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PVP Merc Arsenal Tips


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H guys, i am new to merc PVP and i am going to be doing team ranked soon. I wish you guys could help me out with some guidance.


1) What Utilities to use

2) How to min/max the gear.

3) Tips on the "rotation" to use for maximum damage.


Thank you all in advance for the help!:)

Edited by roxxrafa
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H guys, i am new to merc PVP and i am going to be doing team ranked soon. I wish you guys could help me out with some guidance.


1) What Utilities to use

2) How to min/max the gear.

3) Tips on the "rotation" to use for maximum damage.


Thank you all in advance for the help!:)




Tip #1: don't play ranked as Arsenal Merc

Tip #2: switch to healing spec

Tip #3: then try ranked

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Tip #1: don't play ranked as Arsenal Merc

Tip #2: switch to healing spec

Tip #3: then try ranked


Not helpfull bro.

I really don't feel merc is that bad on team ranked. Solo, sure. Its a class with many possibilities. I want somone who plays merc dps and has some insight on how to play it currently.

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Tip #1: don't play ranked as Arsenal Merc

Tip #2: switch to healing spec

Tip #3: then try ranked


No, No, and more No. Healer merc has more problems than arsenal...


As for what the OP wants... Arsenal Merc is actually quite a hard class to play in PvP, you will want a bit of accuracy just to make sure HSM and RS don't miss a DPS target, and you will need to learn when to use your 4 DCD's (Hydro Overrides, Decoy, Energy Shield, and Kolto Overload)


Here's a few general ROT's (Rules of Thumb)


1. Use Hydro Overrides to break roots and slows, NOT your CC breaker.

2. Cleanse Stunned allies (this could make or break a game)

3. Use Decoy against classes with heavy hitting Force/Tech attacks (Other Arsenal mercs, Infiltration Shadows, Concentration and Combat Sentinels, Telekenetics Sages, the list goes on)

4. Utilities should be as follows.

Skillful: Jet Escape, Power Barrier, Custom Enviro Suit (Or Gyroscopic Alignment Jets if you feel risky)

Masterful: Torque Boosters, Power Shield

Heroic: Stabilized Armor, Energy Rebounder OR Thrill of the Hunt

5. Stay Mobile, you should be moving constantly to keep your enemies on their toes.

6. Use Electro Net when an enemy is near death, this helps to ensure their death.

8. Get a good team compisition, for you a class with the Tech Damage debuff and the Internal/Elemental debuff would help some, so a Concealment Operative would be ideal for boosting eachother's damage (you get extra DPS from the Tech Damage debuff, and they get damage from Sundered along with some minor damage from Marked)

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First and foremost remember that pvp is very different from pve.. in pve you are rarely under pressure/have aggro, in pvp thats what its all about. Especially on a merc where we have the worst defensive cooldowns in the game.


That having been said here are a few tips very general tips i would offer:

know your optimal rotation, but dont be a slave to it

stay mobile

learn to LoS use your range

force the opponent to use their key skills first if you can

dont be afraid to off heal others

use your CCs

adjust your utils based on audience, they are not absolutes.

know your non pew pew skills.


other than that youll need to develop your own understanding but dont be too rigid is the best thing i can say.. not everything works the same against everyone all the time.

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