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Reaver & Battlemaster Armour Sets Help


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Hi everybody.


So I finally reached lvl 60 yesterday after 2 months of gaming, woho. Then I decided I wanted to get that super awesome armor set that looks like Darth Marrs. Ive seen 2, Reaver and Battlemaster.


Reaver from my understanding is bought from the cartel market. But idk where and there is no search bar in the store. Ive seen it in the GTM but thats like 1 million credits minimum for the entire set. Id rather not use so much money for 1 armour set. Also from what Ive seen the set is cosmetic? Aka clothes and give you no armor, strength or anything.


So here is another question, is there no way to have your cosmetic equiped as if you just were wearing 2 armour sets? Like in LOTRO, there you can wear your armour but you can also toggle cosmetic armor.


And lastly, Battlemaster. Ive seen plenty of Sith Marauders like me wear it, but again I dont know how to get it. Ive read some other forums where it said "Sith Marauder pvp vendor." Thats wrong, Ive only seen one SM pvp vendor in the galaxy and thats on Dromund Kaas. Its lvl 40 gear and he dosent even sell battlemaster armor set.


So to sum all this up. How do I get Battlemaster or Reaver armor? And is their no cosmetic armor toggle thing like in LOTRO/Lord Of The Rings Online?


(Note, since Im Sith Marauder I can not use heavy armor, just so you know.)



Edited by AkeroStar
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Reaver Armor is wearable at whatever level you wish. It, however, is usually worth a sizable amount of money.

Battlemaster Set is split into Ranked and Unranked. Both are only wearable at level 50. The ranked set has the valor rank of 60, and the unranked set is not. The ranked set however, is usually much cheaper than the ranked set. So it's essentially up to you if you want to wait until 50 for the unranked Battlemaster set, or shell out the money for the Reaver Armor.

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Okay if I was going for battlemaster, ranked or unranked how do I get it? I havnt seen it for sale at any vendor, only GTM.


And is there no clothes/armor toggle like in lotro? Or does one have to switch between casual good looking armor back to battle armor everytime one gets into a fight?

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No, there is no cosmetic toggle. I hear they are going to implement some kind of Costume Designer in patch 3.2, which will add such functionality. For now, both armors are empty shells and you'll have to fill them with mods, and you'd better be prepared to spend some money, cause taking out just one mod costs about 15k for end-game mods, like rating 192.


As concerns the pvp set, I don't play pvp, so no idea what pvp armor set are available, but there's a combat training section on the Imperial Fleet, check the pvp vendors there.

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