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Sup Dawgs


So I've hosted a few (3) not so secret dueling tournaments so far. They've run fairly well with the only issues being people not showing up on time and downtime between duels.


The next tournament I will be hosting will be on April 11, 2015 around 5pm-ish server(Subject to change).


If you're interested in dueling in my tournament please feel free to send me your entry (there is no entry fee) via in game mail.

Send it to Ohhrage. Unfortunately i do not have a pub toon, so for you pubs willing to participate get someone on imp side to mail me your entry or get on your imp toon and mail me your entry. In your mailed in entry please tell me which toon you will be entering with.


As for the rules...

1. medpacks, stims, adrenals and grenades are fair use

2. all matches will be decided by a best out of three duels

3. you may respec/change gear in between rounds

4. leaving the dueling area is considered a loss (however being pushed out of dueling area will result in a do over

5. one toon per player

6. Fighting in healing spec is not allowed. (that goes for mercs, operatives, sorcs and their pub counterpart healers)

7. No Sap and Heals (by heals I mean the out of combat regen)

8. Don't be a crybaby/phuckface if you lose/win


Where the tournament will held?

In the old Republic base area on Ilum (very south end of the pvp area)


What is the prize?

The winner of my tournament not only gets an overwhelming EGO but also a plethora of "congratulations", 14 MK-10 Kits, 20 Million credits and lastly a secret tradition the past contestants are completely aware of


I won't be online, but i want to watch whatever shall I do?


These guys should be rolling up the grass


Mev’s Twitch


Evo’s Twitch


1st Round Brackets for April 11th , 2015 tourney



Feel free to call me out on anything you feel i was not clear on and i will try to clear it up as best I can.

Edited by OhhRage
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For a 3rd stream you can use mine


As for me streaming my duels in my POV we will see how my internet suffices. But for the most part I will stream all the other duels. Mine will be added in if my net can handle it.


As for questions, I do have a key one. You said no sap and heal and that the healing you are referring to is REGEN type.


My question is such: Does that "sap and healing" include, for instance, an operative flashbanging someone and then probing / using kolto infusion to heal (same with sorcs whirlwinding and healing, mercs concussion thingy and healing etc etc.)? Cause if so that is also a key part to add in.

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Sup Dawgs


So I've hosted a few (3) not so secret dueling tournaments so far. They've run fairly well with the only issues being people not showing up on time and downtime between duels.


The next tournament I will be hosting will be on April 11, 2015 around 5pm-ish server(Subject to change).


If you're interested in dueling in my tournament please feel free to send me your entry (there is no entry fee) via in game mail.

Send it to Ehhrage. Unfortunately i do not have a pub toon, so for you pubs willing to participate get someone on imp side to mail me your entry or get on your imp toon and mail me your entry. In your mailed in entry please tell me which toon you will be entering with.


As for the rules...

1. medpacks, stims, adrenals and grenades are fair use

2. all matches will be decided by a best out of three duels

3. you may respec/change gear in between rounds

4. leaving the dueling area is considered a loss (however being pushed out of dueling area will result in a do over

5. one toon per player

6. Fighting in healing spec is not allowed. (that goes for mercs, operatives, sorcs and their pub counterpart healers)

7. No Sap and Heals (by heals I mean the out of combat regen)

8. Don't be a crybaby/phuckface if you lose/win


Where the tournament will held?

In the old Republic base area on Ilum (very south end of the pvp area)


What is the prize?

The winner of my tournament not only gets an overwhelming EGO but also a plethora of "congratulations", 14 MK-10 Kits, 20 Million credits and lastly a secret tradition the past contestants are completely aware of


I won't be online, but i want to watch whatever shall I do?


These guys should be rolling up the grass


Mev’s Twitch


Evo’s Twitch


1st Round Brackets for April 11th , 2015 tourney



Feel free to call me out on anything you feel i was not clear on and i will try to clear it up as best I can.


I abhor duels, but I'll be there.


EDIT: okay, I may or may not be there, I'm not quite sure yet.

Edited by Mevarek
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For a 3rd stream you can use mine




My question is such: Does that "sap and healing" include, for instance, an operative flashbanging someone and then probing / using kolto infusion to heal (same with sorcs whirlwinding and healing, mercs concussion thingy and healing etc etc.)? Cause if so that is also a key part to add in.


Personally, I think that unless you are dueling a class that can also CC and heal then it should not be allowed. So if an operative is dueling another operative I would say allow it but if its an operative against a marauder then no. But that's just my opinion.

Edited by AbashedDuk
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i believe he clarified it with "leave combat"


That's the thing cherry. If I was dueling mev on his marauder for example, I could stealthout which would DROP COMBAT for us both, then sleep dart him, unstealth and proceed to regen while he is screwed over due to being mez'd. Rage, myself, and a bunch of others discussed this last night in voice and by the way it seems this is gonna end up happening:


You can't stealthout and sap someone and be the only one to regen. Basically saying, the only way you can regen is if combat is dropped PASSIVELY, basically meaning both players are idle in fighting to the point where combat is mitigated out of it's own time. Basically you can't stun someone, reset combat, and be the only person in the duel to regen.


As for the sap healing in general it seems to me, at least from what was discussed, that any class that has the capabilities will be allowed to CC you (debilitate, awe, flashbang, etc.) any form of CC and simply use their personal heals to heal up. Personal heals being Kolto Probes / Infusion, Med Scan (or w/e the mando / merc ones are), Dark heal / The massive self heal, etc etc.


THE ONLY thing being properly attuned is the capability to regen. So a warning (in my own perspective of dueling as a stealther for awhile) is simply DON'T stay stealthed for too long if you stealth out...you will screw yourself over and that person will start to regen if the time slot has been recorded for a passive drop of combat.

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Isn't Shink setting up the brackets? In b4, Bus vs Currik Kappa


Inb4 you haven't been in mumble to hear the dicussions. Since Shink donated basically 90% of the funds he gets to pick 1 of a multitude of brackets Rage randomizes. He isn't allowed to fully make the bracket.

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Inb4 you haven't been in mumble to hear the dicussions. Since Shink donated basically 90% of the funds he gets to pick 1 of a multitude of brackets Rage randomizes. He isn't allowed to fully make the bracket.

Oh, okay. Still, Shink will pick that Currik vs Bus, I can feel it <.<

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No shh don't say that or it will come true


If he even remotely tries. Then I guess I will find a way to rig it internally so that he has to 1 v 2 currik and I.


Besides, nobody wants to see the Currik v Bus duel that will last longer than any of the others. Hell, that duel will be entertaining as hell and that can't be denied

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If he even remotely tries. Then I guess I will find a way to rig it internally so that he has to 1 v 2 currik and I.


Besides, nobody wants to see the Currik v Bus duel that will last longer than any of the others. Hell, that duel will be entertaining as hell and that can't be denied


m8 watching you guys roll all over the place and occasionally burst each other while healing will be long, no doubt, but entertaining?

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m8 watching you guys roll all over the place and occasionally burst each other while healing will be long, no doubt, but entertaining?


You never saw the duels between phatty and I and then currik and I last tournament. Same with zuhara. Sure rolling was involved and they can be long. But the entertainment factor with HEALS being included now? **** is gonna get clutchy as **** m8.

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zu vs bus

zu vs bus

zu vs bus

zu vs bus

zu vs bus

zu vs bus


Hey now currik. We all know who would win that :rolleyes: huehuehue #exfiltratestronk


But seriously. I think currik and I would end up just sitting there starring at each other if that was legitimately the first round :p. And if we are doing this, then how about this:


Currik vs Shink

Currik vs Shink

Currik vs Shink

Currik vs Shink

Currik vs Shink

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roll should be banned

snipe should be banned

operative stealth should be banned

sin stealth is fine

roll should be banned

volatile substance should be banned

flashbang should be banned

roll should be banned


I think we should just ban all gear, defensives, and abilities that aren't legacy punches so we can fight the way our mighty god (musco) intended us to.

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