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Bug with Marauder Deadly Saber and Berserk


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I am Marauder discipline and I am experiencing a bug with two abilities which I can not use. They are Deadly Saber and Berserk. The problem with the first one is that when I have 3 rage points (or more) required to use it, the button is still shady, so I can not activate the ability by clicking on it.

The problem with Berserk is quite the same. When I build 30 stacks of fury the proc goes up with the gold edges but the icon is still shadowed and I can not activate it. Is a big problem because they are two main abilities for this damage class and I can not perform the best dps.

I tried to reset the UI with Ctrl+U (2 times) but nothing improves. I also tried to respec to other discipline and come back to marauder class but the problem remains. I also tried to delete all the quick bars and rebuild them but the problem remains as well.

Please, give me a hand. Thanks for reading.

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