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Revan's family tree story needs more


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Maybe it just me because he is one of my favourites force users and i played kotor read the book and so on.

But really? No touching scene where revan who was set in prison for century couldn't see Bastila and his child , have nothing to say to Satile who looks so similar to his wife and also his descendant. I don't know who wrote the story but ask for help from Mr. Drew Karpyshyn. So BIOWARE please when you finish the story of Revan show us some touching scene , yeah i know he is dead now but a ghost so you still can make up your mistakes.:mad:

What do you think about it guys?


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I walked away with the same bitter taste in my mouth. Though aside from satiating the fans, I can see how it was cut as it wouldn't have progressed the story any.


Nothing Satele/Theron/Scourge could've done would alter Revan's course...because it wasn't Revan, it was EVIL REVAN


Who is not himself, does not listen to reason...and does whatever he feels is right. I don't think it takes a microscope to see it's a cop-out of sorts. Still after much mulling over, it is what it is. I think every fan who's sank his teeth into Revan's lore had a different idea of the outcome. We still have Revan's spirit walking around, though I wouldn't expect any closure on his past life.

Edited by Kremsau
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Yes , but at the end he became complete again , so the evil Revan was his alter ego , atleast after he regained his other half and its obvious that we will meet Revan's spirit in future , i hope that then they will make up the hole that they left in me. Edited by MagisterPrime
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The minute he became whole he became one with the force if I remember right. Since his "light side" was a ghost he could not pass on. Imo a scene like you are talking about would have been clichéd and come off as forced. Tbh I thought the presence of Revan in the expac was clichéd and to an extent forced. The only reason I have leveled 3 toons though it (and working on a 4th) is because at the end I can say "thank god he is finally dead. They can move on to something else."
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i am more upset about bringing scourge to fight revan ... and revan not getting super angry


hope revan keeps popping up in ghost form.. .all the way until we deal with the emperor.


guiding our characters in the fight against vitiate


then at the end he can thank us for vanquishing him and finally depart into the force in peace


if revan never shows up again i'll be highly unsatisfied.

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i am more upset about bringing scourge to fight revan ... and revan not getting super angry


hope revan keeps popping up in ghost form.. .all the way until we deal with the emperor.


guiding our characters in the fight against vitiate


then at the end he can thank us for vanquishing him and finally depart into the force in peace


if revan never shows up again i'll be highly unsatisfied.


And I will be really annoyed if he comes back.


He's about 2 games, 300 years, and 1 expansion past his expiration date, I'm a bit done with the universe revolving around Revan.


Though you're probably right. Why should Bioware bother coming up with unique characters and stories when it takes far less effort to milk fond memories of KotOR?

Edited by jovianus
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Wow , guys i only sad about the part that they made zero story about his family "reunion"thing, some comments go off topic in my view.


Now that Revan is whole, i would like to see Revan have a moment (even if it is off screen) with Satele and Theron. However if that never occurs Ill be okay. Personally I am overall happy with the Revan story ( I would have preferred him not to be in the game at all but this beats having Revan's story end at the Foundry.) So from here, whatever happens, ill be fine with

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Now that Revan is whole, i would like to see Revan have a moment (even if it is off screen) with Satele and Theron. However if that never occurs Ill be okay. Personally I am overall happy with the Revan story ( I would have preferred him not to be in the game at all but this beats having Revan's story end at the Foundry.) So from here, whatever happens, ill be fine with


won't happen. his lightside spirit specificly says if you ask him "yeah I'm avoiding them. getting attached to people tends to end poorly for me"

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won't happen. his lightside spirit specificly says if you ask him "yeah I'm avoiding them. getting attached to people tends to end poorly for me"


Pretty much... You even see the flip side when Dark Revan is calling his " attachments" (Satele and Shan) traitors. Also he is whole...AND GONE. He is dead...now one with the force. To bring him back would require some major logical hurdles. The entire point of unifying was to move on. So long as he was "broken" neither could move on.


As to the OPs bit about wanting to see more about the family etc. its not off topic to say know if you are sick to death of the character. So seeing more of the character is the exact opposite of what we would want.

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