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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mods, armorings and droid parts for sale


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Hey! I'm a master Cybertech, I make all kinds of armorings and droid parts, and some mods too. I only make the end-game stuff now, but I may start crafting lower-level stuff later. I sell top-quality armorings up to 186, mods up to 178 (I'll fix that soon enough), and I have the 7 basic droid components at 186 as well. I sell much cheaper than you might expect, but I always need more Doonium. I can charge you credits, OR you can give me 4 Doonium in exchange for the item of your choice. This deal is ongoing, no rush, but I can't craft without materials, so any former crafters or underworld traders with extra mats, let me know! Reply to this thread, or mail me in-game, please don't PM me on forums my browser will block it.


178 mods/armorings: 35k

186 mods/armorings: 45k

178 droid parts: 30k

186 droid parts: 75k (these require a LOT of Doonium)

Remember, you can trade 4 Doonium for any ONE item of your choice! Happy Hunting!

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Wait a second... you want to offer to sell an item for a fraction of its crafting material list? (yeah I know that it is the biggest portion value wise... but)


You know that when you trade a droid part for four Doonium, you lose the other materials required to craft said droid part? They aren't like sub-parts (mods, enhancements, etc) where if you crit you get a second copy of the item for free and THAT is your profit. Your way you're essentially paying people for the privilege of crafting their droid parts for them.



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Wait a second... you want to offer to sell an item for a fraction of its crafting material list? (yeah I know that it is the biggest portion value wise... but)


You know that when you trade a droid part for four Doonium, you lose the other materials required to craft said droid part? They aren't like sub-parts (mods, enhancements, etc) where if you crit you get a second copy of the item for free and THAT is your profit. Your way you're essentially paying people for the privilege of crafting their droid parts for them.




For mods and armorings it makes sense. Most crafters have a ~15-22% chance to crit, so the chance to create a duplicate you can sell for profit will, on balance, keep you well in the green. Not requiring the other mats means more customers, usually. This was common practice on the server for a while, with many crafters offering free-for-mats crafting on the chance of getting a duplicate.


The droid parts thing makes absolutely no sense to me.

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I AM doing this to make a profit, and I'm aware of the issue. But let's be honest: how many droid parts can one player use? Any player has no more than 3 droid companions, depending on class (HK-51 and C2-N2/2V-R8, + SCORPIO, M1-4X, T7-01, etc.), and even with a bunch of leveled toons with all of these, the majority of players will STILL need mods and armorings for their own gear and their companions'. I am doing the community a favor, providing a much-needed service, and still making a profit. Everyone wins!


Even with this philosophy I would still be breaking even at best, right? So consider this. GTN prices for 186 armorings are almost double what I'm charging, and 1 Doonium costs 50k minimum! So the odds are, anyone who has Doonium can either A) make their own armorings and mods, or B) just has Underworld Trading for the companion gifts and sells all the stuff anyway, so no one is actually going to trade me 4 Doonium. That would require having a maxxed crew skill, crew members to do it, AND an actual need for my products! So they either meet all these criteria, or shell out 150k+ for a "free" item.


Do the math.


BTW I honestly do appreciate the concern, but as you can see, I've got it down to a science. ;)

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