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......Range Root


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.........ITS STILL A FREAKIN HEROIC UTILITY!!! BW!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!? We can't take your stupid root if we want to be able TO LIVE!!!!! You idiots just keep pissing me off more and more! When City of Titans or Dragonball Online goes live.. IM DONE!!! Morons!!!
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they dont care for maras ,they have no understanding for the class.If they did ,they'd know resisting cc during force camo is useless ,we need it when we are about to do our burst dps ,and the whole thing with root ,they should just admitt they messed it and give us back saber throw
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.........ITS STILL A FREAKIN HEROIC UTILITY!!! BW!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!? We can't take your stupid root if we want to be able TO LIVE!!!!! You idiots just keep pissing me off more and more! When City of Titans or Dragonball Online goes live.. IM DONE!!! Morons!!!


There is a Dragon Ball mmo?

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There is a Dragon Ball mmo?


Well, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a DBZ "MMO" sorta. and China/Korea have had one for awhile.


Back on topic. Yes, the Ranged Root is a Heroic Utility, but why do we need a Ranged Root? all a root does is mildly annoy people, what we SHOULD have is a Ranged Stun that isnt Channeled, so change the Root on Crippling Slash when it's Heroic talented, to a Stun, leave everything else the same put it on a 3s duration, and it will be perfect.

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.........ITS STILL A FREAKIN HEROIC UTILITY!!! BW!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!? We can't take your stupid root if we want to be able TO LIVE!!!!! You idiots just keep pissing me off more and more! When City of Titans or Dragonball Online goes live.. IM DONE!!! Morons!!!



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.........ITS STILL A FREAKIN HEROIC UTILITY!!! BW!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!? We can't take your stupid root if we want to be able TO LIVE!!!!! You idiots just keep pissing me off more and more! When City of Titans or Dragonball Online goes live.. IM DONE!!! Morons!!!


Yeah it's horrible as a heroic utility. God I was just on my sentinel looking at the utility changes. Its awful.


Probably my #1 complaint is the guarded by the force change to a 3minute cooldown.....99% damage reduction for 4 seconds on a 3min cooldown. Seriously? THATS AWFUL. It needs to go BACK to 2 minutes, and have the utility reduce it to 1.5min OR have that utility box reduce it's cooldown by a 1.5min. Not 30 seconds.


God awful utilities. I also like the heroic utility that increases guarded/undying by 2 seconds. FREAKIN 2 seconds? hahaha. Just delete that box. Combine that with with the cooldown reduction box. I don't know why the devs can't easily organize boxes together. Especially considering how hard it is to play mara/sent in competitive pvp right now.

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