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Top DPS games (PVP)


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Hey all! Post your best DPS games as Merc/Mando. Regs, ranked, whatever. DPS, overall damage, killing blows, solos, whatever you want to share! Someone posted a similar thread for HPS so we might as well have one for our deeps!


Here are my two biggest 8v8's as Arsenal from the last couple weeks (I don't play IO much in PVP, mostly just PVE):


http://i.imgur.com/hq0xwXu.jpg (2750 dps)

http://i.imgur.com/QfyMT67.jpg (2601 dps)

http://i.imgur.com/kHLupua.jpg (32 kb's)


- Hoppin

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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