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[Empire] MDPS looking for a Progression Guild


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As it says in my signature I have successfully completed both The Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice SM. Not a huge deal I recognize, but I figured I'd throw it out there. I have also completed Sparky 8M HM, and Malaphar the Savage 8M HM. I am geared Juggernaut in augmented 192 gear with a couple pieces of 198.


I am fine to raid most nights. Tuesday is the only exception, I don't get home until 8 - 9 CST. If the group starts after that, then I could absolutely attend.


I have a ton of experience leading raids, especially The Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice. I am familiar (through guides) of most of the HM fights for both of them. I know many progression groups shy away from MDPS, but I can assure you what I lack in range I make up for with knowledge and common sense (rare enough, I find it helpful to throw in as a plus!)


My highest parse at the moment (on a 1.5m dummy) is 4094.


Thank you for your time!


Edited by Racq
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