final round of the Kaggath Battlegrounds. Where instead of the entire galaxy, combatants will compete in planetary arena, where every soldier, stronghold and ship counts. Over several months powerful factions have battled it out on world after world. Now only two remain for a final showdown, and the victor will be declared Grand Champion of the Kaggath.


For all those of you aren't aware, the Kaggath is an ancient rite of the Sith, ‘one part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match’. The two combatants have full use of their power bases, be it armies, strongholds or fleets, in order to outwit and outmanoeuvre their opponent. But the Kaggath is no simple lightsaber duel, although it can come down to one, and the arena can be anywhere: a planet, star system or the entire galaxy.


Before we begin, let’s go over the ground rules a final time:


The arena: Corellia – see the faction rundowns for BOEs.



  • #1 The Kaggath is won or lost when the leader of either faction is killed.
  • #2 No outside help of any kind, the combatants cannot call upon assets outside their power base or influence.
  • #3 No outside involvement, other powers will not and cannot interrupt or affect the battle, for the purpose of argument they are non-existent.
  • #4 No surrender, fight to the death!
  • #5 Apathy is death. Factions are not allowed to hide or wait. They must act.
  • #6 Technology level is universal (unless considered archaic or advanced at the time): blaster fire, armouring, lightsabers etc. are all the same regardless of period, all that matters is size, quantity and power.
  • #7 Factions are autonomous – players have no control over their faction’s decisions, this is instead determined by the nature of their leadership.


Read the full rulebook here.


So, the combatants: in the centre of the galaxy, the seat of power and among the ruins of the old Republic, Lady Kulvax’s Republic Resistance has deposed Revan and his followers and claimed Coruscant for their own, with plans to restore the Republic anew. However in the dark recesses of Sith space a more sinister champion has emerged, overcoming the might of Dooku’s armies and Lumiya’s shadowy forces Silenceo’s Imperial Droid Division has lain claim to the Imperial throne and prepares to restore the Sith governed empire to its former strength.


Behold the factions!


The Republic Resistance

Base of Operations: The Green Jedi Enclave




Head of State: Grand Master Sunrider

Second-in-Command: Mace Windu

Allies: Commander Cody & Nek Bwua’tu

Supplier: Kuat Drive Yards [Kuat]

Organisation: Republic Intelligence [Coruscant]


Ground Forces


Major Ground Force: Clone Troopers/Third Systems Army [2,304]

Minor Ground Force: Jedi Knights/PT [50]


Light Vehicle: Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport (UT-AT) [34]

2nd Light Vehicle: XR-85 Tank Droid/3m [34]

Heavy Vehicle: HAVw A6 Juggernaut [9]


Naval Forces


Fighter Class: CF9 Crossfire starfighter

Bomber Class: I4 Ionizer starfighter

Elite Class: X-83 TwinTail starfighter


Light Capital Ship: Acclamator I-class assault ship [13]

Heavy Capital Ship: Venator-class star destroyer [6]

Flagship: Imperious-class star destroyer


Naval Crew: Grand Army of the Republic




The Imperial Droid Division

Base of Operations: Incorporation Islands




Head of State: Inquisitor Jerec

Second-in-Command: Admiral Trench

Allies: Desann & IG-88

Supplier: Commerce Guild [sullust]

Organisation: Inquisitorius [Prakith]


Ground Forces


Major Ground Force: Phase I Dark Troopers [768]

Minor Ground Force: Phase II Dark Troopers [128]


Light Vehicle: Phase III Dark Trooper [21]

2nd Light Vehicle: Persuader-class droid enforcer [43]

Heavy Vehicle: OG-9 homing spider droid [21]


Naval Forces


Fighter Classes: TIE/D fighter

Bomber Class: GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat

Elite Class: Shadow Droids


Light Capital Ship: Tartan-class corvette [24]

Heavy Capital Ship: Vindicator-class heavy cruiser [16]

Flagship: Praetor Mark II-class battlecruiser [Vengeance]


Naval Crew: Galactic Empire


Jerec has turned his attention to the Core, and Master Sunrider has rallied her forces to defend it, they clash at Corellia, were an ancient blood feud will be rekindled and the final battle for the galaxy will be waged. Its darkness against light, but who will win? The battle lines have been drawn…


Let the Kaggath begin!

Edited by Beniboybling
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So, to begin the Arbiter of this match shall be myself. Now on to the important notes:



  • Praetor Mark II-class battlecruiser is approx. 8,000 metres in length according to Age of Rebellion
  • The XR-85 Tank Droid in use is the 3m variant


And that's all for this Kaggath, so without further ado, space!

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Fighter Vulnerability




Venator's are perfectly defended against fighters with their numerous Point defense canons, and their main guns ability to change power setting and tracking speeds. How ever, beyond the main guns I still do not believe that Point defense guns are capable of Defending Allied ships, as all "fighter destroyer" Role ships/ ships designed to hunt down and kill fighters/ keep fighters off allies have Laser canons and not Point defense Canons. Suggesting Laser canons potentially greater range, and likely greater power output to keep fighters off allies.


Similarly of Course the Acclamator is equally well defended, by the same weapons.


The Imperious, on the other hand has no Fighter defense to speak of, and with both the Venator's and the Acclamator's fighter defense designs seem to be around operating either independently or with ships that are perfectly capable of defending themselves. This means the Imperious will lean EXTENSIVELY on the Fighters provided by the Venators and the Acclamators for Defense.



Overall: good fighter defenses all around, but the Imperious ill need serious protecting by fighter allies to not be taken down by the IDD.





Another ship similar again to the Acclamator in Fighter defenses. Its turbo's are even "light turbo's" usually meaning slightly better tracking there as well. The better tracking MAY allow it to hunt down some fighters, but this one is again an example of a ship that is meant to operate Largely independently of others. As such while it can defend itslef its not going to be saving any other ship.



These of course are the "bad boys" of fighter defenses. They are tough enough that they can take a decent beating from larger ships and tank fighter lasers pretty easily. To top it off their weapons are specifically designed to decimate enemy fighter wings and to keep them off of Larger ships. Finally they are agile enough to CHASE DOWN these fighters. While I do not usually take game mechanics EaW is a strategy simulator, its not perfect and wont suggest it is, but these ships have a VERY clear and present strength against enemy fighters. I have seen 5 Tartans Decimate over 50 Squads, thats over 600 fighters, simply because of their ability to cover each other and chase down any fleeing squads. With their efficiency, the IDD can keep several in reserve and just use a few providing cover fire at a time and still decimate wing, up wing. As one Tartan is lost, its reinforcement just takes its place and keeps on trucking. They are used for a reason, they decimate fighters much faster then larger ships can decimate them, especially when they are backed up by larger ships.



The Praetor Mark II Similarly vulnerable to Enemy fighters as the Imperious, it will need assistance if it is going to survive enemy Bombers. It is a large target and has a serious lack of Fighter defensive weaponry. With out help, it will die quick.



Overall: Its main ship the Vindicators are just fine against Fighters, and while it has the Praetor as vulnerable as the Imperious, the IDD makes up with it with the Tartans. No need for Fighters to remain on defense with the Tartans. Further with just 5 acting as screening for Ally fighters going against capital ships (5 more acting as the 5's back up) they can cut a swath of destruction freeing up Ally fighters to do serious damage. Even putting those on the offense they still have 14 Tartans capable of acting as multiple layers of screening for the powerful Praetor. Their Capital ships are set in a way that minimal amount of fighters are required for defense of their large ship.



Total Overall: The IDD takes a decisive edge in Fighter defenses, largely freeing up their fighters for not having to stick close to their cruisers, freeing up their Speed and their offensive strength. If the Tartans can cut an opening to the Imperious, it is very possible that the Bombers will cripple the ship and turn things slightly more in the Favor of the IDD.


This of course will depend greatly on just how large a Fighter disparity there is.

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Looking closer into it, I do find it difficult for the IDD.


We are looking at the Multi Role Destroyer, vs Multi Role Heavy Cruiser. As with most Same Role vs Same Role ship, the one size larger is meant to defeat 2 of the one size smaller.


In this case We are looking at 6 Venator's capable of destroying 12 Vindicators.


The Acclamator seems to largely be a transport ship, while its armament is not particularly impressive its ARMOR is. For this I feel the need to give a VERY slight edge to the Vindicator's. However this mean that the remaining 4 Vindicators would only be capable of Handling about 5 Acclamator's.



This leaves 24 Tartans going up against 8 Acclamators. Now the Tartans are listed as large Corvettes, their Large size would add to their toughness. In addition their primary role is Anti-fighter meaning their weapons dont have a particularly strong punch against something like an Acclamator. At the end of the day, this is largely a Heavy Cruiser vs Corvette which 1 Heavy cruiser was often capable of taking on a good 8-16 Corvettes. Even if we assume the smaller, there are still 5 Acclamator left to handle this situation.


Finally it comes down to the Flagships. While the Imperious is the "Mark II" of the Palleon, it was a Prototype, only 1 ever being built, as it took much of the fleet to get rid of and was almost to the point of being a "super weapon" so I feel it a step above the Usual "Mark II", but not a huge step up. The Praetor on the other hand, is also a Mark II, but its at a time when Battle Cruisers, and Dreadnaughts were just coming in to their own. This thing would have been very Large and Very powerful For its time. Ultimately I do feel the Praetor takes the edge, but I feel the Edge is small enough that what would "remain" would be about typical destroyer strength vs the remaining 5 Acclamators.


Unfortunately that is the problem. While the Acclamator largely a transport ship, it is still a Heavy cruiser so the Typical destroyer would be capable of taking on maybe 3 of them.... this would leave 2 more Acclamators giving the Overall edge to the RR.


Of course this is my usual way of doing calculations. While my analysis leaves "2 Acclamators left over" it actually a "strength 2 Acclamator Edge" meaning the number of ships left over would be what ever that strength would allow to domino. As an Edge it makes the remainder of course slightly more then that.


This of course ALSO does not take Fighters into account, as of Yet.... That could have a profound difference.... or not. This also does not take tacticians into account each of which could be worth far more then "Strength 2 Acclamator edge"

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Take into account though that the RR has the disadvantage when it comes to point defense, and in fact the Venator-class has demonstrated itself to be pretty damn vulnerable to fighter squads that get in close.


If, with the Tartans, the IDD can punch a sufficient hole through their fighter screens they can offload some Shadow Droid coordinated fighters and deal some heavy damage - for example in the manenr of Asajj Ventress and her tri droids - and if they manage to take down the small number of Venators present, they have a big advantage.

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1. Are the Venators using normal durasteel armor or the armor that the Acclamators use (forgot the name of the metal)? Also do they have SPHA/Ts?

2. The IDD has a LARGE advantage when it comes to its flagship. The Preator II is perhaps the most powerful flagship permitted in the battleground imho. Its fire power is insane: 300 heavy quad turbolasers and 200 normal turbolasers. According to Wookiee the Imperious has only 25 normal and 25 heavy turbos, 20 ion canons and 5 torpedo launchers. While these numbers are of course ridiculously low, the Preator still has an incredible firepower advantage. It is also noted as having very strong shields and armor iirc and its sheer size will allow it to soak up a hell of a lot of damage.

3. The RR seems to have a large tactical advantage imho. Trench afaik doesnt have any overly impressive feats and to me seems like a commander who is only remarkable, because he is average or a bit above average among many atrocious commanders in the CIS. Nek on the other hand was famed as a great commander in a period full of great commanders. Trench is also completely unaccustomed to the units he is commanding. While the TIE/Ds are perhaps similar to the CIS' droid starfighters, thats basically where the similarities end. Nek is also somewhat out of his element, but much less then Trench. While uncommon, Venators and Acclamators were still used during the GCE and later, and Crossfires and Twintails are basically newer X-Wings.

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1. Are the Venators using normal durasteel armor or the armor that the Acclamators use (forgot the name of the metal)? Also do they have SPHA/Ts?
I can't find any record of them being equipped with that material, so I would think not.


They are equipped however with SPHA/Ts.

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Take into account though that the RR has the disadvantage when it comes to point defense, and in fact the Venator-class has demonstrated itself to be pretty damn vulnerable to fighter squads that get in close.


If, with the Tartans, the IDD can punch a sufficient hole through their fighter screens they can offload some Shadow Droid coordinated fighters and deal some heavy damage - for example in the manenr of Asajj Ventress and her tri droids - and if they manage to take down the small number of Venators present, they have a big advantage.


They just need to use the Skiprays right to break the Venators factor in the better fighter defenses of the IDD and they can afford to try to punch that hole and drop some serious payloads.

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Tune's analysis is good, but as he mentions fails to take into consideration tactics and fighters.



RR: 1746

IDD: 1272


Crossfire vs. Tie/d

in a straight 1v1 comparison easily the Crossfire.


I4 ionizer vs. Skipray blastboat

Hands down this one goes to the tried and true Skipray. Packing a bigger punch and a more versatile arsenal it is easily the superior vessel.


X-83 twintail vs. the Shadow Droid

Tough one really. And in a 1v1 I might give it to the X-83 for its shielding and firepower combined with decent maneuverability


However... (bet you sensed that one coming)


The IDD has two major advantages in this arena. Tartans and droids.


-Tartan: a ship designed specifically with the firepower and speed to annihilate fighter squadrons. It helps the RR to have such durable and speedy craft but the Ionizers will get ripped to shreds on any attack run. The Tartan may not decimate the X-83s or the Crossfires too badly, but the Ionizers are easy prey.


-Droids: the Tie/d and Shadow droid meld makes these fighters far more deadly than they should be. The Shadow droid with its limited precog/DS force sense feeding orders to Tie/ds will have them operating more efficiently that the RR knows how to deal with.


Now here's my verdict.


The RR's fighters will probably do significant damage to the IDD's fighter screen, as good as the Shadow droid/ Tie/d mix is, the RR has better fighters. But the IDD's bomber is durable, and has plenty of cover. The point defence weapons of the Venators and Acclamators just aren't up to the job of countering these things and the Venators (like their Star Destroyer descendants) will suffer Trench Run Disease. The Imperious just lacks the necessary defenses to deal with the Skiprays as well.


That, in Tune's example, frees up the Vindicators to go after more of the Acclamators and would allow the Praetor to clean up any of the wounded capital ships.


Now this is an analysis of the fighters more than anything, and I didn't factor in tacticians. Honestly I feel Nek is the better tactician, and he'll be right at home with the long-range fire capability of the Venator (something he had aboard the Anakin Solo). However, I can't say to what extent either would effect the battle at this point.


Starfighter Edge: IDD

Space Battle Edge: IDD

Tactician edge: RR (at the very least they won't lose everything, Nek is very smart about that)

Edited by StarSquirrel
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So on capital ships and fire power:

Im calculating this in equivalents to one standard turbolaser. Im assuming that that a normal turbolaser is double-barreled, as we see these by far most commonly. Then 1 light turbolaser=0.5 normal turbos, 1 heavy turbo=2 normal turbos and 1 quad turbo=2 normal turbos and the Venator's DBYs are worth 8 turbos each. Im also ignoring point defenses, as they are irrelevant to capital ship fire power, as well as missile/torpedo launchers, as both sides possess sufficient point defences to shoot down any enemy missiles/torpedoes.


Venators vs. Vindicators

Venator: 8 DBYs and 2 turbolasers and 1 SPHA/T=8 x 8 + 2=66 normal turbos and 1 SPHA/T

Vindicator: 25 light turbos and 20 light quad turbos=25 x 0.5 + 20 x 2 x 0.5=32.5

Essentially the Venator has twice the Vindicator's firepower in turbolasers, but it also has the SPHA/T which is incredibly powerful. Id say that 2 Vindicators combined have roughly equal armor and slightly stronger shileds then 1 Venator, but the Venator has more fire power due to its SPHA/T. Overall Id say that 2 Vindicatoes are roughly equivalent to a Venator with the Venator having a slight advantage, but 3 Vindicators will definetelly suffice to beat a Venator.


Acclamators vs. Vindicators

Acclamator: 12 quad turbos=12 x 2=24

Vindicator: 25 light turbos and 20 light quad turbos=25 x 0.5 + 20 x 2 x 0.5=32.5

Overall Id say that the 2 are equal 1 on 1, as the Vindicator has stronger shields and firepower, while the Acclamator has way stronger armor.

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Tune's analysis is good, but as he mentions fails to take into consideration tactics and fighters.



RR: 1746

IDD: 1272


Crossfire vs. Tie/d

in a straight 1v1 comparison easily the Crossfire.


I4 ionizer vs. Skipray blastboat

Hands down this one goes to the tried and true Skipray. Packing a bigger punch and a more versatile arsenal it is easily the superior vessel.


X-83 twintail vs. the Shadow Droid

Tough one really. And in a 1v1 I might give it to the X-83 for its shielding and firepower combined with decent maneuverability


However... (bet you sensed that one coming)


The IDD has two major advantages in this arena. Tartans and droids.


-Tartan: a ship designed specifically with the firepower and speed to annihilate fighter squadrons. It helps the RR to have such durable and speedy craft but the Ionizers will get ripped to shreds on any attack run. The Tartan may not decimate the X-83s or the Crossfires too badly, but the Ionizers are easy prey.


-Droids: the Tie/d and Shadow droid meld makes these fighters far more deadly than they should be. The Shadow droid with its limited precog/DS force sense feeding orders to Tie/ds will have them operating more efficiently that the RR knows how to deal with.


Now here's my verdict.


The RR's fighters will probably do significant damage to the IDD's fighter screen, as good as the Shadow droid/ Tie/d mix is, the RR has better fighters. But the IDD's bomber is durable, and has plenty of cover. The point defence weapons of the Venators and Acclamators just aren't up to the job of countering these things and the Venators (like their Star Destroyer descendants) will suffer Trench Run Disease. The Imperious just lacks the necessary defenses to deal with the Skiprays as well.


That, in Tune's example, frees up the Vindicators to go after more of the Acclamators and would allow the Praetor to clean up any of the wounded capital ships.


Now this is an analysis of the fighters more than anything, and I didn't factor in tacticians. Honestly I feel Nek is the better tactician, and he'll be right at home with the long-range fire capability of the Venator (something he had aboard the Anakin Solo). However, I can't say to what extent either would effect the battle at this point.


Starfighter Edge: IDD

Space Battle Edge: IDD

Tactician edge: RR (at the very least they won't lose everything, Nek is very smart about that)

Good analysis, however I still have to point out a few things:

1. I think that the TIE/D is not as outclassed as you think. While I to belive that the Crossfire has an edge, the TIE/D is still a lot more maeuverable and benefits from the droid meld, making it at least a challenging opponent.

2. While Im not saying that the Shadow Droid will beat the Twintail, I still have to mention a few advantages that the SD has: stealth coating, superior pilots, EMP-gun to disable the Twintail's shields, turrented laser canons that give it larger firing arcs and conc missile launchers that should be deadly against even as durable starfighters as Twintails.

3. The Tartans are REALLY deadly vorvettes. Most other similarly sized vessels carry some anti capital ship weapons such as turbolasers, but the Tartan is a pure anti-fighter corvette. While the Twintails may be durable enough to survive an engagement with it, the Crossfires are not that durable. Id rate their defences at 100 SBD shielding and 30 RU armor, not enough to survive engaging a Tartan imo.

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Honestly I agree with pretty much everything every one is saying.


While I did not get to the Fighter Analysis Star's with Random's notes are basically my thoughts in a nutt shell


The overall fleet edge I have to give to the IDD, thanks to its better fighter defenses, in addition to its Capitals being only slightly "out matched" the fighters can make a large enough difference that the IDD can take a good edge here.


Tactics wise its a bit rougher to call as I feel both are pretty conservative and analytical, but again I do think the Battle Meditation could be used in a Very SMALL way and still have an effect on the fight. All-in-all its rough to call but I am leaning in slight Favor of the IDD, do to its better fighter destructive capabilities allowing its OWN fighters and bombers to hit a few key parts and disrupt the RR enough that its capital ships can overcome them after the fact.


While I may agree that Nek is better then Trench, I can NOT say for certain HOW much better their leading styles are to one another with any kind of quatifiable certainty.

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Those are batteries i.e. a set of cannons, they should be multiplied by 5 I believe.


it might only be multiplied by 3.... buts its possible that the number they give they MEANT canons, after all the Imp I's page says 50 batteries, but we know that to be false as its only 5 batteries with 50 guns.... So Batteries and canons on Wookie usually get mixed around abit....

Edited by tunewalker
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So on capital ships and fire power:

Im calculating this in equivalents to one standard turbolaser. Im assuming that that a normal turbolaser is double-barreled, as we see these by far most commonly. Then 1 light turbolaser=0.5 normal turbos, 1 heavy turbo=2 normal turbos and 1 quad turbo=2 normal turbos and the Venator's DBYs are worth 8 turbos each. Im also ignoring point defenses, as they are irrelevant to capital ship fire power, as well as missile/torpedo launchers, as both sides possess sufficient point defences to shoot down any enemy missiles/torpedoes.


Venators vs. Vindicators

Venator: 8 DBYs and 2 turbolasers and 1 SPHA/T=8 x 8 + 2=66 normal turbos and 1 SPHA/T

Vindicator: 25 light turbos and 20 light quad turbos=25 x 0.5 + 20 x 2 x 0.5=32.5

Essentially the Venator has twice the Vindicator's firepower in turbolasers, but it also has the SPHA/T which is incredibly powerful. Id say that 2 Vindicators combined have roughly equal armor and slightly stronger shileds then 1 Venator, but the Venator has more fire power due to its SPHA/T. Overall Id say that 2 Vindicatoes are roughly equivalent to a Venator with the Venator having a slight advantage, but 3 Vindicators will definetelly suffice to beat a Venator.


Acclamators vs. Vindicators

Acclamator: 12 quad turbos=12 x 2=24

Vindicator: 25 light turbos and 20 light quad turbos=25 x 0.5 + 20 x 2 x 0.5=32.5

Overall Id say that the 2 are equal 1 on 1, as the Vindicator has stronger shields and firepower, while the Acclamator has way stronger armor.


I would say that the SPHA/T would have to be used sparingly as it requires the ventral hangar to be open. With the fighter advantage seemingly with the IDD and especially with the Skiprays, it would be very risky to use.

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I would say that the SPHA/T would have to be used sparingly as it requires the ventral hangar to be open. With the fighter advantage seemingly with the IDD and especially with the Skiprays, it would be very risky to use.
I was thinking this when I read your post random. Otherwise I agree with everything you said.
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I would say that the SPHA/T would have to be used sparingly as it requires the ventral hangar to be open. With the fighter advantage seemingly with the IDD and especially with the Skiprays, it would be very risky to use.

Oh I didnt know that. That does of course tip the scales further in the IDD's favor.

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Thats the issue. I already multiplied. The original stats are 5 normal and 5 heavy bateries and 4 ion batteries.

Hmm, well its said to be the successor to the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer which has 50 heavy turbolaser batteries, 50 medium turbolaser batteries, 40 ion cannon batteries and 50 proton torpedo launchers.


So it could be those batteries are much larger than 5 each. Might do some calculations later.

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Hmm, well its said to be the successor to the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer which has 50 heavy turbolaser batteries, 50 medium turbolaser batteries, 40 ion cannon batteries and 50 proton torpedo launchers.


So it could be those batteries are much larger than 5 each. Might do some calculations later.

I agree, but I do need to mention that Im pretty sure that it really should be canons and not bateries on the Pelleanon, otherwise its firepower would be ridiculous.

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One thing I realise we haven't taken into account though is numbers, the IDD has 1,764 fighters at its disposal.


But the Republic Resistance has 3,300, so they have almost twice as many fighters that are designed for space superiority. Whereas the TIE/Ds are only effectively in swarms, with the numbers advantage.


Therefore even with the Tartans, fighter superiority for the IDD is far from assured. They are also vulnerable in terms of durabilty, the powerful, precise and fast-tracking cannons on the Venator could potential dispatch them quickly, as could Jedi Knights piloting Twin Tails, I am sure that Nek will make them a primary target for destruction.

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One thing I realise we haven't taken into account though is numbers, the IDD has 1,764 fighters at its disposal.


But the Republic Resistance has 3,300, so they have almost twice as many fighters that are designed for space superiority. Whereas the TIE/Ds are only effectively in swarms, with the numbers advantage.


Therefore even with the Tartans, fighter superiority for the IDD is far from assured. They are also vulnerable in terms of durabilty, the powerful, precise and fast-tracking cannons on the Venator could potential dispatch them quickly, as could Jedi Knights piloting Twin Tails, I am sure that Nek will make them a primary target for destruction.


Personally I took the numbers into account. I know they have more, but the Tartans will make that irrelevant was MY point.... The Tartans could handle that many fighters on their own....

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One thing I realise we haven't taken into account though is numbers, the IDD has 1,764 fighters at its disposal.


But the Republic Resistance has 3,300, so they have almost twice as many fighters that are designed for space superiority. Whereas the TIE/Ds are only effectively in swarms, with the numbers advantage.


Therefore even with the Tartans, fighter superiority for the IDD is far from assured. They are also vulnerable in terms of durabilty, the powerful, precise and fast-tracking cannons on the Venator could potential dispatch them quickly, as could Jedi Knights piloting Twin Tails, I am sure that Nek will make them a primary target for destruction.

1. Keep in mind that the IDD's fighters will be able to co-ordinate much more effectively which will be a huge advantage.

2. As I mentioned previously the maneuverability, small targets and droid meld mean that the TIE/Ds arent that outclassed by the Crossfires.

3. Both Skipreys and Shadow Droids are incredibly powerful.

4. The Vindicators have strong fighter defences and then you still have the Tartans that are REALLY strong corvettes.

5. IG-88 trolling.

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