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<Sith Triumvirate> is recruiting!


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There once existed a Sith Triumvirate led by three Dark Lords of the Sith: Darth Traya and her two apprentices, Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion. At it's height, this organization was strong enough to almost destroy the Jedi Order during the era of strife that took place after the Jedi Civil War. In the end, betrayal and in-fighting brought about its destruction before it could reach full potential, until now...


A powerful Sith Lord, Jor'Rick Zeal, has found ancient artifacts and documents detailing the organization as has taken it upon himself to revive the Sith Triumvirate. His ambition involves more than just destroying the Jedi Order, for he wishes to consume all before him, Republic and Empire alike, fulfilling his dream for a new Empire where his Sith Triumvirate will rule over all!


The Sith Triumvirate is now convened. Only the greatest and most powerful warriors in the galaxy will make it into the Sith Triumvirate's imperial army, so if you think you have what it takes to become one of us, join our ranks and prove your worth today!


((OoC: The Sith Triumvirate is a Heavy Roleplaying guild with Light PvE/PvP components on the Ebon Hawk (US) server of the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG. Please visit us here to read the rules and regulations that govern our guild before applying. For more information or if you have any questions, you can find us in-game under the names: Jor'rick, Mirsh'ko and/or Bair'ze.))

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They do not like any under-leveled players. I joined a [Veteran Flashpoint] Battle of Rishi at lv 16 and got booted. The apparent reason was for being under-leveled. Little do they know that all Veteran Flashpoints give everyone a bolster. So I was in fact not under level. Veteran Flashpoints are really easy and the fact that they don't think so is appalling. Plus they have been around for quite some time, and their player base is completely toxic. If you're looking for a guild you can learn from, this is not that guild.

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