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Commando and Vanguard skill Visuals


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Ok, so I have started playing the Commando recently and I love the class. I actually have very little complaints about the game in general but I feel that there is some tinkering that needs to be done regarding the vanguard skill visuals.


One of the biggest problems I have with the skill visuals is that not all of the cannons or rifles look like they should be shooting mortar volley. Its a fun skill but it gets to me when I am shooting those kinds of rounds out of a smaller leaner assault cannon and the same goes for blaster fire out of the thick chunky cannons. I guess what I'm getting at is maybe a visual skill change is necessary. I also think that the pulse cannon could use a bit of work. Something feels off when I'm shooting electricity out of my cannon or rifle in that way... maybe its just me.


Basically I am asking for ideas on possible changes to those skills visually to make them make more sense with all weapons and gameplay.


My idea for mortal volley was to possibly have a grenade volley or a grenade roll where you roll grenades onto the feet of those standing in the strike zone and have them detonate in the same way the mortar volley would!


Please submit your own ideas and comments.


Also The possibility of diversity with weapons would be nice. WE are troopers why cant we use blaster pistols like Commander Cody or Captain Rex. Even a Trooper with a sniper rifle would be fun. Just things to think about in terms of expanding some of our classes here at SWTOR.

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