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Am I stuck with Vette as my romance?!


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So I started out early bribing Vette with companion gifts to gain her affection since she didn't like any of the dark side options I was choosing, and this was before I even knew that jaesa would become a companion. If I remember correctly I think the romance options came up between me and vette before I had gotten jaesa. Now that I have jaesa as a companion I've also been bribing her with companion gifts and have gotten a some romance options such as kissing, but I still haven't gotten to the scene where you have to decide which one to choose and it seems to be stuck on vette. Will this scene come later on or did I screw it up by romancing vette to early on in the story?
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Unless you pursued the romance with Vette far enough to actually marry her, you should still get the conversation where you have to choose between them. When I did it, it was a Jaessa conversation, but I'm not sure if it can wind up coming from either of them. Just keep building your affection with Jaessa if that's the romance you want to pursue, as long as you keep getting romance options with her you should be fine.
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On more than one character, I got to max level before I even got to level 30 companion quests (admittedly, in part, because I was being stingy with the gifts). I just ignored the dialogue opportunities with the non-interesting companion, and went full steam ahead with the one I wanted (which, as noted, often comes after the first opportunity).
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