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uneven matches


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I suggest to just play the game naturally, and switch faction after the match if it looks like an unstoppable winning streak otherwise. In Domination, it may be obvious but I will sometimes just sit stationary under the same satellite the whole match. In Deathmatch, nothing makes sense to me but to just go and kill them all.


Yep I agree completely.


What's interesting is that by 3-capping you are actually giving the team more of a chance to gain points. If I am solo queuing against a good premade and my team is garbage, I can almost always take the undefended node uncontested in a BLC scout or HLC Strike. Or if they have a lone bomber at the node I can take it out in a Quad/Pod Scout or HLC Strike. And that gives a lot of XP points. However, if the enemy is "taking it easy" on us then I have to fight against 4 players at a time if I try to take a node. And that's pretty much impossible if they are good players.

Edited by RickDagles
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Yep I agree completely.


What's interesting is that by 3-capping you are actually giving the team more of a chance to gain points. If I am solo queuing against a good premade and my team is garbage, I can almost always take the undefended node uncontested in a BLC scout or HLC Strike. Or if they have a lone bomber at the node I can take it out in a Quad/Pod Scout or HLC Strike. And that gives a lot of XP points. However, if the enemy is "taking it easy" on us then I have to fight against 4 players at a time if I try to take a node. And that's pretty much impossible if they are good players.


This is true if it is you or another good and experienced pilot trying to take the satellite (I've flown with/against you before and I know that you are a very strong pilot). The problem with this is that the scenario I see most of the time on my home server (Shadowlands) where the pubs triple cap the team composition is usually something like

Pubs: 4-6 good-elite pilots, 2-3 inexperienced but ok pilots and possibly 1-2 neweish pilots

This against an imperial team that is more like:

Imps: 1-2 good pilots, 4-5 inexperienced or new pilots and 2-3 leeching afkers (yes those same infamous 3) taking up space.


With that kind of matchup the 1-2 good pilots on the imp side may get more points if they have to wrest control from you (assuming that the other 3-5 good pub pilots don't see the sat turning and zerg over to defend it in time) *but* the majority of (non afk) newish pilots on the imp side are kind of SOL in this scenario because they lack the skill/experience to effectively take a satellite from even a lone defender by themselves, and they also lack the skill to hold it against the 4-6 reinforcements come to retake it immediately after it turns red.


The veteran pilots that may gain more points by retaking the third satellite are also the pilots that are more likely to stick around in GSF since they have already become invested enough in GSF to become as experienced as they are; but the newer pilots that are still learning the game are meanwhile getting *maybe* 500 ship req and 100 fleet req a match -if they are lucky- and the already long grind to upgrading their ship seems enormous. These new pilots are the ones that will get discouraged most by a triple cap and they are the ones GSF needs the most if it's to grow.


I'm not saying there is *never* a good reason to triple cap even if you're winning -I've been in matches where despite being ahead the whole game the opponents were fighting hard enough that a single mistake on our side at the wrong moment in the wrong place could cost the match and a third cap (or at least attempt) is a useful tool to take pressure off of the heavily contested sats you're defending- BUT in those matches where the opponents are hard pressed to even take a single satellite or in a match where the score has gotten to the point where the opponents literally have to triple cap to win? Giving the opponents a single satellite they can sit at and farm some requisition via defender medals if they choose to is not only sporting but essential if we don't want to chase off the new pilots that might one day (if they stick around) be the next biggest threat on the server (personally I'd love to have my butt kicked by some new blood now and again).


On another note, I suppose TDMs are a bit less cut and dried since if a new pilot can't even hit you there's no reason to drag the fight on. Even so, in those matches that look to end up being 50-5 slaughter-fests the winning team could simply pull back to mid every so often instead of spawn camping so that new pilots get less frustrated. Giving them a little space between their spawn and the fur-ball also gives newer pilots a small opportunity to practice flying before being blown up rather than simply launching into the midst of a kill zone. (I know this can be difficult since if you and your team aren't keeping on eye on where you are, chasing kills in TDMs that are so lopsided tend to pull you to the opponent's spawns anyway -and I'm guilty of not noticing I was dog fighting on top of a spawn on occasion myself-)

Edited by jmonka
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