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Why exactly are marauders in a bad place?


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If anyone has a link maybe I could go check out some old patch notes or something where they made some changes. Would love to see what happened to marauders exactly. I understand the meta has changed and it appears as a little bit of power creep has taken place. But what happened to marauders exactly. Why are they in a bad spot/
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Everything about pvp is movement. Mara/sent have the least abilities to deal with root's/slows/stuns/knockbacks in the game at the moment. Essentially they are the only class that does not have an ability that gives them root/slow immunity for a duration. They can break a root/slow, but as mind numbingly easy as it is to reapply root/slow maras feel like they're playing in molasses.


Transcendence root/slow break is really clunky, since it shares a resource with zen you have to decide to sit on full zen in case you get root/slowed or use zen and not have the root/slow break..It's a really dumb system.(not to mention it's also a heroic level utility)

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Half the boss fights in pve are also extremely melee unfriendly to boot. Bulo, Torque, Sword Squad, Underbugger and Revan all possess mechanics ranged don't even have to worry about, but cause melee to lose a significant amount of uptime. Most of the sent defenses either yield high CD time or are downright unusable in boss fights, so we're less than prepared when comparing ourselves to Guardians or Shadows.


Add to the fact that even the dotspec is outparsed by at least one spec on all 3 ranged classes on the dummy alone, there really isn't a reason to play this class in a competitive environment. :/

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