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[Empire] Progression team needs tank/heals


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The "Hired-Gunmen" Progression team is now in need of either 2 tanks, or 1 tank and 1 healer. We currently run Saturdays 8pm EST - 11pm EST and Sundays 11am EST- 1pm EST. We currently sit at 1/5 clear on HM ToS, and a 2/5 clear in HM Ravagers. Our next step is to work on Torque HM. Tanks preferrably powertech (Not a must), and healer needs to be a merc (Seeing as we already have a sorc healer, and operatives are a little underpowered for the new HM content). No need to join or guild or anything of the such, this is a combined guild progression team.

Teamspeak3, and Parsec required.

Edited by KnownOfDreams
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